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Enemy Among Us (DM: Stringbean2142, Judge: TwoHeadsBarking)


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Atlas takes one last look at Lt. Ryan before he smacks him powerfully with the the flat side of his sword, knocking him out cold.

Hoping that there still might be a chance to save the dying civilian, he moves quickly to his side to shield him from the archers " Don't give up just yet "
[sblock= Actions]
Standard: Uses Vipers Strike against Lt. Ryan. Hit AC 29 and does 12 damage ( Yes, its a critical)
Move Action: Moves to E5
Minor Action: Uses his second inspiring word on the dying civilian (1 extra hp)
[sblock=To Mal Malenkirk]
Don't forget the +2 bonus to your attack rolls and damage rolls for your attack ;)

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formerly roadtoad
These are good points, but you could have done it without taking my flanking spot. Always leave me the flanking spot!
Fair enough. I'll leave you a spot next time, especially because it works so well for Good Cop / Bad Cop:

Catein's eyes turn to Kendrick as his blade cuts into the prisoner. "Enough! I've got him. Stop the others."

To Rayn, it continues its whispering: "You see, the others are not so forgiving. Stop your men. I'm too busy holding you down to stop this one with the blades from slitting your throat slowly while I keep you restrained. Best show him you're not a threat any more by stopping this madness..."

And then Atlas knocks Rayn cold. "See?" Catein says to the unconscious form of the Lieutenant.
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First Post
[sblock=To Roadtoad]
Lt. Ryan should be knocked out by now ;), Atlas and Kendrick gave him combined 27 damage and he only had 20 left :D


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[sblock=Looks like you folks could use a judge...]Which makes this your lucky day. Stringbean, could you send me the adventure proposal?

I'll also do character reviews for those who need it over the next few days.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=OOC]Yep, Rayn's unconscious now, but before he was so rudely knocked out he managed to have no reaction to Catein's pleading. Once Veruzak has posted actions, I'll get what will probably be the last round up. Very, very nice work in your first fight, folks![/sblock]
[sblock=TwoHeadsBarking]Sure, I've got your e-mail address here so I'll shoot it over. It's a bit long for a private message, or else I'd just post it for you on a private message. Thanks for volunteering![/sblock]


First Post
Striding forward to finish this battle, Veruzak steps close to Bell, and reaches out to pat the young prodigy on the back.
Well done.

Turning his attention to Martelai, Veruzak nods, You'll have to show me that trick. indicating the concealment Martelai has conjured.

Suddenly the eladrin is gone, a loud POP, as the space fills the vacuum left by the body of the wizard.

Then a WHOOMPH and Veruzak was in the air above the roof, landing with a thump, he immediately cast out to detect any arcane presence on his foes.


*Expletive*ing *Separate Expletive* Enworld is reliable as a *Negative stereotype of choice*!

I can't access the Wiki at all, and posting is crawling at best. I may not even get this up before work (I did...)

Move D11 (D10 if Stringbean will count this as a double move)

Standard -> Move Fey Step Teleport to A7 (A6 if Stringbean rules Veruzak could see the space above the roof in that area (If Veruzak needs to fall to get into that square, he's willing.)

Minor Detect Magic 19 (Apologies, accidentally clicked the submit button before I could type in the little descriptor box.) Checking for items on the archers.



Some help with Martelai's sheet would be nice, Neurotic has cleaned up the original issues, but there is some template stuff that is over my head... I still need to give it a second look as well...

Also Kamotz, see link in sig, is still in need of approval for Level 2.

It looks like the retro-approval proposal has passed, congrats again on judgeship, now I won't be confused about where you're a judge :lol:.



First Post
[sblock=past actions] I failed to post my move action in the sblock of my last post. You'll see it noted in the text though and Kendrick respond to it.

Move= Shift to C10[/sblock]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
[sblock=Martelai's sheet]I added tracking section, but when I tried to put equipment into table, using template from help page it pulls following text side by side instead of continuing text below it. Same happens whatever I try including html tag br, sign ; or simply pressing Enter few times...you'll see if you look at history of the page several such changes...

Responding to empty space, Martelai mutters
"Yeah, I'll like your trick too. But we can't all be fey, can we?"
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First Post
[sblock=OOC]So with everyone where they are and the enemy in the state it's in, this fight is for all intents and purposes over. For that reason, as well as to avoid having to figure out what to do with Martelai and Bell both in C10, I wave my DM stick and...[/sblock]
[sblock=Veruzak]No magical items on the archers, but you feel the slight pull of a possible one in the square below. Also, there's a ladder on the back side of the building you're on, if you want to take an easier way back down...[/sblock]
[sblock=Atlas]Inspiring word doesn't work on him because he's missing a healing surge, but I let it give you a +1 bonus on a heal check.Heal +1 for villager. (1d20+5+1=23). Oh yeah, he's going to make it. He'll be unconscious for awhile, but your skills get him past the worst of it.[/sblock]

The onslaught continues, with the party marching relentlessly against the attackers. When Lt. Rayn falls limp in Catein's chains, the two archers begin shouting in obvious pain. Their weapons clatter to the ground as their hands raise to their heads. First one and then the other falls to the ground, convulsing. Almost in unison, blood floods from their eyes and nose and their screams cease. Bits of gray matter float in the blood now pooling around their heads.

Atlas finds the man gravely wounded, but through quick actions stops the flow of blood and gives the man a chance to heal. He'll make it.


Annie cracked the door open as the sound outside stopped. Miss Yurian was busy wrapping up Jeri's arms and missed the seven-year-old girl moving to the door. As the young girl pushes the door open, Miss Yurian screams for her to stop, but the door's already swinging, swinging...

The first thing Annie sees is the sun; it shines brightly in the east and illuminates a picture she never could have imagined. Naineil and Big Hob are tied up on the ground with large chains, their eyes closed and a bit of blood dribbling from their nose. A moving mountain bends over someone to the north, his hands healing the man's wounds. A man of chains holds Lt. Rayn's limp body, while nearby a man with two swords stands tall, the late morning light playing along the blades making it look like he held fire in his hands. A slight, almost elf-looking woman is on the far side of the square, along with a handsome man. On the rooftop of the stable, a man clothed in darkness seems crouched like a gargoyle, his hard eyes scanning the field of battle.

"Is it over?" She looks at the party for a moment. A smile slowly spreads on her face. "I know you; you're heroes. I read stories 'bout you and your friends." And with the gleeful innocence only a child can muster, she rushes into the light to give her saviors a hug, one at a time. First up is the man with the swords...


Elsewhere on the Isle, something shrieked in frustration in the dark. It had been blocked in its purposes and now had new enemies to contend with. No matter, they too would fall. The ground around it heaved as something under it moved...

[sblock=Fight Aftermath]First, this fight counts as your second success; this is a step in the right direction for discovering what is going on. Second, the exploding brain actually does matter more than just as a DM trick to end the combat.

Lootwise, you can search the bodies and prisoners if you want and probably get away with pocketing what you find. I'll let you decide what you're doing there before detailing what's available.

From here, you've got a list of possible actions you can take, detailed below. If you choose the investigate bodies route, I'll detail the rules for those check because it's a bit more than just running the checks.

You can choose to take a bonus to a check on a body, but that bonus indicates a deeper probing of the body and makes subsequent checks on that body much harder. The bonus can be +1 or +2, but carry penalties of -3 and -5 to future checks. The penalties are cumulative. So let's say Veruzak checks an archer with Arcane and takes a +2 bonus. If Atlas then uses Heal to check, he has a -5 penalty thanks to Veruzak's tampering. He can take a bonus himself of +2, but then if Kendrick wants to use Nature he's starting with a -10 modifier. And so on.

In addition, miss a check on a body and you can't use that body any more. It's been spoiled. If no successes are achieved on any bodies, that's a failure and will have consequences. You can get up to five successes from the bodies, with the DCs getting harder as you uncover more. Does that make sense to everyone? I know it's not normal, but I like playing with the norm...[/sblock]
[sblock=The Investigation]2 SUCCESSES

- Three months ago, animals start acting up. It starts in forest, spreads to farms and village.
- Three weeks ago, a farmhand named Rand entered the Sea Foam Tavern and started attacking people. Was killed by a blow to the head.
- A week ago, Krill Kol enters the villages screaming about sparks and strange people before passing out. Has no memory of event on awakening.
- Six days ago, two people killed by an eight year old boy named Mart. Boy subsequently killed by Lt. Rayn.
- Patrols sent out to investigate. Eighteen men disappeared and one was found killed, apparently by a member of the guard. Lt. Rayn was one of the men who disappeared.
- Veruzak may have found something...
- Whatever is going on caused two men's brains to explode.

Possible Actions:
- Talk with Krill Koll about his episode.
- Talk with the witness that are still around of the events.
- Investigate the bodies of Rand, Mart, and the archers. Arcana, Nature, Heal, or give me a good reason for something else. Different skills may reveal different things.
- Talk with Rayn and the scouts once they have regained consciousness.[/sblock]


First Post
Bell shrieks as at first as the man she was last concentrating on seems to suffer a blow to the head and bits of brain come seeping out. She takes a few steps back quickly, bumping into Martelai in the process. She quickly looks from this body to the others on the ground and begins pacing between them trying to find evidence that this was not the only one with an exploded brain.

As the girl comes out she tries to calm herself and act like everything is normal. Heroes? I don't think so. I never read about Mauros Esthanapiros exploding someone's brain with a poorly focused modulation. She accepts the hug nervously and then seeing Veruzak on top of the stables, makes her way over and disappears in a dark blur, appearing on the rooftop as well in a puff of dark swirls.

"Veruzak." She forces quietly threw her teeth. "Veruzak! I accidentally made that man's brain rupture!" Her eyes then fell on the elf that Veruzak was fighting on the roof. "Veruzak you did it too!" She exclaimed, far less quiet, giving the wizard a frustrated push.

[sblock=ooc]Sorry Stringbean! My fault for not posting my actions more clearly and even more my fault for not checking to make sure no one had made that impossible after. If I should fail again in the future feel free to make me fall down a hole or some such. . . filled with snakes!

The strange movement in the second paragraph was Shadow Jaunt.[/sblock]
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