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ENnies 2002 Judges Selection

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Dave G

First Post
Wow! I don't think I have a chance of getting selected, what with all of the board biggies in the thread already... but I'll put myself up for consideration anyway.

I have been gaming for almost 20 years, and have played a wide variety of systems and genres. I am a DM as well as a player, so I can look at products from both perspectives. I am familiar with other d20 products in addition to D&D, and I've been around the boards for quite a while.

I live in the U.S. and also could handle the shipping aspects.

I am a graphic designer/desktop publishing coordinator, so I can evaluate both the content of a product as well as the look. Since I was an education major with a minor in English, I know what to look for in text... and finally...

I can read! ;)

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I volunteer to bribe Eric Noah to keep all the products sent to him, and claim that they were all "lost in the mail." Since Nat 20 Press won't be in the ENnies due to that whole conflict of interest thingy, it won't hurt me none.

And I will bribe him. . . .

*puts pinky finger to the corner of mouth*

One Million Dollars!

*diabolical, villainous laughter*

Bwahahahahahaha ha! Bwahahahahahaha ha! Bwahahahahahaha ha! Mwahuaha ha haha ha haha! Bwahahahahahaha ha! Bwahahaha! Mwahahahahaha!
Mwahuaha ha haha ha haha! Bwahahaha! Mwahahahahaha!

*catches breath*

Bwahahahahaha! Mwa mwa mwahahahaha! Bwaha ha hahaha! Mbwa! Ha haha! HA HA HA HA HA! BWAHAHAHAHA!


First Post
I want to be a judge


I would like to be a judge (US), although I only have vague idea of what the job entails.

*I am a college student- graduating this quarter- so I have ll the time in the world.
*My roommate introduced me to the game over a year ago, and I fell in love with it. I have bought the core books, supplement class books, Faerun (magic, monsters, and CS), OA (magic, monsters, CS) necromancy series, traps and treachery, and dragon magazine, and maybe a couple others...
*And I buy them not to use, but more to familiarize myself with it, and that I thoroughly enjoy reading about fantasy.
*I joined this board in January, but I was a member of the last board as Zigmutt (about a year)
*I am one of three DMs that rotate every so often. I like DMing, because then I can use a lot of the supplements- even if just for one NPC....
*my main area ofinterest is monsters, demons, and dragons. they just strike a curious spot in my mind- maybe because they are imagined and so the image is more vivid than something that is borrowed from real life.

thanks for listening
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Once A Fool
Well, what with all of the more prominent board members volunteering their service as judges, my chances of being selected to do the same are deservedly low, but I do so nonetheless.

I am qualified to judge because I am an accomplished (obsessive?) gamer, and have followed news of the d20 phenominon since its very humble beginnings. I do a lot of reading, which indicates to me that I share that skill with the previous volunteers. Furthermore, I feel that I am in some way representative of all of the board members who, like myself, have been here since the very beginning and are still completely unknown.

Oh, and I live in the U.S.


Mod Squad
Staff member
I find that I, too, am interested, and so I toss my own chapeau into the ring.

I've been a moderately active member of these boards for a longish time, now - since about the time 3E was released - mucking in on topics all over the spectrum. I've been playing RPGs since 1982 (started with D&D, even), spending about equal time on each side of the DM's screen, in a whole truckload of systems. But I've always had some D&D in my gaming diet. I'm fair and analytical, with the ability to see quality even if it isn't in my particular tastes. I have a solid grasp of 3E rules and design philosophy, and also like a lot of solid story and role-play in my games.

The thing that drives me to submit my name, however, is an insatiable curiosity. I cannot pass up the rare opportunity to put so many cream-of-the-crop products side by side to scruitinize them with an intense scruit. Such a chance just sets me all a-tingle :)

(Oh, and I'm a U.S. boardmember, and would have no problem handling the whole shipping thing...)
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First Post
I'd like to apply!

First off, I've been playing D&D (all 4 versions) since 1980. I've played just about every other game out there as well.

I guess I'm known for being a skeptic and bandwagon basher here, but I think that could be a good thing for the judging panel, you know, a no holds barred dissenting opinion to bring to the table.

I've been an ENWorlder for about a year, not counting my little 'hiatus' a while back, and would love to get involved a bit more.


First Post
I'd like to be a judge, too.

I could go on about my gaming qualifications, but I won't.

What I do want to go on about is my surlyness, crotchetyness, skepticism, and general disinterest in the D20 market. Thus, any product that attracts my attention is a sure, standout winner. I will, however, religiously read any free stuff that you send to me and come up with a balanced and informed opinion.


First Post
I'd like to apply for a judge's position again this year.

I've been a member of this community for about 18 months, and have been a RPG-player since 1980. I've read or played just about every english-language game made (yes, i am a US board member), and have a lot of first hand experience in a broad range of materials (from very good to very bad!).

Since I've "seen it all" in gaming material, it's given me a more critical eye as to what makes a good game design, or an innovative product.


I'd like to be a judge

Another hat in an already crowded ring :) And on to the list of reasons why I should be a judge...

-- I've played D&D for just over 7 years now.

-- I split my time playing pretty evenly between playing and DMing, so I can bring both perspectives.

-- I've got a high reading speed, so getting through the books shouldn't take me too long.

-- I've been regularly visiting EN World (and Eric Noah's Unofficial News before that) for about a year and a half, and have been a member of the boards for just over a year. I hang out here a lot, and post fairly regularly.

-- I think I'd be pretty fair :)

-- Um... thats about it...

I don't live in the US, so I can't help with the shipping thing though.

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