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Encounters with the Supernatural


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[Hijack] Is ther any good websites out there that deal with the paranormal? Not stories that people have reported, but actual investigative reports?[/Hijack]

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First Post
Over the years, I have had a number of odd things happen around me. For example:

1)Ghost cats. My mom's house has one, as does the house I live in. My girlfriend, who used to be a skeptic, has seen these cats in both places, without my having told her first.

2) Shadow people. A phenomenon brought to light on the Art Bell show (now Coast to Coast). During a suicide attempt many years ago I was bleeding profusely, and saw one coming for me, it was scary enough to bring me back to my senses and get patched up. Then, after the Shadow People were talked about, I contacted two other people who had basically the same experience that I did. The slow sinking horror of that was something in itself.

3) A two year stint as an English teacher in Sumatra. If you are skeptical, come with me next time I go, I guarantee you will not return a skeptic. I have seen ghosts in the daytime, something like a Buddhist deity and people who can talk to spirits and convince the spirits to fix objects (like cars). Old men who can bend iron bars, rooms with no air conditioning that are extremely cold, haunted houses that get so loud at night that living two houses away I was almost driven mad by the sounds, including manaical inhuman laughter. I decided it was a prank, until I had a plate fly at my head when I went to investigate. Hell, in one remote town, people swore I was a vampire and actually believed it.

4) If you don't want to go overseas, I live 20 minutes from the Nez Perce Indian Reservation, not a place to have your car breakdown at night. Many Nez Perce friends have had supernatural experiences, including being attacked by various entities of unknown origin.



First Post
Eternalknight said:

I was reading about this the other day in a local magazine, as it happens to me whenever I walk down the street, though not when I drive. There is no scientific explination for it so far, and paranormal investigators are starting to treat it as a serious paranormal event.

...and here I was thinking I was the only one!

Bloodstone Mage

First Post
Oooh...this thread is excellent! Kudos to everyone posting here.

I'm not a skeptic, but I'm not a believer of paranormal activities. My religious choice to be agnostic kind of lets people know that. I mean, the world has a lot of interesting and unexplained activities that would be hard to explain without the presence of something outside our comprehension. That's just IMO.

For personal experiences, I have been through little. I remember when I was about seven years old, I heard my grandparents' dog Tootsie barking, despite the fact that she had died days earlier. The bark was so distinct, and I heard it coming from the other bedroom in the house. It couldn't have been an outside dog, or it would have been muffled a bit or otherwise.
Another personal experience was when I spend the night at my aunt's house in Midland. That night was the longest night of my life. I slept in a bedroom in the basement, and down there, I was surrounded by a shelf of books (mostly medical), a pool table, a television set, and an unfinished staircase that lead outside. I remember this odd, creepy feeling that something was in the basement. I only slept one hour.

My brother has had some interesting experiences, although they were during the period when he constantly was on substances. He, too, has seen the Shadow People. In his experience, he says that they leap from tree to tree, rooftop to rooftop, barely visible in the corner of your eye. His description of the Shadow People match every other persons' description. From this common experience, I can probably be lead to that the Shadow People exist in some form or manner (and personally, I believe them to be some extension of the collective unconscious that are manifestations of some unearthly entity we've surpressed, but that's just IMO). Another experience my brother has had is the "Words Between Words". During his hallucinations, these words would come out from some weird or odd vision (like a man walking out of a head and shouting them, or the words being echoed will strange government officials in containment suits freeze time and inspect everyone else's brains). One of the words that I can remember off the top of my head was, pronounced phonetically: "Adda-too-com-bar."

Recently, I've set out to actually see if paranormal activities, for me, exist. I've started by setting out for haunted sites around Lubbock and San Antonio. There is a report that upsets me about a Texas Tech professor who saw a significantly deformed ghost in a parking lot. Too bad that is the only information available on the report.

A site I visit often is GhostStudy.com. It has some interesting pictures. I especially like the "thing in the window" pictures. Y'know, where you can see a mysterious figure or face in the window of a house from the inside. There's one on GhostStudy.com that creeps the heck outta me. It is supposedly after an Ouija board session, and it shows a menacing red face smiling in the window. From the Ouija board session, all of the words they received were gibberish except for a Latin word meaning "to take away".

Anyways, I'm done boring you guys.


Andrew D. Gable said:
Wow. I knew of associated hallucinations and "hagging" and stuff, but I didn't know that this particular version of the hallucination was so common.
At a young age (7 or 8 or so) I had trouble sleeping--the only time I felt tired enough to sleep would inevitably end up in episodes where there would be a roaring sound in my ears accompanied with an inability to move. As I got older, the "sleep paralysis" continued, with all sorts of "extra" effects. It culminated in my feeling awake but unable to move while a whispering voice laughed again & again outside my window (mind you, "my window" refers to any window in my bedroom across several years of moves). After years of this experience, the only way I could "answer" to it was to say, repeatedly (within a dream-state), "Stop it. Stop it." Once, at age 21, the laughing stopped--at which point, the whispery voice said, "Thank you." Hasn't happened since (12 years running).


Gnome Lover
Mmmm, seeing the posts on Shadow People have made me remember another one I generally like to forget :)

I've worked around a lot of old and dying people at nursing homes and the hospital, and one recurring thing keeps coming up: seeing children or little people. I've had more than a few patients dying with alzheimers or dementia who see "children" in their room or running in the halls past their doors. One of the more disturbing times was an elderly lady who the weaker she got, the more she'd call us to her room to get the "children" out of it, complaining that they were sitting on her bed and disturbing her and not letting her sleep. We'd point out that there weren't any children in her room, and she'd say "I know, they all jump up and run out right before you come in."

Easily enough dismissed, until I met the elderly lady in the home that knew when anyone else in the care home had died because she saw the "little people." The only time any of us ever recall her asking if someone had died was when someone had, and she always said she saw the little people. The spookiest time was when we had two patients die about the same time on the opposite end of the building about 3 am, and I had gone into her room to check on her IV a short time later. She woke up while the pump was dinging, turned and asked me "A couple of people died tonight, didn't they?" I was used to her asking this, so distractedly told her "yes, maam, Mrs. so and so and so and so." Then I got a cold chill up my back when she nodded and looking around the room said "I thought so, those little people are everywhere! " I got out of the room as quick as I could, and we all looked in our chairs before we sat the rest of the night :)

I've wondered since if the "little people" and "children" they see are the same thing, much like the above post about the ratio of angel vs UFO sightings changing while the actual overall number stays the same.

William Ronald said:

You might want to check out the website for Coast-to-Coast A.M., a radio program that often talks about UFOs, ghosts, and other unusual topics. Do a Google search for it, or can someone post the link in this thread?

Way ahead of you William. I was a devoted fan of Art Bell, and listen to the new guy occasionally (not that I don't like him, I just don't find myself listening to the radio late at night much anymore). Loved the Ghost-to-Ghost call-in shows most of all. Those used to freak me out.

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