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Erik Mona Has a Blog!


First Post
Basically... I am very interested in Erik's gaming posts. I'm not the least bit interested in his political views, whether I agree with them or not.

If it were and all gaming industry blog.. I'd read it everyday.... I think the guy is incredibly talented. But I really don't like reading about his political views every few posts, especially when I can't reply without signing up to be a blogger myself.

So basically, rather than get bent out of shape I choose not to visit. If Erik were to make an all gaming website... hint hint.. I'd be there everyday.

Then again, If I guess correctly, Erik doesn't have that kind of time!


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I can sympathize with what Erik's doing. A blog is a place you can talk about your personal views and that's part of the fun of doing one. When I started my blog, it was specifically because I wanted a place where I could talk about whatever without it being seen as an official Green Ronin statement. I do talk about gaming and the game industry sometimes, but I also talk abut books, movies, random happenings, and the dreaded politics. I thought I was very clear that this was my personal blog. Nonetheless, about six months ago a retailer friend of mine tells me that some of his customers stopped buying GR products because of the political views expressed on my blog. Never mind that Green Ronin has seven staff people and not all of them share my politics. Never mind that we employ dozens and dozens of freelancers, some of whom I know (through their own blogs) have politics that are the polar opposite of mine. Such is the nature of the internet and such are the pitfalls of having a public persona.
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Renshai said:
You might want to watch it there Insight. This is not the place to make remarks like that.


What sort of remarks? I made a broad generalization without naming a single political viewpoint or person. Explain to me exactly who is being insulted or even referenced by my remarks.

Wisdom Penalty

First Post
odd thread, this. we're talking about something off-site on-site concerning what we're not allowed to talk about on-site and have to discuss off-site.

i can see it now...

first dan rather and CBS, in a race to discredit certain nameless indviduals, run a false story. uh oh. CBS gets egg on their face and Rather retires...

then newsweek runs a story that, if you believe all you read, leads to the deaths of folks in riots. then newsweek runs a retraction. uh oh. not good journalism, not good for the common man (whoever that is these days)...

and now, may i present the next media outlet to get zinged:

"Dear Dungeon Readers: We would like to retract the adventure Against the King. In our desire to get the adventure into your hands without delay, we failed to review the facts. As such, many of the statblocks are erroneous. We feel horribly for the undue suffering our oversight has caused to numerous adventuring parties and promise to do a better job in the future."

the day i start heading to erik mona or dungeon for insightful political commentary is the day i go back to playing Star Frontiers. i like erik, i like politics, i dont like erik and politics.

next time, a caveat emptor woulda been nice on the original post. something to let me know i was clicking into a world of religious theorcracies and conspiracy theories and reasons why everyone hates americans and...oh...whatever. im tried of typing.

that's why i have a wisdom penalty, folks -

Stone Dog

I have heard that it is best to not police the boards yourselves, but to just report posts that you find might be innapropriate and let the Mods decide.

Back on topic, I am glad to have access to Eric's Blog. The gaming stuff that I see is interesting and anything I don't like about his politics can easily be ignored or perhaps even thought about rationally. He seems like a smart guy and new opinions from smart people are almost always a good thing.

Erik Mona

Getting a Blogger account is the same as signing up for someone's EZBoard. It takes about three minutes, and doesn't require that you actually have a blog.

I welcome any comments in the comments folder.

Sorry I forgot to mention "some political content" in my first post. If that offended anyone, I again apologize.

But it's my blog, and it'll continue to record my thoughts, some of which will verge on the realm of the political.

If you don't agree with me, post a comment, and I'll probably respond in what I hope will be an interesting discussion. I've already done that once or twice, and I imagine I'll be doing it a lot in the future.

--Erik Mona


It's a personal blog. Reading a blog is supposed to be like reading a diary:
i.e. you find out all sort of random crap about a person. Nothing wrong with politics. If it were all gaming stuff... well... that's what the ENworld boards are for.

Just be sure you increase the size of your ego before joining the "blogosphere"...


Pramas said:
I can sympathize with what Erik's doing. A blog is a place you can talk about your personal views and that's part of the fun of doing one. When I started my blog, it was specifically because I wanted a place where I could talk about whatever without it being seen as an official Green Ronin statement. I do talk about gaming and the game industry sometimes, but I also talk abut books, movies, random happenings, and the dreaded politics. I thought I was very clear that this was my personal blog. Nonetheless, about six months ago a retailer friend of mine tells me that some of his customers stopped buying GR products because of the political views expressed on my blog. Never mind that Green Ronin has seven staff people and not all of them share my politics. Never mind that we employ dozens and dozens of freelancers, some of whom I know (through their own blogs) have politics that are the polar opposite of mine. Such is the nature of the internet and such are the pitfalls of having a pubic persona.

I, actually, agree with you. Politics has grown beyond the point of rational discourse for most people. No one wants to talk about the issues.

My only problem with Erik's blog is that he decided to publicize it without adding a disclaimer that he intended to discuss politics in the blog. I am not going to cancel subscriptions because of his views or stop buying from anyone who writes well because of their personal views.

However, blogs are public. I do not write any myself, but I, personally, would not write anything on one that I would not stand up and say in front of a group of people. If I am at a gameday, for instance, I am not going to jump up on a table and discuss politics or other personal information with near strangers.
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