WOIN Equipment Questions

Shaun Palmer

There is no real description of how the Garotte works. Should there be special rules? Maybe... on a successful grab attack does damage each round until the grab is broken?

There is no real description of how the crowbar works mechanically Does this give a bonus or remove a penalty?

Cold Iron is mentioned but there is no information in the equipment chapter. What should be cost modifier?

There seems to be a distinction between Enchanted weapons and weapons that are upgrade using customisations. I assume that customisations are not considered magical when it comes to Abjure Magic spells, but are the result of magick-like features created by a skilled smith. Is this the case?

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Just a tourist passing your way...
A garotte is a flexible stick-like whip; often the hilt is combined with some hand-defense like a basket.
It should be too short for grapples.

A crowbar without additional quality should only remove the penalty for opening something with only a small gap, like a door/chest without a lock.

The cold Iron - question is a good one - @Morrus same rules like adamant/elf silk/mithral?

Customization is something I think very much about; I - for myself - think every customization is mundane, applied with craftmanship (special metal on blade edges) or alchemy (special coating for elemental damage).
Additionally, you have different systems how many customizations/enchantments can be applied; every item can hold customizations, every excellent or better item may hold one enchantment. Items made from special material may hold a second enchantment (they cannot be lower than exceptional quality).

Shaun Palmer

The only weapon I know of as a garrote (or garrote vil) is a weapon, most often a handheld ligature of chain, rope, scarf, wire or fishing line, used to strangle a person.
Wikipedia Entry

I assumed this is what it was referring to.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Garrotte. Hmm. Maybe use the suffocation rules? END countdown pool?

Cold iron is just iron forged at a lower temperature. Costs the same as iron.


Just a tourist passing your way...
Do you know what's best with this question?
I googled it.
First three hits are historical columns.
Following: wikipedia.
Then, a post from german officials about forbidden weapons in germany.
Number six: Amazon offer for a cheese cutter wire. Amazon WTF!

Shaun Palmer

Do you know what's best with this question?
I googled it.
First three hits are historical columns.
Following: wikipedia.
Then, a post from german officials about forbidden weapons in germany.
Number six: Amazon offer for a cheese cutter wire. Amazon WTF!
The WWII special forces / SOE garottes sound close, but I guess in a fantasy setting bow string would be a better fit than piano wire or cheese wire.

Voidrunner's Codex

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