EN5ider #29: As Good As His Blade: A Dozen New Weapon Properties

New for EN World EN5ider patrons! Expand the list of weapon properties to include barbed, double, awkward, tripping, and more! Along with nearly 20 new weapons designed to use these new properties, and changes to the entangling and reach properties, this article will unlock the potential of weapon design and introduce more variety into your fighting style! By Connors; illustrated by Jacob Blackmon.

New for EN World EN5ider patrons! Expand the list of weapon properties to include barbed, double, awkward, tripping, and more! Along with nearly 20 new weapons designed to use these new properties, and changes to the entangling and reach properties, this article will unlock the potential of weapon design and introduce more variety into your fighting style! By Connors; illustrated by Jacob Blackmon.



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I feel like an idiot, but I just want to make sure I got this right. If I want three articles, I can pay $1 per article, yes?


I'm really curious to see what the forum thinks of this article...if it turns out balanced, I'm probably going to get it, as well as the monk subclass and ritual one.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I'm really curious to see what the forum thinks of this article...if it turns out balanced, I'm probably going to get it, as well as the monk subclass and ritual one.

When you become a patron you get *all* the articles. You don't buy specific ones individually.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
...oh. Well, that's even better. So, for example, I can just put in a dollar, and get all three? And it's $3 to get the adventures, right?

When you become a patron (at whatever amount you want) you aren't buying existing articles, you're paying us to make new articles. All of the existing ones are there for you; and you get new ones as long as you remain a patron. There's no actual purchase involved.

It's an old model, the patronage system, although combining it with crowdfunding is new.

So yeah, for a dollar you can get all 29 existing articles, though I'd hope you'd think 'em worth more than 3 cents each. The system relies on goodwill a bit! :)


Ahhh, any questions about the actual article? I am happy to respond. It was quite a buzz to get an article in En5ider and putting something back into the ENWorld community after being a member here for years.

Be warned. Some of these properties are not for everyone. You may use only some of them. Some players will love some of them, but dread others. A couple of qualities may be dreaded by some players, as they would reduce the effectiveness of some existing weapons. But these qualities 'may' go some way of addressing some tables' view that the 'great' weapons and reach weapons can be overpowered with the current feats and combos available. And besides, can lead to some interesting situations.

Again, there is plenty on here, and I am sure you will find something you could use.

I am happy to take questions, and I have other ways of using some of these qualities. Obviously, you can't get everything into 1 article. ;)

One thing I neglected to mention, is that a quarterstaff should be considered a 'light' weapon when used with the 'double' quality only.

Anyway, fire away.


When you become a patron (at whatever amount you want) you aren't buying existing articles, you're paying us to make new articles. All of the existing ones are there for you; and you get new ones as long as you remain a patron. There's no actual purchase involved.

It's an old model, the patronage system, although combining it with crowdfunding is new.

So yeah, for a dollar you can get all 29 existing articles, though I'd hope you'd think 'em worth more than 3 cents each. The system relies on goodwill a bit! :)

Oh. Well, that makes more sense. Thanks, Morrus! Yeah, I'd like to put in more, but am hesitant; I've actually never backed a Kickstarter, or done anything like this before, so couldn't wrap my head around it right away.

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