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Everything D&D Ever - Temple of the Frog


Ain't no party without a Bard. Or Warlock. Or a Bard/lok.

I only see two issues:

* There's already an arcane caster on the party, and it always feels like stepping on toes to me when someone also plays an arcane character... mind you, 5e has, what, four arcane casters?

* There was mention of Tomb of Horrors, which suggests I should make a throwaway character or three.

I might also pick up a Tempest Cleric, because they're nifty.

Looks like an (Human?) Illusionist, a (?) Thief, and a (?) Paladin so far...

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As someone who enjoyed both 3e and 4e, I can say that the idea of going by role rather than power source is a fine idea, imho.

A bard is fine, due to the healing spells. More than fine, in fact. With the paladin mentioned, we'll have plenty of healing, plus two charismatic people (so I can be a fun sour-puss wizard :D )

I'm not sure about the illusionist part, probably go Evoker, Abjurer, Transmuter... Possibly Enchanter, as I love the special ability of charm-gaze (iirc; I'll double check that one...). I foresee lots of use of electricity spells, and some kind of super-annihilation blast, and a local teleportation spell, if I can figure that out. Which, put that way, sounds a bit like my Diablo 3 Wizard... in fact, quite a bit, actually. ...loved that game!

I kind of wish I could learn the Eldritch Blast cantrip, as I like the idea of just zapping stuff. Oh well.


I kind of wish I could learn the Eldritch Blast cantrip, as I like the idea of just zapping stuff. Oh well.
a) Be a Human.

b) Pick the alternate Human package for a starting feat.

c) Pick 'Spell Sniper' as your Feat.

d) Pick 'Eldritch Bolt' as your bonus spell. Mind you, you'd use Charisma to shoot it. :3


a) Pick a Warlock. Your soul-selling backstory lends well to a Warlock.

Then we can have THREE Charismatic people on the party. *lol*

I am now leaning towards a female Tiefling Bard named Poetry.


Warlock: I hear ya, but I'm going to have to stay Wizard. It's... it's who I *am* (sobs, inspirational music, the hills are alive...)

I'll go with that fire bolt spell, then, and look into finding lightning spells later, or items to convert damage to lightning.

Since we're in the post-apocalypse, are our legends based on pop culture? Like Star Wars, Superheroes, or MLP? Can we have zippers, coffee, and baseball caps? Okay, that last part is unlikely, but I can definitely see a religion/mythology based upon equine goddesses of friendship and magic, who represent the virtues... gosh, that's hilarious.

Oh, and are there the shattered remains of old world cities, filled with the shambling corpses of our ancestors who yet hunger for human flesh?

If yes on that last one, I'm honestly happy to sandbox around this setting and meet NPCs, fight raiders, and throw spells at other mages.


Regarding the time before...

The shattering of the Crystal Prison unleashed magic in a sudden wave that ignited natural disasters all over the world. Much of the previous civilization was destroyed and what did survive is now under water, slowly eroding.

The further inland on the original continents you go, the more likely you are to encounter the odd artifact from the time before - skeletal remains of skyscrapers jutting up out of the desert, hollowed out wingless airplanes covered in moss and weeds, etc.

Lore from the time before is also rare. The electronic means of storing data and information that the world had mostly converted to by the 2040s were completely wiped out. Most of the physical books still in existence were too flimsy to survive the various natural disasters. Some stories and fragments of stories survive, but the retelling has left them barely recognizable.

For example, the prophet, Pelor, who founded the Church of the Healing Light, is said to have studied an ancient book that spoke of a man on a cross. He took this to mean that the man was holding aloft the sun itself and that the man was a metaphor for any person who sought to bring light to darkness. Thus the man was forgotten and the sun (and light in general) became the foundation upon which the Church of the Healing Light was built.


Witch Bolt: hah, actually I saw it just as I was heading out for lunch. Perfect spell!

Church of Light: Hmmm, with the vast number of bibles in print, I'd guess some serious trauma blasted the world if that level of reinterpretation happened. (And my first degree included a major in Christianity and Culture (i.e.: how it interacts with cultures throughout history, changes, develops, etc.), so believe me when I say that it would take a lot for that level of reinterpretation; although maybe, in a generation or two without the written word, and with different cultural influences, it could happen. Hmmm) That said, perhaps St. Cuthbert would be a good addition to the mythology of the church of healing and light, one of the prophets, say, or some other major figure? it would fit with D&D mythology, if that makes sense. The friend of the prophet Pelor?

BRB, good stuff. Don't tell us, and I suppose it doesn't matter for the game. Just me theorizing. :D

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