Dire Bare
Have you read the majority of gaming fiction? There's an awful lot out there . . .Honestly, I regard the majority of all gaming fiction as pretty bad, regardless of publisher or game. It's not a large majority (much better than Sturgeon's Law suggests) and has gotten a bit better over the decades, and there are many quite enjoyable exceptions, even a few gems. But overall, there's a lot of stuff I regret spending time on, and a rare few I just gave up on partway through, something I almost never do. YMMV of course, but I've had far more disappointments with gaming fiction than the general run of scifi and fantasy that I've read.
I've had the opposite experience. I haven't read the majority of gaming fiction . . . but I have read almost every single D&D novel published by TSR and then later by WotC. There are only a handful of titles I didn't pick up, or did pick up and couldn't finish. Some of these books were stinkers, some were amazing, most were okay and fun.
Just like every other category in fiction.