Level Up (A5E) Elite Monster Template


I really love the idea of elite monsters. Is there an existing template out there to help me create my own? It seems like it's 2x HP, elite recovery, plus ~50% increased damage. Is there more to it than that? Monstrous Menagerie is maybe the best D&D book I've ever purchased, but it's a little disappointing that no template for creating an elite monster was provided (that I can see).

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I really love the idea of elite monsters. Is there an existing template out there to help me create my own? It seems like it's 2x HP, elite recovery, plus ~50% increased damage. Is there more to it than that? Monstrous Menagerie is maybe the best D&D book I've ever purchased, but it's a little disappointing that no template for creating an elite monster was provided (that I can see).
I haven't looked at the specifics in a while, but an elite monster is the equivalent of 2 monsters of the same CR. To do that it needs, roughly, 2x hit points and way to recover from conditions and negative effects when it is bloodied. The elite recovery is the method most often employed, but you could do it with a blanket recovery. However, you shouldn't be increasing DPR with this method. Also, though it is not part of the Elite Recovery ability, it really should have a method to recharge any traits or abilities.

Of course it can get more nuanced as seen in the "official" Mythic Monsters that elite monsters are emulating. So you could increase HP by 50% and then increase DPR by 50% (or there about) once it is bloodied. The are fun things you can do it you break out of the "template" mind set. Just think of it as two monsters of the same CR with a recovery mechanic when it is bloodied and your good to go.
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Here is a simple template for you:

Double the monster's hit points
Double the monster's XP value
Give it the following trait:

Elite Resilience (Elite Trait/1 per Rest). When the (monster) is first bloodied, all conditions and effects it is suffering end for it, all of its abilities recharge, and it can use its Elite Traits and Actions (if it has any) for 1 hour.

It doesn't have to have additional Elite Traits and Actions, but they make elite monsters a little more interesting


I haven't looked at the specifics in a while, but an elite monster is the equivalent of 2 monsters of the same CR. To do that it needs, roughly, 2x hit points and way to recover from conditions and negative effects when it is bloodied. The elite recovery is the method most often employed, but you could do it with a blanket recovery. However, you shouldn't be increasing DPR with this method. Also, though it is not part of the Elite Recovery ability, it really should have a method to recharge any traits or abilities.

Of course it can get more nuanced as seen in the "official" Mythic Monsters that elite monsters are emulating. So you could increase HP by 50% and then increase DPR by 50% (or there about) once it is bloodied. The are fun things you can do it you break out of the "template" mind set. Just think of it as two monsters of the same CR with a recovery mechanic when it is bloodied and your good to go.
But elite monsters - at least the ones I'm thinking of - do increased DPR (cave ogre, owlbear recluse, djinni noble).


But elite monsters - at least the ones I'm thinking of - do increased DPR (cave ogre, owlbear recluse, djinni noble).
Like I said, it is nuanced. IMO that is against the spirit of what an elite monster is, but I find the Menagerie math a little squirrely anyway.

IMO, the important thing is that conceptual it is two monsters rolled into one. How you make that happen is up to you.

Like I said, it is nuanced. IMO that is against the spirit of what an elite monster is, but I find the Menagerie math a little squirrely anyway.

IMO, the important thing is that conceptual it is two monsters rolled into one. How you make that happen is up to you.
Why do you find it against the spirit of the elite monster?
If it has to be two monsters into one, and has the same actions, reactions and bonus actions, one would need to double the damage. However doing that would certainly result in a monster with too high damage output for the given CR rating, but a +50% boost should be a significant but still manageable increase


Hey - you're right on the composition of an elite monster:
-2x hit points
-Elite Recovery (as a trait, action, bonus action) to prevent the monster from being locked down longterm
-a way to increase its effectiveness by about 50% from the baseline for its Challenge Rating. This is the piece that is not fully a template, since we do that in multiple ways in Monstrous Menagerie. One of the most common we use is to wait until it's bloodied and then double its damage output in some way, but there are many other ways to accomplish something similar (which is why it's more of an art than science so far).

One reason I like the monster becoming more damaging when it is bloodied is because it changes and heightens the battle instead of keeping it a static slog. But you could decide that for a specific monster, you want it to deal 50% damage throughout, or more damage in the first half of the battle, or keep its damage constant and increase its defenses halfway through, etc.

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