D&D 5E Experimental new formats


What is a microtransaction D&D setting supposed to look like? I think you're reading a little too much into the tech comment.
Well to get a Nat 20 you need to purchase the "AAAAAAAAAH YIIIIISSSSSS!" dlc pack. The good news is that in order to have Nat 1's you have to purchase the "Bugger me!" dlc pack. The bad news is that to allow your characters to gain access to a PB score of 6 after leveling up enough, you have to make sure you purchased both the Nat 20/1 dlc packs to even meet the requirements.

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I'm guessing that this innovative presentation will be less innovative than we're thinking. I think they'll provide more virtual assets for use in a virtual tabletop, but that the rest of the change in format will be more gimmick than substantively different. You may get some books to hand to players, or decks of cards with descriptions on them, or something along those lines - but all in all, the content will be the same stuff we currently see.

I just want official psionics rules with a psionic spellcaster class and a psionic warrior class. It is the largest gap in 5E.

I'm all for them experimenting with format. You don't get improvements without change, and you can't change without risks.

The way I play the game has changed in the last 40 years. Not just in Save or Die style, but in many other ways too. Sure, a traditional boxed format works well, for what it is, but it doesn't work that well for me anymore.

Maybe they will take a page from all the way back in the 2E era, and release small 48 page "Chapbook" adventure chapters on a monthly schedule with a binding to collect them all, instead of a 256 page book all at once. With digital support for each, so you need a monthly subscription.

(Yes, it's been done already. But not by WOTC.)

Urriak Uruk

Gaming is fun, and fun is for everyone
I just meant it as a pushback on the price limit. They are willing to have items more than $70.

I know. To clarify my position, I don't think we will see an entirely new setting in a box, being entirely new material, for more than $70. Seems to limiting to me. Not saying they can't sell anything for more than $70.


Mod Squad
Staff member
I know. To clarify my position, I don't think we will see an entirely new setting in a box, being entirely new material, for more than $70. Seems to limiting to me. Not saying they can't sell anything for more than $70.

I think differently. Selling three books, two of which many of us already have, at a high price point is a dicey choice.

Give me a box of entirely new material, however, and that price seems less of a waste. Beadle and Grimms can seel single adventures for hat much - a setting's worth of information, maps, and such, might be a fine deal.

They mentioned different from hardcovers and box sets, so at least one of them is likely a soft cover book. Another could be in the form a magazines or a group of smaller soft covers book, like Planescape when you only buy the smaller soft cover books for the planes your interested in.

Urriak Uruk

Gaming is fun, and fun is for everyone
I think differently. Selling three books, two of which many of us already have, at a high price point is a dicey choice.

Give me a box of entirely new material, however, and that price seems less of a waste. Beadle and Grimms can seel single adventures for hat much - a setting's worth of information, maps, and such, might be a fine deal.

I think the idea for the new $165 box is essentially, "How do we get make a Core Set 2?" Meaning, it's not really meant for folks who have the other set. It's really meant to get as a bundle after you have the first Core Bundle. So you've given the first 3 books as a bundle to your nephew, he loved it, you get him the second bundle as a gift next year. I'll add, the new book isn't really a new book at all; most folks here already have bits of material from it from other books. EnWorld isn't really the target for that set.

But an entirely new material set I think is very different. WotC isn't B&G which has very limited, high-price run of boxes. Theoretically they can do that, but their business model seems to be to pump out material meant for high sales. A new material box set with a very high price would contradict that model.


Mod Squad
Staff member
But an entirely new material set I think is very different. WotC isn't B&G which has very limited, high-price run of boxes. Theoretically they can do that, but their business model seems to be to pump out material meant for high sales. A new material box set with a very high price would contradict that model.

Yeah, but there's a whole lot of "over $70" before you hit "very high".

Voidrunner's Codex

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