EN5ider #29: As Good As His Blade: A Dozen New Weapon Properties

New for EN World EN5ider patrons! Expand the list of weapon properties to include barbed, double, awkward, tripping, and more! Along with nearly 20 new weapons designed to use these new properties, and changes to the entangling and reach properties, this article will unlock the potential of weapon design and introduce more variety into your fighting style! By Connors; illustrated by Jacob Blackmon.

New for EN World EN5ider patrons! Expand the list of weapon properties to include barbed, double, awkward, tripping, and more! Along with nearly 20 new weapons designed to use these new properties, and changes to the entangling and reach properties, this article will unlock the potential of weapon design and introduce more variety into your fighting style! By Connors; illustrated by Jacob Blackmon.



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[MENTION=25437]dwayne[/MENTION]. Thanks! High praise indeed. If your positive view remains after USING some of the qualities, I would be glad to hear it. :) Oh, and if things don't seem right, I would also like to hear why and how these qualities were used.

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I know people don't like following links here much on ENWorld ;), but if you are interested in seeing how this relates to the weapons in the PHB AND a whole bunch more, you can check out our Equipment Page here: http://connorscampaigns.wikidot.com/d-d-equipment


Great article! My only comment was going to be that I wanted to see the full list of PHB weapons and your opinion of what properties they had - which you just provided in this thread. So thanks!




Great article! My only comment was going to be that I wanted to see the full list of PHB weapons and your opinion of what properties they had - which you just provided in this thread. So thanks!


I would like to see that as well


Thanks guys. RE referencing the PHB weapons, it was kinda hard, as you know, you can't even mention 'Player's Handbook'. You will see in the article that I have listed example weapons to apply the qualities to, but yeah, I could have been more explicit in that regard so you know I have covered all weapons in there (not just some suggestions). Anyway, if you can deal with weapons being sorted by groups, you have all my quality match-ups on the link provided. :)


First Post
Solid article. I'm going to give these a try. I like that you've given some personality to the weapons and some common sense to combat, like the Defensive trait (and without making a new type of class to do it). The 'Set for Charge' with the Ready action, I like it.

Thanks for giving the link to your webpage, very informative. I have a question. On your Equipment page link, under 'Mounted' it refers to the article. But in the article, i can't seem to find the reference... could you point it out for me? (would love to see it). Thanks again.


[MENTION=7814]Moorcrys[/MENTION]. Thank you for your kind words. Funnily, I am not massive on weapons ;) We messed around with our own system before 5E, combining the best parts of several games we loved. Weapon Qualities/Properties seem to stick. WE were using Savage Worlds as a base and it seemed to be easy to bring in these things (from D&D, A Song of Ice and Fire RP etc). So now we are using 5E as the chasis to build our game around ;)

I think the players really pushed the idea of weapon qualities. I love messing with all rules; races and now subclasses has been where I have spent most of my time with 5E. It is just this proposal that got accepted and seemed to have traction with players ;) I have a LOT more on the site if you look around the D&D pages. :) Oh, and just to be sure, the "Culture" section for each weapon is at this stage nowhere near complete of course, but that has little effect on play. That is mainly there for GMs. Helps build specific cultural weapon lists.

So, complexity. Um, hasn't been a problem. We write all qualities on the PC sheet. I think we have most memorised. That is hard but helpful ;)
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[MENTION=6796103]Gillywonka[/MENTION]. Thanks for your comments. I would be very pleased to hear how things go after you have tried some/all of these qualities. :)

Re 'Mounted'... good question. It must have got cut at some stage during the drafting process. I have a feeling I did not even end up including it on the draft I submitted? Anyway, I don't have early drafts with me at the moment, but I will try and track down. As it did not make the article, I will be able to post something back on the site ;) (It was probably something that was just stated under lance in the PHB anyway - just as a generic quality).

Note that it is not the disadvantage at 5feet, as I have aded this feature to ALL Reach weapons. In our games you are at disadvantage to attack creatures within 5ft with a reach weapon. So that leaves the part about requiring 2 hands when not mounted. Perhaps I scrapped and was going to just add the Two-handed quality to the lace with the (except when mounted proviso). I will look into it. Thanks for pointing out :)
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[MENTION=19265]Connorsrpg[/MENTION]. Hey I just started looking at your website - really awesome stuff! This is for another thread but I'm gonna hit you up after I've had a chance to go through some of your classes and ask how they're working for you. At first glance I love all of your fighter subclasses. Really cool work.


[MENTION=7814]Moorcrys[/MENTION]. Yeah, there is another thread for the fighter subclasses on ENWorld somewhere if you care to find it. Fellow EnWorlders were not so enthusiastic as you ;) Look at them with an eye to try new mechanics, especially if you like other games like Savage Worlds and 13th Age. I should probably find that thread, as we have given the Brutal a playtest. Anyway, I hope you have a good look around - we have lots of stuff on there (including in the Files section at the bottom of each page). I submitted a proposal for the FLaws too, but did not hear back regarding them :( (If something on the site catches your attention and you have some suggestions for another En5ider article, I would be happy to hear what to submit ;)).

(Oh and wow. You have been a member here a long time too, though few posts. I thought my post numbers were low for 10+ years ;). Don't you feel the need to put your opinion in every thread? ;))
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