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Experimental magic system. (revising)


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Not finished revising, will finish tomorrow.
ok, spoilers don't work the same here as they do on other forums, how do I make openable tabs?
So, I was thinking of a way to make a more 'customizable' appraoch to magic, with complete versatility. A mused around for a while, came up with some stuff, then organized it into this:

Power Source
Instead of spell slots, which are kind of limited in desription of what they offer (just various levels of spells), I went with the 'mana', or 'spell points', approach. I call it mana since it sounds more magical ( but still annoys me in sounding more like a video game).

Magical classes get mana die upon leveling (like hit die, only for mana).
The pure-mage class will get an additional (2d4 + Int mod)x10 every level, for example.

With your mana, you can create various elements. Creating solid substances is extremely wearing, though (creating something out of nothing can do that), Most mages rely on subtle elements, as they are much easier to create.

Basic Elements:
(things such as range increments and sustaining will be discussed later)
All elements effects count as touch attacks, unless the target as magic shielding.

Wind: basically moving air, what could be more simple to manipulate?

Knocks opponent 1d4 squares back unless they succeed a reflex save of DC 10 + speed modifier. 5 mana to create. 2 mana per range increment. 2 mana to sustain, 10 mana to sustain mobile air. Opponents suffer 1d6 damage if they are knocked into a solid object, or 1d4 damage if knocked into a collapsible object (such as a vegetable stand). At 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level, add +1 to amount of sqaures wind knocks opponent back.

Fire: The most simple destructive energy, just make a spark and burn air.

Deals 1d6 damage, and 1d4 damage on the following turn unless flames are smothered (full round action DC 15 Dex save). 10 mana to create, 4 mana per range increment, 4 mana to sustain, 20 mana to sustain a wall. At 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level, increase damage by one die (2d6 at 5th level, 3d6 at 10th, etc.). At 15th level, the fire burns blue.

Positive Energy: The force of life, which pervades everything.

Heals 1d8 when striking living targets, and deals 1d8 damage when striking undead targets. 8 mana to create, 3 mana per range increment, 3 to sustain, 15 to sustain a wall.

Psionic: The power of the mind.

deals 1d6 damage, half of which is subdual. Constructs and undead do not receive the subdual damage. 8 mana to create, 3 mana per range increment, 3 to sustain, 15 to sustain a wall.

Forbidden Elements:
These Elements are forbidden to be used without a license.

Negative energy: The power of death, which pervades everything.

deals 1d8 damage when striking living targets, and heals 1d8 when striking undead targets. 8 mana to create, 3 mana per range increment, 3 to sustain, 15 to sustain a wall.

Nether Fire: The Fires of hell, only obtainable by forging a pact with a demon. The flames are tinged with black.

All costs are double basic Fire's, but have triple the effect.

Special Elements:

Lightning: For pure awesome destructive power, use lightning.

Created by combining Positive Energy and Fire.
There are two options when using lightning:
One: 1d10 damage, knocks foe 1 sqaure back, Speed is 4, 1 mana per range increment, not sustainable, can jump from target to target (chain lightning)(max 3, deals half damage to each next target e.g. 10 to first, 5 to second, 2 to third). At 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th level, add another damage die, and increase number of targets for chain lightning by +1

Two: 1d8 damage, 6 per range increment, 8 to sustain, 20 sustain in wall form, +2 to detonation DC.

You can create various amounts of each element. These amounts are referred to as pounds, simply because all objects in DnD have weight, making it easily comparable. The create cost of an element is for 1 lb. At first level, you can create 1 lb a turn, and sustain 3 lb max (meaning you could create 1 lb a turn and keep adding to get your max, while paying sustain costs, good to do right before a battle, to throw a huge amount right away). Add this amount to itself every level (2 lb a turn at second, 3 at 3rd, etc. 6 lb sustain at 2nd, 9 at 3rd...)

Sustain costs are for each lb, meaning having two lbs cost double of 1 lb.
Each lb

Speed and Range:
The faster your magic goes, the more damage it does. The farther it goes, the more it accelerates. This effect only applies to the more 'physical' elements, like fire and wind.
Speed 0: basic speed, no bonus
Speed 1: costs 8 mana. +1 to attack roll, damage increases by +1 per range increment
Speed 2: costs 16 mana.+2 " " " "
Speed 3: costs 32 mana.+3 " " "
Speed 4: is a ray, +5 to attack roll, no damage increase, lessens range cost to 1 mana per range increment.

increase bonuses by +1 at 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level.

Range: A range increment is 15 ft, each additional range increment costs mana (to sustain the magic as it goes farther away from you), every 4 range increments, double the range cost.

A Basic Spell:
Lets say Mr. Wizard guy creates a spell to incinerate his foes, here's what he does:
Creates 1 lb of fire, hurls at Goblin, who is 30 feet away, at a speed of 1. It cost 10 mana to create the fire, 8 mana to throw it 30 feet, and 8 mana for the speed. Since he increased the speed, he gets +2 to damage for acceleration over two increments, and +1 to the attack roll. 1d20 +1, 1d6 +2 damage, plus an additional 1d4 next round unless Goblin smothers the flames.

26 mana in all. He has 80 mana in all, meaning he could cast this spell two more times before needing to regenerate
So, please post your opinions and whatnot, and if you would ever want to actually play this.

The old post, where you can see all my ideas:

Old Post:
I was trying to think of a completely customizable and limitless way of using magic. The current spells system doesn't allow for much variation (sides for metamagic feats and such). Arcana Evolved has a decently customizable magic system, what with spell slot swapping, empowering, diminishing, and templates and such. But I was trying to think of a completely 'make-your-own spell' kind of system. Since magic is essentially malleable to be created into anything.

So I thought I'd post my ravings:

First, you have what I'll call mana for simplicities sake. ( I hate calling it mana, though, sounds to much like a video game)
let's say, 10 x Int mod at first level, plus 5 x int mod at every next level.

Then, there's the element options; fire, wind, and positive energy were the basics I could think of. Fire burns 1d6 per lb (more on weight later) and burns the same amount the subsequent round, it also counts as a touch attack, positive energy heals living and damages undead 1d6 per lb (touch), wind pushes creatures back 1d4 squares per lb.

So, you can create a certain amount of a given element, I classified the amount by pounds. You can create up to 1 x int mod lbs at first level, with the same amount added on every other level, and you can maintain double that amount. (maintaining or creating more than you can handle requires a will save to avoid the spell blowing up in your face). Maintain means you keep whatever you created until next round, where it dissipates unless you pay the mana cost to maintain again.

Creating each lb of fire requires 5 mana, maintaining each requires 2 mana.
wind is 3 mana, maintain 1
positive energy 5, maintain 2

now that you've created your element, you can move it somewhere: throwing it requires 1 mana per lb per range increment (15 feet). The spell also accelerates over distance, so add +1 damage to the spell per range increment. Instead of simply throwing the spell, you can control it, making it arc upwards, or curve to the side, to add acceleration range. Controlling cost double mana.

For a basic fire bolt, creating, then throwing 20 feet, would cost 7 mana (5 for creation, 2 for range), and would be 1d20 to hit, and 1d6+2 for damage, plus another 1d6 the next turn for fire's burning effect.

Just a thought, probably too OP though: You can maintain energy after it hits someone, their is a 50% for each lb of magic that it will dissipate on strike, you can spend the maintain cost of the element to keep it from dissipating and move it to another target, this is only possible if you are manually controlling where it goes, however , It also loses all acceleration bonuses.

you can apply multiple templates to the amount to increase it's effect.
Speed: The faster the spell, the more damage and better chance you have to hit.
Speed 0: basic speed
Speed 1: faster, add +1 to attack and damage rolls, and +1 for range increment damage.
Speed 2: same as speed one, but +2 instead of +1.
Speed 3: same, except +3

Speed 4: a ray, hits instantly, add +5 to attack roll, but nothing to damage roll. 50% change to pierce through targets. add 2 mana to make it ricochet if it goes through.

first speed cost 2 mana extra, plus 2 extra per range increment. add this number to itself per each increment in speed.

Another thing to add would be a 'seeking-missile', or tracking, template. Your magic will unerringly follow the enemy, meaning they don't get a dex bonus for their AC. Combine this with fire, which counts as a touch attack = BOOM. Costs 8 mana + 2 per range increment.

Burn hotter: make your flames burn hotter, each 5 mana adds 1d6 to 1 lb of fire, max of 3 additions.
Also, when maxxed out heat, the flames turn blue.

Another template is the explosive template, you can spend 5 mana to make a spell detonate, with every 3 mana adding +1 to the radius. Detonation requires no attack roll, and the enemy must make a reflex save to halve the damage (DC is 10 + range increment bonus + speed bonus) , you can expend 4 mana (3 times max) to increase the detonation speed, adding +1 to the DC. the damage is the amount the element deals, no bonus for speed.

You can also turn the element into a 'haze', each lb of magic can cover one square, dealing it's standard effect to anyone occupying it; fire will burn, wind will blow others away, if in motion. You can create a mobile haze that will circle around you, it must be 8 lbs to cover all squares around you if you want to have a shield. Wind will blow arrows away and keep enemies away, fire will burn people who get near. You must pay the maintain cost to keep it their.
You could use this to create walls , though they will be expensive in mana maintenance. Or also to make a blast effect, (is speed is added, max level 1, though), with an effect area based on lbs.

Another thing you can do is cast twice, once from each hand, however, you can't apply seeking missile template to these spells if they are aimed at different targets.

suggested idea: You can also shoot at multiple targets from one hand, E.g. create 5 lbs of fire to shoot at five different targets, tracking cannot be applied unless they are all being shot at one person, and they all must exactly identical, these targets must be in all the same direction.

Creation: you can create items out of an element, they must be maintained using mana or they will dissipate. They cost the same as creating an identical amount of fire.
example: creating a whip of fire costs two lbs of fire, since a normal whip is two lbs. It acts the same, except it deals fire damage and has a burn effect.
You can also coat an existing weapon in an element for half the amount (coating a whip would be one lb) to give it the same effect (except half damage is physical).

something-I-randomly-thought-of ability: Surprise. Surprise basically means catching the opponent off guard, giving the same advantage as flanking. Firing a bolt of air (which is invisible), then turning it into fire at the last second would be a surprise attack. Casting a bolt at someone and deliberately missing, then making it turn around and hit them in the back.

New Item, Mana Stones: Mana Stones are basically gems that can hold your mana, they have a limit depending on the size and quality, e.g. a high-quality ruby weighing two lbs would have a limit of, say 100 mana, (50 if it only weighed one lb). to fill a gem, you expend an equal amount of mana to the amount you fill, you can draw upon this reserve any time you want, but you cannot draw from another's reserve.
Various gems are also beneficial to various elements. If using mana contained in a ruby, you get a 10% increase to all fire effects. Emerald for positive energy. Opal (or maybe quartz) for wind.
Mana stones can be used to power a spell without you being around. If you create a wall of fire, you can leave behind a charged mana stone to pay the maintain costs. The wall will stay then until the stone is exhausted.

spell sources: All magic must originate from you, or from a mana stone containing your mana.
A good way to skimp on mana costs would be to throw a ruby down and wait for enemies to get near it before detonating a fire bomb there.

Illusions: fire creates light, lights can make holograms, holograms are illusory. Therefore, illusions can be made with fire. anything that can be done with normal fire can be made into an illusion. Illusions are harmless and cost 1/10th the normal cost of fire.
Can make you invisible, perhaps.

Cold effects: cold is the absence of heat. Send a ball of fire somewhere and use it to draw the heat away from something to freeze it. 7 mana. (fortitude save DC 15)

Nether fire: just another element. By allying yourself, or, in other words, selling your soul to some Abbysal demon, you get access to the Nether fire element. Nether fire costs twice as much as normal fire but has twice the effect.

fast movement using wind?: cast high-powered wind on your self to quickly move yourself somewhere.

Some basic classes I came up with, based on mana amounts:

Total Mana Guy: can wear light armor, proficient with no weapons. Max amount of mana. Can use mana with both hands.

Middle-ground guy: Can wear light and med armor, can use shields. proficient with simple and martial weps. decent amount of mana. Good for quick damage; coat weapons with fire, or use weapons of your own creation.

Big Heavy Guy: can wear all armor types, can use martial and simple weps. Small amount of mana. Basic tank, for improved tanking, use wind to keep arrows off, or sustain a ball of positive energy for healing.

Anyways, looking for advice. Definitely balance issues, but if all classes were like the above, it wouldn't be as much of a problem. Some things would have to be added, like armor immune to spell effects (meaning fire isn't a touch attack), and some creatures that devour mana to make mages less of a threat.
I thought everything out, now I just need all the numbers to be adjusted to be balanced, and frankly, I'm not good at that.
It might seem crazy overpowered, but remember, these mages won't be getting things like ressurect or time stop or whatnot.
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
I would expand the elements to that of the chinese 5:
steel, water, air, fire and wood

Steel could be prtection
water - cold
air - electricity
fire - is well, fire
wood is earth or nature

i can't remember which is which, but some help each other [sympathetic] where others hinder [oppose].

you could add as a special life and death.

You can say that the world of elements is like a woven basket spinning on a double helix axle of life and death .


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Electricity sounds like Fire but with a different name, Air should be mist/shadow something akin to dimension door/invisibility, you create Air all around you and you are invisible but you create another point of air so far off and as you disperse you Air you appear in the other point of Air

I think that there will be TONS of balance issues and it sounds like it will make mages even more powerful but besides that it sounds awesome and VERY intriguing


First Post
Electricity sounds like Fire but with a different name, Air should be mist/shadow something akin to dimension door/invisibility, you create Air all around you and you are invisible but you create another point of air so far off and as you disperse you Air you appear in the other point of Air

I think that there will be TONS of balance issues and it sounds like it will make mages even more powerful but besides that it sounds awesome and VERY intriguing

the balance issues is what I'm mainly worried about.
of course, it doesn't make logical sense that mages shouldn't be stronger than fighter-types (disregarding the laws of physics SHOULD be overpowered), I still understand the need for it. The main limits of this system is mana, so for weaker mages, either reduce mana amounts, or add lots of mana feeding creatures (enemies that drain mana)

However, these types of mages won't get ridiculous spells like Time Stop and what not, unless you can rationally explain how something like fire can stop time. Also, they can't cast a permanent spell, spells last only until the mages mana runs out (I think I'll add some other mana sources, though).

I like your ideas for Air, but I think invisibility would be more of an illusion-type, an illusions will be under fire, since fire creates light, and various light effects

I'm going to add some class ideas I had
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First Post
I would expand the elements to that of the chinese 5:
steel, water, air, fire and wood

Steel could be prtection
water - cold
air - electricity
fire - is well, fire
wood is earth or nature

i can't remember which is which, but some help each other [sympathetic] where others hinder [oppose].

you could add as a special life and death.

You can say that the world of elements is like a woven basket spinning on a double helix axle of life and death .

I'm trying to go for a unique approach to usable elements; it's not really the standard elements, but the most useful ways of presenting magic. i kind of want to it be easy to create your element too, if need be.

Life is pretty much positive energy, and I was considering adding negative energy (death), which has the opposite effect.

Like instead of making a shield type spell with said steel, you maintain a wall of air around you to deflect missiles. I want to reduce the amount of elements to lessen confusion. An example; to create a cold, or ice, effect, you have to use fire element to remove heat, dealing ice damage.

If you could think of good uses for those elements, though, I would gladly include them. And I like the idea of sympathetic and opposing elements.
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Have you examined the 3.5 Psionics system?

no, someone gave me an ebook of it, but it was corrupted and didn't work. I've glanced through the book before, though.
I know something about the 4th edition, but I doubt they're very similar.
I know that it deals with modifiable power though.

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