Epic Monsters: Yog-Sothoth (5E)

In today’s Mythological Figures post we’ve got the Epic Monster to end all Epic Monsters, it that is all things and all times yet none of the above so very certainly Lovecraftian in the extreme—Yog-Sothoth!

In today’s Mythological Figures post we’ve got the Epic Monster to end all Epic Monsters, it that is all things and all times yet none of the above so very certainly Lovecraftian in the extreme—Yog-Sothoth!


We’re at an impasse once again. As with Coyote I’ve stumbled onto something worthy of mechanical impact but too great and ephemeral to lock down into a statblock (the golems were keen to that as well, making a spawn of it instead). As these are all Great Old Ones and have a place carved out for them in 5E—the Great Old One patron for warlocks—with Yoggy here on the top of, behind, under, inside of, and throughout the pile, I’m taking a class-based approach.

For readers like me that are wondering “what/who are you talking about?”, Yog-Sothoth is intrinsically connected to all of time and space while simultaneously being locked outside of the universe. See what I was getting at with the statblock? It knows all and sees all, produces other Great Old Ones by mating with Shub-Niggurath, and is not as directly malignant as its peers (a fresh change) although knowing too much about it and its vastness does, of course, overwhelm one’s sanity.

Design Notes:
I'm out of RAW territory so post with your critiques and thoughts for how this can be improved! Would you allow it in your game? Why or why not? Does it need watered down? Spruced up? Is there a better option I've overlooked? Tell us!

Yog-Sothoth (Great Old One warlock patron)
Choosing Yog-Sothoth as your Great Old One patron offers the following alterations to the usual archetype features.

Cerebral Omniscience
Starting at 1st level, the range of your telepathy is reduced to 20 feet but creatures are able to understand you even if they have no language (creatures of particularly low Intelligence may only be able to understand very simple thoughts). You can use a bonus action to expend a spell slot and target a creature within range of your telepathy. Until the end of the round, you can read the creature’s mind if you had cast detect thoughts.

When you reach 5th level in this class, the duration increases to 1 minute, and at 10th level you are able to read the minds (such as they are) of all creatures regardless of Intelligence.

Know the Unknown
At 6th level, you do not gain or alter another archetype feature and get Known the Unknown instead. As an action, you can attempt an Intelligence saving throw against your spell save DC to discover an obscure piece of myth or lore. By spending one minute concentrating, you can attempt the saving throw with disadvantage and on a success, you learn a piece of information that is secret or protected. In either case the information you learn may be cryptic, of little immediate use, or couched in figurative language (the GM should secretly roll d100, sharing more useful knowledge the closer the result is to 100).

On a failure, you take 6d6 psychic damage and are insane until you finish a short rest. While insane, you can only take an action or a bonus action each round, you can't understand what other creatures say, can't read, and are only able to speak in gibberish. A lesser restoration spell cast on you ends this effect.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

Enshrouded Mind
At 10th level, you do not gain or alter another archetype feature and get Enshrouded Mind instead. You gain resistance to psychic damage and immunity to the charmed condition.

When a creature targets you with a spell that would cause you to be charmed, it makes a Charisma saving throw against your spell save DC or becomes confused (as the spell) for 1d4 rounds.

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Mike Myler

Mike Myler


I'm not big on alternate patron powers. Though maybe there is room for a new spell list there if that is the route being taken.

I think there is a lot of open space regarding the relationship between Warlock and Patron, and how the Patron influences the world in general.

I would be interested in seeing write ups of individual patrons in that regard.

To answer the question - I wouldn't want it at my table because I feel that it is unnecessary complication. I do have a critique of Know the Unknown - It is essentially the spell Contact Other Plane. That is a 5th level spell and Know the Unknown comes at a time when the Warlock can only cast 3rd level spells. So it is too powerful.


Victoria Rules
[MENTION=83242]dave2008[/MENTION] - I think what he's saying is that as all the stats would be pretty close to infinity, why bother? :)

Lan-"some things are just too big for stat blocks"-efan


@dave2008 - I think what he's saying is that as all the stats would be pretty close to infinity, why bother? :)

Lan-"some things are just too big for stat blocks"-efan

I noted that I, "....understand why you went that way,..." However, one could say "why bother" for any god. Many people don't believe gods should have stats and should be unassailable by mortals. But that is not the D&D way, IMO. I gave Yog stats in my 5e epic updates on these forums and here there is precedent for Yog in D&D. Here are its 1e stats:

View attachment 101310
View attachment 101311

Mike Myler

Have you been to LevelUp5E.com yet?
I'm not big on alternate patron powers. Though maybe there is room for a new spell list there if that is the route being taken.

I think there is a lot of open space regarding the relationship between Warlock and Patron, and how the Patron influences the world in general.

I would be interested in seeing write ups of individual patrons in that regard.

To answer the question - I wouldn't want it at my table because I feel that it is unnecessary complication. I do have a critique of Know the Unknown - It is essentially the spell Contact Other Plane. That is a 5th level spell and Know the Unknown comes at a time when the Warlock can only cast 3rd level spells. So it is too powerful.

I'm afraid that level of nuance isn't in my wheelhouse for Lovecraft although there are folks in the crowd that could *definitely* crush some more general writeups like that!

A new spell list (or some alternates) isn't a bad idea and I'll think on that, but contact other plane is much more powerful than Know the Unknown (which I modeled on legend lore) because this class feature gives cryptic information, not one word answers, and it might not even be of any real use to the warlock. It also fits in the mold started with Cerebral Omniscience--very limited early access to a divination spell ahead of caster level. THAT SAID I *do* like contact other plane's potential insanity bit and that fits in perfectly here so I'm adding it (or rather something like it) in!

I can understand why you went this way, but I was hoping to see a stat block.

@dave2008 - I think what he's saying is that as all the stats would be pretty close to infinity, why bother? :)

Lan-"some things are just too big for stat blocks"-efan

I noted that I, "....understand why you went that way,..." However, one could say "why bother" for any god. Many people don't believe gods should have stats and should be unassailable by mortals. But that is not the D&D way, IMO. I gave Yog stats in my 5e epic updates on these forums and here there is precedent for Yog in D&D. Here are its 1e stats:

View attachment 101310
View attachment 101311

Dave's Yog-Sothoth is located here --> http://www.enworld.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=100217&d=1533835452

I don't take shirking my task lightly and really got the impression that Yog-Sothoth is metaphysically *not* an entity like the others. It's everything and yet not-everything all the time forever right? There's a point where you have to sit down and say, "hey--even if PCs interact with this thing, they could never actually interact with it directly they'll always have to go through some abstraction or avatar or etc.". With Coyote it was more of a canon issue (the stories about him are so diverse and varied that trying to pin down specifics enough for a reliably demonstrative build is a fool's errand), but here I felt (and still feel, although note that I am not a master of Lovecraft-fu) that the nature of Yog-Sothoth just makes a monster build a counter-intuitive pursuit.
I should say that I think my task is twofold and that I failed at one side of it (statistics for the thing) but that for the other half (making something useful for players or GMs) I at least hit the target board.

Also I'd be way out of my element converting a 1E statblock up to 5th! I had one game of 2E when I was far too young to play and so even with those I'm at a bit of a loss--I am glad [MENTION=83242]dave2008[/MENTION] is on top of it though and has something for people that clicked onward prepared for a monster build. :D


I don't take shirking my task lightly and really got the impression that Yog-Sothoth is metaphysically *not* an entity like the others. It's everything and yet not-everything all the time forever right? There's a point where you have to sit down and say, "hey--even if PCs interact with this thing, they could never actually interact with it directly they'll always have to go through some abstraction or avatar or etc.". With Coyote it was more of a canon issue (the stories about him are so diverse and varied that trying to pin down specifics enough for a reliably demonstrative build is a fool's errand), but here I felt (and still feel, although note that I am not a master of Lovecraft-fu) that the nature of Yog-Sothoth just makes a monster build a counter-intuitive pursuit.

Well to be honest, this is probably the best method to handle all the HPL Outer Gods. That is why I said I understand why no stat block; however I hoped for one.

To me D&D is fundamentally different from HPL's general premise and thus not a great fit. D&D takes the unknowable and squishes it into a little bitty stat block ;) Personally I enjoy that exercise and I enjoying see how others try to do it. Thus, why I hoped to see what you would come up with.

To be clear, I have no issue with your approach, it makes a lot of sense. I've enjoyed your take on these HPL monsters and I just selfishly wanted to see how you would stat Yog-Sothoth. That's all. Keep up the good work!


I think it is possible to stat up Yog. Defeating Yog would be sending him back to his universe. While you could never destroy him, he clearly has limitations as he must be summoned here.

So probably something like destroying various types of spawns of Yog culminating in fighting him as he is being summoned before his essence has enveloped our universe. That sort of thing.

Mike Myler

Have you been to LevelUp5E.com yet?
How did you do this:

I've wanted to able to link directly to a specific stat block many times, but I only know how to link to specific post. Can you give me a tip on how you do it?

At the top of a forum post on the right hand side there's buttons for "
Thread Tools | Search Thread | Display | Rate This Thread

I used Search Thread and after a few minutes managed to find the post with the statblock hyperlink. :)

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