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D&D 5E Exodus


Akemi Jordan

[sblock=Akemi Jordan Mini-stats]Character Sheet
Init: +3, Senses: Perception +2
AC: 16 (tactical armor)
HP: 13 Current: 13
Proficiency: +2
Saves: Strength, Constitution
Luck Points: 3/3 Remaining
Weapon in Hand: FN P90 SMG
Akemi Jordon’s expression grew cold as she took in what Locke was suggesting. She muttered, “Grap. Apparently we are mawkin' around.” The man had taken command, filling a vacuum. But she was suspecting that his coup was not going to sit well with most of those he was allegedly leading except for those of the elitist few.

Joy’s reply was straight to the point as Akemi saw it. Sacrificing large numbers of people to in favor of only a dozen was not going to save humanity. She nodded with approval as the other woman spoke loudly to help ensure that the secrecy of such a scheme was blown too.

Akemi pointed the P90’s muzzle in the general direction of Locke, her right finger had never been far from the trigger even as she cradled the weapon. But her left hand slid to fore-stock and she held the weapon low, resting on her hip. She could fire it that way, but it would only take a second to snap the weapon up to her shoulder to properly aim and fire.

Her voice was cold as ice, with steel of her conviction in it. “Sorry, that ain’t gonna mawkin’ happen, Locke. I will shoot you if I even suspect you are going to carry out such a plan. Now I gotta wonder what really happened to Colonel Munroe and the decision to seal the rest of the ship off to doom the others. I heard that it was a noble sacrifice on his part, but now I think that’s load of grap.”

Akemi called over to one of the marines, “Hey, come over her a sec.” She only gestured with her left hand, still holding the P90 with one hand than left her trigger finger in place.

[sblock=OOC Questions]Of the 14 military members left in the survivors, which one is senior and what sort of specialties are we looking at for them.
People gravitating to their own social circles would have Akemi familiar with them all in the 2 days since the hatch was sealed.[/sblock]

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OOC: [MENTION=211]Phoenix8008[/MENTION], are you still with us?

Of the 14 military left, almost all of them are Air Force - communications and personnel types for the most part. Technically, Air Force Tech Sergeant Glivinski is the senior ranking military member, but he's been a blubbering mess for the past few days. The next higher ranking individual who still has a cool head is Senior Airman Scott Matthews, a comm guy who had qualified for Air Force Tactical Patrol just before getting assigned to Ark 42. There are two marines, both Privates in rank, Reynolds and Carpenter.

Reynolds starts to come over at Akemi's request when Locke sneers in reply to both Joy and Akemi, "You are making a mistake. We are the new gods. Our names shall rank among the likes of Odin, Ra, and Zeus. Do not think for a moment that these people are anything less than sacrifices on our altars."

The rest of his inner circle has now approached, forming a semi-circle behind Locke as he continues, "As you can see, I have the all the power here. Either follow me, or die with the rest of the cattle."


Another howl echoed through the corridors just the group made it to the cargo lift. The entire lift-car had been physically torn out of the elevator shaft and ripped apart. Some...thing had then apparently climbed down the elevator shaft, leaving claw like gouges in the sides of the shaft.

Hayes, at rear guard with Babington, happened to glance in to one of the living quarters nearby and made a hiccuped-heaving noise as she tried not to vomit. Inside the quarters were about a dozen people, torn apart and their bodies rearranged into a grotesque sculpture vaguely resembling a two-headed humanoid monstrosity.

Babington could make a word written in entrails and blood in the same language the demon woman had used when she first arrived. The word was a proper name and not one he was familiar with...



First Post
OOC: Here. Just been stuck in mandatory overtime hell the past 2 weeks. You all know about the bad winter weather all over the country lately? My job involves dispatching roadside assistance and accident towing for insurance companies. Guess how busy we've been the last 2 weeks? Bad enough it shut down Boston and the northeast last week. This week Georgia closed down, Texas got iced over, Mississippi got 5 inches of snow and Tennessee got a foot of it! I'm here, but haven't had the time free at work, or any free time at home to make a good post. Sorry if you were waiting on me. Going to bed now, but if time in morning, I'll post here or get it done a little at a time at work tomorrow.


Akemi Jordan

[sblock=Akemi Jordan Mini-stats]Character Sheet
Init: +3, Senses: Perception +2
AC: 16 (tactical armor)
HP: 13 Current: 13
Proficiency: +2
Saves: Strength, Constitution
Luck Points: 3/3 Remaining
Weapon in Hand: FN P90 SMG
Akemi Jordon’s left hand returned to the SMG after Reynolds started coming over.

Her expression was cold at Locke's sneer and she slowly shook her head. The guy might have some smarts, but she though he was mawkin' looney and way too dangerous. They had warned him and tried some reasoning. She was not going to put up with his grap. With the muzzle pointed at the megalomaniac at point blank range she pulled the trigger.


"I don't think he was listening to us, Joy. Maybe that got his attention."

Akemi's muzzle came up with her shouldering the weapon and her eyes were scanning the rest of Locke's cronies ready to put a burst into the group of them.

[sblock=Actions]Shoot Locke: P90 Attack (15), Damage (19)[/sblock]


First Post
Another howl echoed through the corridors just the group made it to the cargo lift. The entire lift-car had been physically torn out of the elevator shaft and ripped apart. Some...thing had then apparently climbed down the elevator shaft, leaving claw like gouges in the sides of the shaft.

Hayes, at rear guard with Babington, happened to glance in to one of the living quarters nearby and made a hiccuped-heaving noise as she tried not to vomit. Inside the quarters were about a dozen people, torn apart and their bodies rearranged into a grotesque sculpture vaguely resembling a two-headed humanoid monstrosity.

Babington could make a word written in entrails and blood in the same language the demon woman had used when she first arrived. The word was a proper name and not one he was familiar with...


"It says 'Demogorgon', in the language Demon uses. Not sure what that is, but...it looks bad to me. My god.", he said, covering his mouth with his hand and swallowing hard. "Let's get moving, okay?", he says to the others in a voice noticeably more quiet than before.


First Post
"Hold on a second," Juno said sharply. "Just hold on." Her mind was whirling. They weren't so far from the point of entry that they couldn't get back and signal for evac. After seeing this, it would be acceptable. The ship was probably a floating coffin by now.

But if the backup team had thought that way on Mars, I'd be dead now.


Okay, so...the cargo lift was down. There were personnel elevators. The squad would probably fit in two cars, even with full gear. But she didn't like it. Whatever had done this was big enough and strong enough to destroy lifts. And the elevators weren't subtle. Was there another way?

"Alright," she said. Breathe. Remember to breathe. "There's ladders that go between decks. Emergency access and maintenance. No machines for this thing to knock out, and the tubes are buried in bulkheads...should be harder for it to break into. Keep the chatter down, try and go quiet...maybe we can get off this level before it knows we're here."


OOC: [MENTION=48394]pathfinderq1[/MENTION], are you still with us?

OOC: Locke is using one of his luck points from the Lucky feat on Akemi's attack roll.

Luck roll on Akemi's attack roll. (1d20+5=13)

Akemi feels a momentary sense of vertigo, as if fate were trying to rearrange itself. Its not quite successful however as the shot that would have blown through Locke's chest still succeeds in hitting him in the gut.

As Locke falls to the floor, his inner circle stands shocked. Indeed, the entire room is quiet as the sound of the shot echoes through the chamber. One of the non-"chosen" civilian leaders, a paleontologist named Dr. Mora, finally speaks, "We have a system of laws and culture and no matter what Locke may have done or said, he didn't deserve that. Not without a fair trial at the very least. Shooting him was uncalled for." Many voices rise up in agreement.

Andrew Schaeffer, a medical doctor specializing in mortuary science and one of Locke's "chosen" inner circle steps forward, seemingly daring Akemi to shoot again, "Are you going to murder all of us? Is that how you intend to take power for yourself?"


One of the maintenance ladders is nearby and undamaged. Almerton offers to take point but first asks Juno, "Up or down, boss?" Just then a sound echoes through the corridor...not the horrible yowling of the creature but something that sounds like a gunshot. Its distant, probably on the other end of the crew quarters, but it was definitely a firearm of some sort.

Babington, as they are leaving the gruesome spectacle of the corpse sculpture behind, notices something in the corner...an ancient looking book, seemingly discarded. It lies open to a page with odd diagrams of runes and pentacles. The words seem to swim and move as Babington looks at them but he finds he can read them all the same. They are formulas and instructions for magic and it seems to make sense to Babington in a way nothing else ever has.


First Post
Juno looks around at that sound and mutters a curse.

"Okay, change in plans. Last I've seen, these aliens don't use guns. Might be survivors on this level. Form up and follow my lead."

She headed in the direction of the gunshot, trying to figure out whereabouts in the ship it might have come from, based on how far it sounded.


Akemi Jordan

[sblock=Akemi Jordan Mini-stats]Character Sheet
Init: +3, Senses: Perception +2
AC: 16 (tactical armor)
HP: 13 Current: 13
Proficiency: +2
Saves: Strength, Constitution
Luck Points: 3/3 Remaining
Weapon in Hand: FN P90 SMG
Akemi kept the muzzle of her smoking P90 trained on the “chosen”. Her expression was hard as she eyed Schaeffer. “I am not mawkin’ around. If you want to carry through on a plan that is going to kill everyone else on purpose, I will put a bullet in you too.”

“Reynolds! Come here and help cover them.”

Regardless what the bystanders might be thinking, she had not acted to grab power but to defend them.

“Doctor Mora, there are no courts here. This grap for brains maniac was trying to force me and Joy here to join him or be sacrificed like the rest of you. I just saved your life.”


First Post
Joy had dealt with predators of all kinds- sudden violence was hardly new to her. But she didn't like guns that much, and the shot was LOUD in the confined space- she seemed to be stunned for just a second.

Only a second or so, though. Even as the others began to continue their "discussion", she tuned them out and dropped to one knee beside Locke. She had seen people shot before, mostly by accident, though there had been that altercation with poachers in Tanzania... She knew that, despite what Hollywood generally showed, most gunshots weren't instantly fatal. Even as she knelt and started to strip Locke's shirt open, she could hear a faint voice in her head- it sounded like it was singing. And when she opened her mouth to call for a med-kit, she instead found herself singing as well- just a few words from an old Maori haka, but it seemed right somehow...

She pulled her hands back and glanced over her shoulder at Akemi. "Be ready," she murmured, then turned her attention to Locke's allies. "Such compassion for your friend," she spat. "Let me be clear- EVERY life counts now. Even if we don't agree with him, or like them, or think they are as valuable as we might be. We have lost more than enough, and I don't think we are going to get through this without losing more- but we cannot afford to throw away ANYONE. AT. ALL. What did he expect, did you expect, when you propose sacrificing all these people to save your sorry skins? And what would you expect, when you threaten an armed soldier in a situation this stressful? With a gun like that, she could have killed the whole lot of you- but she didn't. One shot, not fatal, and this situation is now open to EVERYONE to have a voice...''

[sblock= OOC] Still here,just hit a rough patch schedule-wise- and Joy was bit at a loss there. Now she is back in her element a bit more. First action is Healing Word on Locke- a waste if he was insta-killed, but I didn't want to waste the time to do a Medicine check. If she can stack a Persuasion attempt on top, then do so, otherwise just soliloquy. Healing word 1d4+3= 4 HP; Persuasion if allowed is 1d20+3= 22; rolls http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4795029/ [/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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