Evil Genius Games bleeding personnel?

I guess I have an unpopular opinion. I like most of that fiction. I read for enjoyment only, and sometimes I enjoy reading vanilla fantasy with basic plots. I enjoy reading Terry Brooks more than I enjoy reading Guy G Kay. I enjoy Salvatore more than Robert Jordan. Something I can just ride along with on the plot without reading twenty pages describing the relationship between two neighboring city states. It’s hard for me to focus sometimes (my adult adhd), so I like books where I don’t have to keep track of every proper noun and history mentioned. It’s a bonus when I can read a book and related to the things in that world, like monster names, spells, or locations.

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I guess I have an unpopular opinion.
Nah, going by the gamers I know I'm more likely the outlier. I like the occasional popcorn read myself (although my preferred choice for that is old pulp-era stuff from between 1930-something up into the 50s) but I've been stung by a few too many truly wretched gaming novels from the 80s and 90s be as trusting as I once was.

So, I have spoken directly with several ex-staff of Evil Genius, and also with the CEO, Dave Scott. I still have some people left to talk to over the next few days. Additionally, I have obtained and read various documents, including all the Netflix court filings (on both sides of the case). The picture of what happened at EGG over the past 12 months is coming together well.

I have some more interviews running through to Monday at least.

I will say that this is a case with multiple aspects. I wouldn’t focus on any one thing to the exclusion of all else.

So, I have spoken directly with several ex-staff of Evil Genius, and also with the CEO, Dave Scott. I still have some people left to talk to over the next few days. Additionally, I have obtained and read various documents, including all the Netflix court filings (on both sides of the case). The picture of what happened at EGG over the past 12 months is coming together well.

I have some more interviews running through to Monday at least.

I will say that this is a case with multiple aspects. I wouldn’t focus on any one thing to the exclusion of all else.
Actual quality journalism? In this day and age?

YMMV of course, but I've had far more disappointments with gaming fiction than the general run of scifi and fantasy that I've read.

The subpar quality ratio can be chalked up in large part to the conditions under which game-tied fiction is often created--creator-unfriendly contracts, poorly structured licensing reviews, and non-collaborative editorial processes. All that impacts both the authors available for the project and the quality of the work's final form. Many, possibly most licensed fiction gigs have the same or similar problems. It's possible to do good game-tied fiction (or good licensed fiction), but the IP owner and the publisher have to actively establish conditions to foster quality because the industry defaults work against that.

Or immediately put out a YouTube video titled, "Evil Genius Games stole the puppies of its employees!" while having a thumbnail of a shocked young woman.
I know it’s very uncool to do this and really I should have put out a YouTube days ago as soon as I vaguely heard about it with a big shocked face and a big font and a click bait headline and got myself a million views, but I guess I’m just not cool.

but I guess I’m just not cool.
Cool enough Miles Davis. Of course I hold no sway at all.


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