D&D 5E I need ideas of fun & creative things to do with Wizard spells

Aurel Guthrie

Xor, Lils, Dori, I trust you not to read further if you've stumbled into this

I recently created a level 8 order of scribes wizard. I'm playing her as someone who is lazy, and likes to show off. Basically if there's a mundane thing that she can do with magic, she'll do it. So far In her character introduction she used Unseen Servant, Mage Hand, and Prestidigitation, to pull up her chair, serve wine and change the flavor, and hold books at eye level for her to read, to give you an idea of the kind of thing I'm looking for. This also isn't exclusive to roleplay, out of the box combat ideas are also welcome. I can also use an action to ritual cast a spell once per long rest, if it matters.

If anyone has any ideas of other fun combinations or perhaps often overlooked flavorful spells, I'd love to know! This isn't limited to any spells I currently have, but just in case here's my current spell list. Attached is the damage type I currently have for each spell level for any order of scribes shenanigans:

Cantrips: fire bolt, light, mage hand, prestidigitation, shocking grasp (Note: I can cast any cantrip from the wizard's spell list with a DC 10 Arcana check once per long rest, thanks to a Hat of Wizardry)
1st level: burning hands, charm person, chromatic orb, comprehend languages (ritual), identify (ritual), mage armor, magic missile, tenser's floating disk (ritual), unseen servant (ritual) [Acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, thunder, force]
2nd level: alter self, blur, dragon's breath, invisibility, scorching ray [Acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, bludgeoning, piercing, slashing]
3rd level: fireball, haste, lightning bolt [Fire, lightning]
4th level: locate creature, polymorph, storm sphere, wall of fire [Bludgeoning, fire, lightning]

Thanks in advance! Hopefully other people can get ideas for their wizards as well from this thread 😄

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- mage armor that takes the form of flamboyant clothing or an interposing individual, such as a butler, small child, bodyguard or other being.

- light is a tiny sprite or servant carrying a miniature lamp as it flits about gushing over how great the wizard is.

- locate creature is a phantasmal big game hunter who marches off in the direction of the wizard’s prey.


Comprehend languages-
For the duration, you understand the literal meaning of any spoken language that you hear. You also understand any written language that you see, but you must be touching the surface on which the words are written. It takes about 1 minute to read one page of text.

Could be fun to stop people talking to cast the spell saying that their dialect of common is hard to understand. I do not think it would work on thieves' cant though.

Aurel Guthrie

- mage armor that takes the form of flamboyant clothing or an interposing individual, such as a butler, small child, bodyguard or other being.

- light is a tiny sprite or servant carrying a miniature lamp as it flits about gushing over how great the wizard is.

- locate creature is a phantasmal big game hunter who marches off in the direction of the wizard’s prey.
Somehow, I hadn't thought about reflavoring my spells like this! Even though I've done it before for other classes. This gives me more to think about

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
Somehow, I hadn't thought about reflavoring my spells like this! Even though I've done it before for other classes. This gives me more to think about
I'd lean into the flavor of the scribe a bit heavier. Ever flavor change should be about a book, quill, page, etc.

Light is a single page as an eternal flame.
Mage Hand is the book flying over and grabbing things.
Firebolt is a flaming quill.
Invisibility is one of those ink blotters blotting you out.


Guide of Modos
First of all, she's too lazy to cast rituals. So those are out.

Burning hands for when her hands get cold and the hearth is out.

Alter self to make her hair look brushed and clothes clean.

Haste so she can walk at half speed and get there in the same amount of time, one minute or less. Haste so she can walk twice as far with the normal amount of effort.

Aurel Guthrie

First of all, she's too lazy to cast rituals. So those are out.

Burning hands for when her hands get cold and the hearth is out.

I like the idea of her using fire spells to keep herself warm. Burning Hands is a little too destructive, so I'll probably take Produce Flame next chance I get. I'll see if my DM allows me to use Tasha's optional wizard feature to switch cantrips on long rests.

Rituals are fine, since she can cast them as an action once per long rest thanks to an Order of Scribes feature. I'm trying to come up with uses for Tenser's Floating Disk, for now she'll just use it to carry her increasingly large pile of books around


Tenser's Floating Disk - manifests as Nodwick.


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