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Exclusive Contest! Todd Lockwood draws your character! [NO MORE ENTRIES!]

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Ely Winterwood

It's not much, but at the same time, it's enough, ya know?

Ely Winterwood is a Druid of Ehlonna.


The door to the Tankard opened quickly, letting the brisk Patchwall air dance among the tables and stools. The short little halfling walked purposely through the doorway, his short cropped hair bouncing ever so slightly with his step. Silver-threaded animals danced up the hunter green sleeves of his loose tunic as he glanced around, a stern look painting his young, angular face.

He turned in a full circle, the iron shod quarterstaff stemming from his sack knocking a solid table leg. An orcish oath escaped his lips, sending the lightfoot leaping into the air, surprised. When he landed, his small hands covered his mouth, and his black eyes twinkled with amusement.


Good luck to all, and thanks to Kai!


First Post
Okay, I tend to be more of a DM than a player so I don't have a favorite PC that I would love to be done. However I do have a favorite uber-villain that has been in the background of my homebrew FR campaign.

Scion was the Forgotten Realms tarrasque that was captured by a Phaerimm enclave. These Phaerimm were being attacked and beaten down by both the Sharn and the Netherese Shades. They needed a weapon that could be used against their enemies and conquer Faerun once and for all.

The created a ritual that would bind the tarrasque to their will and increase his strength and tenacity tenfold, but the ritual went wrong. The spell infused the collective intelligences and power of the Phaerimm into the Tarrasque. The Weave went through the creature and altered hum to have a more humanoid appearance, vast intelligence, and the ability to access the weave directly to form spells and command Spellfire. Scion fed directly off the Weave for sustainance.

During the course of the campaign he formed a large goblinoid and giant army, along gained the possesion of the Crystal Shard. He was a constant threat to the PCs, directly and indirectly. I also used the Apocalypse Stone module in that campaign (converting the necessary tidbits to 3e and FR specifics) so the gods power waned. That had some undesirable effects on the Chosen of the gods. Fzoul, Elminster, and so forth.

Scion wears a golden half plate armor (made for his size) and wields a bladed staff for melee. The Crystal Shard is embedded in his forhead (yes, he put it there) which he as complete dominance over.

Yes, Scion was built to be a munchkin killer.


First Post
Kobolds Ate My Baby 3e

Eegraawrrr (Deceased)

Lo, we mourn the passing of Eegraawrrr, the fearless Kobold;

Stealer of the Mighty Chicken!


Swallower of Whole Babies!


Digger of the 2-FOOT-DEEP Pothole-Of-Doom!

For, lo, though he fell victim to the great CURTAIN-ROD-OF-CLUBBING,
and perished in the Great Nursery Fire of '22,
the growl of his name still rings fear in the hearts of
various farm-fowl and small rodents!



First Post
Well, I'm sticking to my "wants to be perfect, but is all too human" character only. If I only get one drawn, I'd rather it be him anyway.

Kai Lord

Hi everyone, awesome characters! Thanks for all the kind words and thanks to Piratecat for the Community Supporter account. Much appreciated!

I just spoke to Todd, he'll actually be helping me choose the final ten. I'll pick my favorite twenty and then we'll both decide which characters will go into the top ten that you'll all vote on. So that takes some of the heat off of me for any characters that don't make it, and for the ten finalists you'll all know that even if you don't win you still created a character that sparked Todd's interest. :D

Good luck everyone!


First Post
A worthy contest and my submission

Our campaign exists in a slightly modified version of Faerun. I have included a history, discription and the PRC

Zoe Winafenestra E'Lundar:priest 4/Paladin 2/ E'Lundar 1
Moon Elf
Str:12 Dex:16 Con:10 Wis:14 Int:11 Chr:18

HISTORY: Zoe Winafenestra E’Lundar

Almost 90 years have passed since her mother, Ela Winafenestra disappeared, the gem thrones were brought down, and the elvin court began to fall into drow hands. Since that time Zoe’s life has been a string of trials, suffering, and death. The elvin community, ripped apart by war that grew out of the House Jaelre uprising abandoned the gemstone throne and the families that had sat upon it for thousands of years marking the end of the Gemstone Dynasties rule. The name Winafenestra a name that sprang from the merging of two of the gemstone thrones become synonymous with the fall of the “great society” and anyone bearing it or the elvin rings of life representing it became a target of aggression. Not only hatred by the drow but by most elves of the Cormanthor who have grown resentful of the elves that have left behind their sacred duty to protect the forest and its Elvin treasures. The Winafenestra family felt it the hardest as elder members had been the ones that lobbied to move some of the greatest treasures to a secret temple outside of the Cormanthor. Treasures of power might have protected the elves from House Jaelre, namely the Rings of Fallen Heroes. Today the gemstone clan and the Winafenestra family are little more than a footnote, clinging to their lands and hoping the elves finally return knowing they cant hold out against the drow incursion much longer.
A very young Zoe quickly found herself escaping her collapsing elvin home in the arms of human harpers with only the clothes on her back and the Ring of Winafenestra upon her finger. Zoe vaguely remembered the name Falconhand and a pretty face but little more in the confused panic of the battles aftermath. The Falconhand woman told Zoe “Don’t worry my child, the fates have seen this day coming for a century but know that they have also told of great leader who will one day return to right the wrongs of this day and restore balance to the forest.” Zoe made a promise to herself to be strong enough so when that leader came she would be able to fight at their side she clenched her fingers around the wooden ring that marked her heritage unfortunately it was a memory she would loose and only regain after her death and removal from the line of kings.
Zoe was portaled to the city of Saerloan in Simbia and hidden in the faerie quarter until the bards could figure out what to do with her and find what the fates though her future might hold. She and some other Elvin escapees used the city of the mainland hoping to recoup. Human society rejected her as well, to busy were they licking their own wounds from the Daleland battles and broken peace. The only place she found comfort was a nearby temple of Mystra where she met an old priest named Morzike who took time to talk with her and even protect her from local riff raff. Zoe quickly warmed to Marzike and found she admiring many of his human qualities. Quick action, caring for all, rich, poor, human, elf it made no difference, the more needy the more he and the temple seemed to care. Local nobility even respected him and gave donations to keep the temple going. When Zoe pressed him he claimed it was his duty as a priest of Mystra but also proclaimed his daughter had been raised as E’lundar. So Zoe carried on living in Saerloan and following Marzike around. The bards by now had moved off to another emergency leaving the elves in the care of their city brethren. Within 2 years the elves had quickly begun moving from the city as rumors that agents of the Jaelre family and the Dragon cult were roaming the city looking for elves. One day Zoe found herself squeezing through a crowd outside Marzike’s temple, what she saw when she broke through changed her life forever. Standing upon the steps of the temple was the most beautiful human woman Zoe had ever seen. Golden hair, blue eyes, armor that glowed of greatness, a cloak of azure sewn with the symbols of Mystra, and finally a sword that glowed in Zoe’s eye’s like the sun. She was Merrin Tarwell Elundar, Marzike’s daughter. Zoe followed her relentlessly for the next week, watched as both lords and peasants bowed to her and watched the kindness she returned to them, it was the best time of her life after leaving Cormanthor.
Those weeks ended suddenly when a fireball engulfed the Elvin hostel where she was staying. She was returning from the temple and she saw figures running past her just before the explosion. By the time she reached the hostile everything was gone, only death and rubble remained. Zoe sprinted back to the temple only to find it empty except for the dead body of her best friend Marzike. Racked with pain and anger Zoe stumbled to the side entrance only to hear voices outside.
“We must find the blooded one. Only she can break down the Mythals that guard the Myth Drannor portal to the Gemstone temple!”
“ I know Darmor everyone said she was always with the old man, I asked them all before I torched the place.”
“ Well keep looking dammit we must retrieve the Staff of the Everlasting Dragon, I’m going to check out the temple one more time, be sure we never see that E’lundar bitch again.”
“ It is done sir.”
Terrified Zoe ran and ran and ran until she passed out exhausted in a trash heap. A month later Zoe was begging on the streets, eating mice and worse. She was too afraid to talk to anyone and everyone she knew was dead or missing. She saw men prowling the streets at night with a symbol of burning eyes over a claw carved in pendant they wore. She prayed that Ela or Merrin would come to save her and bring her back to the life she knew. She prayed to Mystra for answers and for help. She dreamt of the forest and trees, of a giant tree with leaves of gold. The more time that passed the dimmer that dream grew. Zoe herd half elf rumors whispering that Ela destroyed herself with her own wild magic and that the Winafenestra throne was dead, but Zoe believed that Ela escaped and has been hiding in Myth Drannor to avoid the wrath of the drow and protect the last of the Elvin secrets. But things for Zoe were only growing worse.
Finally, on the third winter of her beggar’s life things took a turn toward disaster. Zoe was raped and beaten by a group of street tuffs and left in a garbage pile for dead, the only thing not taken from her was the Ring of Winafenestra, which she had swallowed. She vaguely remembers a man with a sulphur smell and a reddish scaly tint picking her from the trash saying, “We may be power hungry evil bastards but that doesn’t mean we want to be dead ones. Should I eat you and risk the curse or…no I have a great idea!” Zoe passed out again in fear.
She recovered in a monastery of the Bright Sword deep in the woods where she stayed for the next ten years relearning about Mystra (for she had no memories of before the red man spoke to her) and the new gods, it turned out the Bright Swords were the Male counterparts to the E’lundar (whoever they were) but Zoe found them cold and boring. She lashed out at those who took a hand in raising her, releasing the anger and hatred that had built from years of not knowing who she was. The ring she passed two days after arriving at the temple was her only link to the past and the name in it was carved Zoe Winafenestra. The monks finally had enough of her hostile attitude. The monks brought her to Mystra, since it seemed the only thing that interested her. The E’lundar took her in as a maid where she spent the next 20 years scrubbing pots and pans and cleaning floors hopping to become an acolyte (the fist step in training) She was viewed as too wild and angry to become a knight. On the day marking her 20th year Zoe almost gave up on Mystra, she packed her things and left the temple hoping to find work in the city of Yhaunn. Along the way she applied her 20 years of second hand healing knowledge and first hand cleaning to pay for food and shelter, many times never sleeping. By the time she reached the outskirts of the city she had become so bitter that old angers were beginning to surface. A local thief on the verge of taking advantage of lone traveler found Zoe’s wrath instead. A week later An E’lundar showed up at the inn Zoe worked at to request Zoe becomes her Acolyte. The rest as they say is history
Zoe Winafenestra E’lundar has just completed training and is eager to prove her worthiness to Mystra. Her whole life has led to this point and although she would be content administering to the poor she longs for a quest to prove her strength and bravery. Although the last warning she received from the temple was to keep her anger in check and never to let her feelings control her actions.

PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: Zoe Winafenestra E’Lundar

All elves hold beauty sacred. They surround themselves with it, housed in living cities crafted over centuries, in forests unmarred by the hands of men, and most importantly they treasure it in their people. That is why almost an eon ago the last two families of Cormanthor’s Gemstone Clan joined. The first family was Winstar, House of the Sapphire, holding above all else, beauty of the spirit and the sky. Silver tresses and brilliantly colored eyes distinguished this clan. The second family was Finestria, House of the Emerald, who held the beauty of nature above all. Their people were often referred to as the epitome of elven beauty and were usually smaller than their brethren due, perhaps, to some ancient fey blood. From these two noble bloodlines the House of Winafenestra was born. The elves wished to unify their dwindling lands and people and hoped that the bloodlines of two royal families would produce heirs to carry the elves from the darkness they foresaw. Zoe is one of the last born to the Winafenestra family and perhaps one of the most striking. Zoe’s slender frame stands 5'4" tall and moves with the inherent grace and agility of a dancer. Thick white silver tresses frame a slim oval face, many times falling forward to hide one of her more remarkable features. Zoe’s bright cornflower eyes sparkle like sapphires in starlight, they have the power to warm the coldest heart or disarm an angry greeter. Her complexion is lightly tanned and pale freckles dance across high cheeks and a small rounded nose. Zoe’s small pointed ears are usually concealed within her hair and they, like the rest of her, are unadorned. Plainly spoken, Zoe’s beauty is based simply in the purity and elegance of nature’s form. Her attire is usually sturdy unadorned wool, leather, and cotton dyed to nature’s greens, grays, and browns. She always wears a cloak of midnight blue with an oversized hood, stitched in silver thread over the left breast of the cloak is a symbol of Mystra. Finally, slung over her right shoulder is the E’Lundar Blade sheathed in a simple leather case the hilt of this sword is usually wrapped in a soft cloth tied with silver string. Zoe greets everyone she meets with a warm affectionate smile that lets all know that her beauty extends far below the skin.



The E'lundar are a small but powerful order of priestly knights who wield the power of Mystra for good through sword and spell. Their mandate is as follows

We, the E’lundar seek only truth,
wield brightness where darkness reigns.
We enlighten the lost, protect the innocent,
Banish evils tyranny and destroy its corruption.
We shall never turn our backs
to those in need of protection from the shadow
no matter their station
no matter the cost to ourselves
To Mystra we do pledge.

To achieve these goals the E’Lundar travel far and wide seeking lost artefacts and intervening to protect the weak and innocent from tyranny’s domain. E’Lundar come from many magical backgrounds and are trained at the remote fortress Hammerguard to weave the power of their existing magical training with the arts of warfare and the power of faith.

The Council of Five is the guiding force behind this select group of warriors. The current aim of the council is the collection and eventual destruction of evil artefacts. The council is composed of four elected senior E'lundar who hold the post for life and one of Mystra's chosen. The seat filled by Mystra's chosen is always in flux and not an appointed position as the location and availability of the chosen of Mystra is always in question. The council determines the course E'lundar will pursue to shape the magic forces of the realms and combat evil. They assign individual knights on quests that go beyond the mandate of the order to see their plans come to fruition.

Requirements: Alignment: Any good non neutral
Feats: Weapon Focus (bladed weapon)
Combat Casting
Skills-5 ranks each: Knowledge (Religion)
Knowledge (Arcana)
BAB: +4
Spells:Must be able to cast Devine spells 2nd level or higher
Other: Must uphold the oath of the E’Lundar

Hit Die: d8

Class Skills:

Skill points at each level: 2+Int modifier. The E’lundar’s class skills (and the key abilities for each skill) are:
· Diplomacy
· Balance
· Concentration
· Sense Motive
· Heal
· Speak Language
· Intuit Direction
· Knowledge
· Spellcraft
· Intimidation
· Ride

Class Features

· Weapon and Armour Proficiency:
An E’Lundar fights with only simple or chosen weapons. E’Lundar must forfeit any future use of armour for they believe it interferes with the pure essence of the magic they wield. Wearing armour of any kind will interfere with an E’lundar’s magical abilities thusly negating them.

· The Vow of the E’Lundar
Upon swearing the vow of the E’Lundar the inducted must surrender all monetary possessions to the church and resend any known claim they have to future wealth or position. In addition an E’Lundar may never own any artefact and must attempt to deliver any found to an appropriate temple or to Hammerguard depending on its nature. Treasure given to an E’Lundar as reward or simply found is given to those in need or to cover costs incurred during a quest. In most cases E’Lundar simply do not accept payment. Simply stated the E’Lundar must live up to the vow or be brought before the tribunal.

· Blade Of Mystra
At first level all E’Lundar are gifted with a masterwork blade of choice, which is then dedicated in a week of prayer and fasting by the E’Lundar. This is the holy symbol of the class and functions as a masterwork silver weapon. Without this an E’Lundar is stripped of all class bonuses and may only resort to using simple weapons. This blade may be replaced if lost at cost to the E’Lundar (a very difficult process due to the vows). Or replaced by a blade the E’Lundar finds or is gifted. Any new blade must be dedicated or it is not considered to fill the Blade of Mystra requirements.

· Arcane Spell Slot:
In addition to progressing in a chosen class of a divine spell caster an E’lundar may set aside one spell slot for an arcane spell every even level. This slot must be selected from a single school of arcane magic chosen as a first level E’Lundar. All spells and bonuses are based on the E’lundar’s overall caster level and based on Wisdom. This is a supernatural ability.

· Armour of Faith:
E’Lundar receive Charisma bonus to armour class at first level. This armour class benefit only applies to Evil opponents or beings interfering with the E’lundar’s primary missions (see above text for descriptions). This is a supernatural ability and considered a divine bonus to Armour Class.

· Mystra’s Aura
Starting at 2nd Level E’Lundar can detect magic once per day as a spell like ability. Every two levels thereafter allow an E’lundar one more aura per day. This is a spell like ability.

· Smite Evil:
Once per day, an E’Lundar of third level or higher may attempt to smite evil with one normal melee attack. She adds her Charisma modifier (if positive) to the E‘lundar’s attack roll and deals 1 extra point of damage per level. If the E’lundar accidentally smites a creature that is not evil, the smite has no effect but it is still used up for that day. Smite evil is a supernatural ability. This smite ability stacks with any pre-existing ability but does not allow a second smite per day.

The stronghold of the Elundar (Hammerguard) is located north of the city of Tsurlagul in the Gray Forst in the Vast region. Out of the way yet close to the gateway to the east....and again fits in with Zoes past

· The Ranks

Knight of the Circle
Only 4-elected by the knights of the realm when a seat is vacated
Their mission is to guide the path of the order during there time in the Circle.

Quirinwin Relhaswiun E'Lundar, Mother of Spells (Pr 7/Wiz 7/El 7) Sun Elf
Dor Brightedge E'Lundar, Father of Swords (Pal 10/El 10) mountain dwarf
Rinlin Surefoot, Master Guide (Ranger 7/Fighter 4/Rogue 5/E’Lundar 5) Ghostwise Halfling
Erowinia E'Lundar, Grandmother Keeper of the Archive (Cleric 17/El 9) Moon Elf

E'Lundar Knight of the Realms

Those elevated to the order though desire, demonstration of ability, leadership, and most importantly character. Candidates for knighthood are put forth by existing Knights of the Order or mandates from the council. Then a vote of the council is held to weigh the worthiness of the candidate. Only knights have access to the vaults of Hammerguard where magic treasures from earlier quests are kept should their need arise.

E’Lundar Chosen of the Realms

Those who are chosen directly by Mystra. That person may receive a vision directly or an existing member of the order is given the vision of a future Chosen. There is no vote held and usually these individuals are picked for specific tasks. They may also become knights but must pass the vote as any other.

E'Lundar Defender of the Realms

Those selected and trained early in life. An Acolyte usually receives this title upon completion of training. Some become Knights or Chosen direcly but most receive and retain this title for life.

Acolyte of the E’Lundar Order

Someone who has devoted themselves to the beliefs of the E’Lundar but is not one by completion of training or other means.

Knight of Mystra/Fallen of Mystra

An E'lundar of any station who has been "discharged" from the order. Being dubbed a Knight or Fallen is determined by a vote of at least 11 E’Lundar Knights who vote on a recommendation which is then passed to the council for final vote. Fallen's swords are taken and they are branded on the forehead as a symbol of failure or betrayal to the oath they are stripped of all spell bonuses and special abilities gained as an E’Lundar. Knights loose their abilities and become fighters but retain their sword which become unblessed they also retain any spell advancement received as an E’Lundar. Direct intervention from Mystra has not been unheard of in this matter.

· The Vow to Mystra

Without exception all E’Lundar must take the following vows to qualify to take the class

Mystra hear me and know I pledge my service for this lifetime

I surrender all possessions and the need for them, with faith I carry the greatest treasure of all and one which can never be taken from me.

I forfeit all armor for faith is now my shield.

I forfeit my sight so that I might see through Mystra’s eyes and gleen the truth behind all things through the windows of the soul

I surrender my body as a vessel to Mystra so that she might weild its strength against her enemies.

I surrender my mind so that it might be open to all things great and small

I give my heart and love knowing that Mystra will never betray or lead me from my chosen path.

I do hereby swear my life to the service of Mystra.

An E’Lundar walks the fine line of pride and humility and refrain from any romantic involvement, as they believe it would tear them from their duty to all the people of Faerun and to Mystra thus breaking their vows. If for any reason an E’lundar should fall from the path of righteousness or break the vows they have sworn they become stripped of all class features and left with a red tattoo of Mystra emblazoned by the E’lundar high priests to their forehead as a symbol of betrayal becoming fallen or simply removed from the ranks of E’lundar becoming knights (see above).

· Garb

The garments are usually of dark grey or black doeskin with silver stitching with deep blue and red dyed cloth of the highest quality. The one mark of distinction that all E’Lundar garb has is a large silver seal of Mystra sewn into the left shoulder of their cloak and in the same location on their shirt beneath
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Kai Lord,

First off, thanks for setting this up! I love the idea and chance, especially since I have no skill at drawing and I'm never going to find a picture I can use for my character, so I'd pretty much resigned myself to never having a portrait of her. So, this chance to have one drawn is wonderful!

But, my question is:

I have noticed a lot of people posting character backgrounds. While I don't mind this, as it is fun to read, I would like to know if you and Todd will be taking them into account when you choose the final 20. I don't wish to post my character's background unless it is going to be taken into account for the contest (because she is still being played in our game and I don't wish the other players to stumble across certain information by accident), or if the contest is on physical and personality descriptions only. Please reply so we can all know for future reference!

Goddess FallenAngel


First Post
As an artist myself (well, sort of... I don't do drawings of people, character's etc; I'm a graphic designer) I assume a bit of background and personality, especially, is important. A character portrait is more then an exacting drawing of a physcical description. What makes one stand out and gives its true value is how well it can captures the personality and style of the character portrayed. I'd rather see a somewhat inaccurate (physically) drawing of my character that shows his personality rather then one that shows an accurate rendition and lacks any spirit. So for that reason, I'd personally say that it is important to have just a small bit of personality and context to the character description. I wouldn't include a dissertation on it though, just something to capture the spirit (shorter the better, probably :)).

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