• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E Exodus


Even Doctor Sanduine couldn't stay oblivious forever. As the situation became more tense, she felt a marine grab her shoulder and haul her back. The doctor bit back an acerbic reply; the man was ignoring her anyway, and she instead turned her eyes on the room at large. She should be recording this, she thought, slipping a holorecorder from a pocket. She began to look around for a higher vantage point.

Her eyes settled on Trace, who seemed to be one of the other scientists the soldiers were bullying. The lady tucked a few strands of blonde out of her eyes, then stalked over to the other doctor.

"Sir, where can I get a better view? Is there a catwalk? How do I get up to it?"

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It was with some relief that Juno saw the other marines coming in and backing her up. She stepped aside to let them get the civilians to safety and said, "I need a sidearm. I came here from briefing. And don't kill that thing unless you have to. Private Dawson disappeared a second before she appeared. She might know what happened to him."

Brother Dave

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Trace reluctantly tore his eyes from the alien woman as the marines continued to badger him about leaving. As he turned to look for someone in authority - someone who could authorize the tests he wanted to perform - he came face to face with the blonde scientist he had seen in the room earlier. She was apparently just as interested as he in studying the strange creature, and looking for his support.

Trace blinked at her question and raised an eyebrow. "I'm not sure. I've never been in Engineering before, much less the hyperdrive room. But let's find out." He looked around and spotted the marine doing most of the yelling, pointing her out to Emma. "I suspect she might be able to tell us. Come on."

Trace made his way purposefully towards Juno, hoping that the other scientist was following him. "Corporal," he started, checking her insignia. "Dr. Trace Martin-Davies. I am a member of the Xenobiology team, and as such it is imperative that I..." He glanced at Emma. "...er...we...begin study of this...this alien creature as soon as possible. I appreciate that you need to ensure the safety of the ship and civilians like ourselves, and we will try not to get in your way. But until we know what we're dealing with, we have no way of assessing the threat level. Is there some place we can go to safely observe and record until you have the situation under control?" Remembering Emma's question, he looked around the room. "Someplace high up, preferably. A catwalk, perhaps?"

As he waited for an answer, he looked around at the chaos in the room, hoping to spot Carter...or, actually, hoping he didn't spot him. With all the marines in the room, this was the last place he needed to be. He turned back to Juno, patting the med kit attached to his belt and smiling grimly. "I'm also a trained medic, so please don't hesitate to call on me in the event of an injury."


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Juno looked around and struggled to control her temper.

"Both of you need to get out of here," she repeated. "If we can subdue the intruder without killing it, I'm sure you'll get your shot at it. For now, we need you out of the line of fire."


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"Babylonian... She's speaking Babylonian! I'm nearly sure of it!" Airman Babington says as he turns to look at the others still in the room. "Something about challenging our best warrior, maybe like a duel? One on one? Let me try Latin..." Turning back to the creature, Mike tries the only other language he knows, "Quare pugna? Quare pugna? Why fight?"


The demon-woman snarls again, pointing at Juno, then replying to Babington, in something that sounds like Latin, but again influenced by hundreds of years of being an active language, "Honor...fight...she leads...she wins...I follow."


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"It knows LATIN too! But it's been changed... USED!", Airman Babingtons eyes go wide in shock as he realizes he's understanding the creature. "It says it wants to have an... honor fight ? ... against you," Mike points again towards Juno, "and that if you beat it, it will... follow you, or follow your orders? That's pretty close at least." Turning back to the creature, he tries to clarify, "Obey? Oboedite? Or follow? Sequitur?"


"Babylonian? Latin?" the doctor echoed, the catwalk apparently forgotten. The marines' suggestion that she get to safety had been entirely ignored. "That is utterly fascinating." She took a moment to gather her thoughts, still holding her holorecorder. "Ask it what its name is. There may be a historical or mythological connection here. My studies didn't extend to ancient Mesopotamian languages, regrettably, or I would ask it myself." She sounded as if she actually did regret it.


First Post
"And what does she expect will happen if she wins?" Juno asks skeptically. "Because...you know what? Doesn't matter. Screw it, someone give me a knife."

One of the soldiers passed her a heavy-bladed combat knife with a blade serrated on one edge and a thick point meant for punching through ballistic weave. She made a couple of test slashes with it, getting a feel for its balance, then nodded.

"Alright then."

Voidrunner's Codex

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