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EN World EN5ider Has Launched!

EN World EN5ider has launched! EN World EN5ider is the new way to get regular gaming articles and adventures online. For a small monthly donation, you will receive rules articles, gaming advice, adventures, and more. Collect EN5ider articles and adventures designed and formatted to be filed in a binder. The treasure hoard of a winged fire-breathing reptile and a subterranean cave complex all in one place. And best of all - YOU decide how much you want to pay! Not only that, there are four free sample articles for you to check out before you become a Patron!

EN World EN5ider has launched! EN World EN5ider is the new way to get regular gaming articles and adventures online. For a small monthly donation, you will receive rules articles, gaming advice, adventures, and more. Collect EN5ider articles and adventures designed and formatted to be filed in a binder. The treasure hoard of a winged fire-breathing reptile and a subterranean cave complex all in one place. And best of all - YOU decide how much you want to pay! Not only that, there are four free sample articles for you to check out before you become a Patron!

Head on over to EN World EN5ider right here! Check out the free articles, and if you like what you see, choose how much you'd like to donate per article and become a Patron. There's some awesome stuff in the pipeline!


There are four FREE sample articles for you to check out before you become a Patron - including an entire adventure! Download The Business of Emotion (an adventure by Paul Okesh), 5 Campaign Lessons from The Hobbit Films by Eric Pierce, Cherished Trinkets by Ryan Chaddock, and Archery Contests by Russ Morrissey. If you like what you see, and want more of this every week, simply become a Patron!


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Hunh. Weird, just reloaded the page, and the button's there now. OK, never mind.

Me too. Must've been seeing the same thing.

The adventure is definitely an interesting one! I must admit I've never thought of an adventure where peace and love were the problems. :D


First Post
The adventure is definitely an interesting one! I must admit I've never thought of an adventure where peace and love were the problems. :D

I'm glad you at least find it interesting! It was a lot of fun to write and everyone I playtested it with had a blast. Level 2 to me should be pretty happy-go-lucky, leave the grit and grime for higher levels, you know?

The magical effects of the water can lead to some interesting RP dynamics too, especially when one of the first things a player does at the start of the session is go bathe in the river!


We've just reached 100 patrons and we're only nine dollars shy of $300 pledged per article! And all within the first 24 hours! You first 100 patrons are fantastic, thank you so much.

That said, I'm currently editing an excellent adventure by this fine fellow, and I'd love for all of you to get your hands on it. Once we reach our $500/article milestone, we'll have the funds to release an adventure like The Business of Emotion and our upcoming adventure, Winterheart, every month!


Bourbon and Dice
I'm hoping to sign up in a month or so when I get back to the first world. I'm only on page 4 but I haven't seen anything about being able to get the back content. I'm willing to set my donation amount and packpay for those months too. I just don't know if I'll be able to set this up while I'm at where I'm at.

If anyone can answer about donating for back-issues, I would be appreciative.


I'm (sadly) not a fan of the formatting. I despise columns of unequal widths. I hate them even more in adventures. For me, they make it much harder to read. I really hope you go with equal column widths in future articles!
I'm planning to give more detailed feedback later, but I have to agree. It doesn't sit well with me either.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Wow, that was a thing to wake up to this morning! When I went to bed last night it was just shy of funding at $238 or so; now it looks like $500 might indeed be possible! I was sure it would take a whole week to get to $250, but it hasn't even been 24 hours yet!

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