Explore The Galaxy On Fantasy Grounds! N.E.W. Now On The Virtual Tabletop!

Some exciting news from SmiteWorks, the makers of the Fantasy Grounds virtual tabletop! "SmiteWorks USA LLC is extremely happy to announce the latest new game system supported by Fantasy Grounds - W.O.I.N. This first installment features N.E.W., EN Publishing's very own game system full of aliens, cybernetics, space ships and atronomical exploration!"

Some exciting news from SmiteWorks, the makers of the Fantasy Grounds virtual tabletop! "SmiteWorks USA LLC is extremely happy to announce the latest new game system supported by Fantasy Grounds - W.O.I.N. This first installment features N.E.W., EN Publishing's very own game system full of aliens, cybernetics, space ships and atronomical exploration!"


This custom built ruleset features a N.E.W. themed desktop with functionality and support for creating, managing and running a campaign in the stars. It includes the What's Old is New rules and the N.E.W. rulebook in a readable format directly within Fantasy Grounds, custom character sheet, items, tables, encounters, skills and more.

You can read the full product description and purchase directly from Fantasy Grounds ... or you can pick it up from Steam.

Future releases will also add support for O.L.D. and N.O.W. as they become available.





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I ran a short home brew NEW game on FG a few months ago but it was a little difficult due to trying to make the mechanics work. I will purchase this later and give it a go and write up impressions when I get a chance.

Joel Lovell


I'm looking forward to diving into the WOIN system. I bought the FG edition, but from the post on FG store, it says, "This is a What's O.L.D. is N.E.W. core rulebook. This product includes the WOIN ruleset needed for play and the existing WOIN rulebooks Future Careers, Future Equipment, Future Core, Space, and Building a Universe. Also included separately are a bonus EONS article entitled Resolve: Horror, Sanity, & Social Combat, providing an entirely optional rule straight from EONS, the official magazine of the WOIN roleplaying game system."

Is there a pdf of these rule books somewhere? I can't for the life of me find it within the FG interface, just a few things that look like bare bones tables.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
The Fantasy Grounds ruleset *is* the rulebook. I can’t help with the interface though - I’m new to virtual tabletops! But I have seen screenshots of lots of text, so all the rulebook is in there. :)

But if you head over to woinrpg.com, there’s links to al the places you can also buy it in PDF or hardcover formats.

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