Enterprise 01-16-02 episode

Best Episode in a While

I like the way they handled the "Starfleet Engineers are Gods" aspect in this episode. It finally focused on Malcolm (an underused character) and it showed how they first figured out how to properly use phase cannons, ie: tie them into the engines, deal with feedback.

History has shown that in times of great distress (like war), technology advances at a much faster rate. What we saw was how engineers forced to make something work, figured out a way to do it. And it wasn't the next gen method where Geordi and Data could do anything. These guys kinda pooched it a little, but they managed to adapt. The problems they solved probably had been dealth with by Starfleets engineers already (since, I presume, some other ships have phase cannons already), so what we were seeing is that the engineers on Enterprise were at least as good.

I thought it was one of the better episodes so far. I've been disappointed by the gradual decrease of quality, but with this episode it seems they are getting back on track. Decreasing the role of T'Vulvan was nice, as well as the Doctor because it allowed them to focus on some of the core underused characters. Sure, the vulcan may be OK to look at, but I'm already getting annoyed by her character.

The thing that bothers me most about this series is, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who has thought about this, where the hell are the GORN !!??

Andorians? So what. Weird Aliens? So what. Gorn? Best. Episode. Ever.

Overall, I hope the series holds the momentum it gained in this episode. No matter what, it will be better than the Voyager Crapfest.


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Also, did you ever wonder if applying the Prime Directive offended someone who would be a valuable ally. "You did not help us when we needed it. Why should we help you."

This seems to be the basis of a lot of the negative feelings that humans have toward Vulcans--a race that watched them suffer through devastating global war and didn't do anything until they detected Cochran's first flight.

Re: Best Episode in a While

Acmite said:
The thing that bothers me most about this series is, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who has thought about this, where the hell are the GORN !!??

Andorians? So what. Weird Aliens? So what. Gorn? Best. Episode. Ever.
I think Kirk made first contact with the Gorn in 'Arena'.

I want the borg...

I know they don't come to play until the TNG time period but i want to see how Enterprise would handle the borg... hehe, I can see it now:

Captain: Hi, we're on a journey to make friends!
Borg: We are the borg, surrender your ship. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness unto our own. Your culture would adapt to service us, resistance is futile.
Captain: uhm, no. Fire phase cannons!
Borg: Ship takes a hit, then fires back, hurting enterprise more than they hurt it.
Captain: RUN AWAY!!!

gwahaha, pure genious. I should write scripts for them.. hehe

DAMNIT! I forgot about it again!!! All well...I'll just have to tape it all during the summer. (I'm the type of guy that needs every bloody episode ever aired on tape, just so ye know...lol)


I think Kirk made first contact with the Gorn in 'Arena'.

Granted it's been a while since I last saw "Arena" (my second favorite episode, behind "The Enemy Within'--Manicure Kirk vs. Mascara/Sweaty Kirk), but I don't remember that being the First Contact.

If it was, then I goofed. If it wasn't, then where the hell are they? :D

Note: The Starfleet Command PC Games (although set in Kirk's time) have the Gorn as a major power.

good episode all around... i especially liked Hoshei tracking down the favorite food... that was funny:

"I have a hotplate in my quarters"

"I'd be uncomfortable serving the same ship"

"I only ment dinner"

"Ok. This is the awkward moment, huh. I'll just get up and stand here looking foolish while you leave. Oops."

Do you ever wonder what sort of alien technology went into enhancing that vulcan chick's breasts?

Seriously (OK, semi-seriously) advanced alien cultures must have some improved cosmetic surgery abilities. And T'Vuvlan's breasts are certainly gravity-defying.

Are these normal breasts for Vulcan females, or has she had her cup-size warped up some? Someone should at least mention them, for goodness sake. :D

Re: Best Episode in a While

Acmite said:
The thing that bothers me most about this series is, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who has thought about this, where the hell are the GORN !!??

Who are the Gorn? Are they from TOS?

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