D&D 5E Experimental new formats


In the Future of D&D panel at D&D Celebration, Ray Winninger mentioned that the two "major classic D&D settings" that will be coming out next year will be "published in formats we've never really published products in before ... we have very new ways of presenting each of those."

Liz Shuh added "We really felt like the return of a few classic settings was the perfect time to experiment ... Our goal has been: how do we make our products easier to use at the table, how do we introduce new play experiences for fans ... We're exploring ways to create the best possible experience for players around the table. You'll see us experimenting and looking into ways that even technology can make your games easier to run and more fun for everyone to play."

From other things said during the panel, I got the impression that these products would not be presented in either the standard hardcover book or the traditional box set full of goodies formats. They really stressed that these are brand new formats.

I'm a little concerned about Liz's reference to technology. I hope she isn't talking about microtransactions or DLC or even just products that require a subscription or VTT to use or something. I'm all for using technology to enhance the game, but not if it becomes a required component. (I know I'm probably reading too much into what little she said. Hopefully the upcoming D&D Studio blog post that Ray also mentioned will go into a little more detail about these experiments they're doing.)

What do other people think?

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B/X Known World
In the Future of D&D panel at D&D Celebration, Ray Winninger mentioned that the two "major classic D&D settings" that will be coming out next year will be "published in formats we've never really published products in before ... we have very new ways of presenting each of those."

Liz Shuh added "We really felt like the return of a few classic settings was the perfect time to experiment ... Our goal has been: how do we make our products easier to use at the table, how do we introduce new play experiences for fans ... We're exploring ways to create the best possible experience for players around the table. You'll see us experimenting and looking into ways that even technology can make your games easier to run and more fun for everyone to play."

From other things said during the panel, I got the impression that these products would not be presented in either the standard hardcover book or the traditional box set full of goodies formats. They really stressed that these are brand new formats.

I'm a little concerned about Liz's reference to technology. I hope she isn't talking about microtransactions or DLC or even just products that require a subscription or VTT to use or something. I'm all for using technology to enhance the game, but not if it becomes a required component. (I know I'm probably reading too much into what little she said. Hopefully the upcoming D&D Studio blog post that Ray also mentioned will go into a little more detail about these experiments they're doing.)

What do other people think?
I don't want them to get fancy. I just want a book or a boxed set. I don't want cards, tea leaves, commemorative mugs, tea cozies, lactose-free milk, stripper grams, or soy bean futures from an RPG publisher. Books. It's not that hard. Just books. Not tchotchkes or boxes with stuff that looks like a boardgame inside. Slipcases with books. Boxes with books. Books. Though PDFs would be awesome.


What would be cool is if they incorporated more visual aids and maybe even produced
I don't want them to get fancy. I just want a book or a boxed set. I don't want cards, tea leaves, commemorative mugs, tea cozies, lactose-free milk, stripper grams, or soy bean futures from an RPG publisher. Books. It's not that hard. Just books. Not tchotchkes or boxes with stuff that looks like a boardgame inside. Slipcases with books. Boxes with books. Books. Though PDFs would be awesome.
I like what they did with the Essentials Kit box - an adventure, a rules book, some cards (with a little box you can keep them in), and a set of dice. Good for a starter product.

I also like the Curse of Strahd Revamped product that incorporated the tarokka deck, although the postcards are a silly gimmick I can do without.

Urriak Uruk

Gaming is fun, and fun is for everyone
I'm a little concerned about Liz's reference to technology. I hope she isn't talking about microtransactions or DLC or even just products that require a subscription or VTT to use or something. I'm all for using technology to enhance the game, but not if it becomes a required component. (I know I'm probably reading too much into what little she said. Hopefully the upcoming D&D Studio blog post that Ray also mentioned will go into a little more detail about these experiments they're doing.)

What do other people think?

What is a microtransaction D&D setting supposed to look like? I think you're reading a little too much into the tech comment.


Didn't they say a few months ago that the "new format" is not digital, or at least not primarily digital?

Still, it does seem dicey. I'm not sure what exactly they could be talking about that isn't a book and/or box set that could be called a "new format."


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Didn't they say a few months ago that the "new format" is not digital, or at least not primarily digital?

Still, it does seem dicey. I'm not sure what exactly they could be talking about that isn't a book and/or box set that could be called a "new format."
Oh, yeah, they did say that…


I think also that "new format" doesn't necessarily mean that it won't be a box set. It just might mean that the contents and nature of the box could be new, or the sum total of the product is new. What was that expensive Monte Cook came, the Black Cube?

Urriak Uruk

Gaming is fun, and fun is for everyone
I think also that "new format" doesn't necessarily mean that it won't be a box set. It just might mean that the contents and nature of the box could be new, or the sum total of the product is new. What was that expensive Monte Cook came, the Black Cube?

I agree it could come in a box set, but I doubt it would come in a really expensive one like a Cook one. I can't see them releasing a box that is more than $70, and even that is pushing it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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