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Exploring the Hase-Suna Complex (Manzanita judging) [Concluded]


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Lokin speaks out of the side of his mouth to Payne.

"He's eating this up, isn't he? Just look at him."

Still, Lokin does what he is told.

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Kyle, having successfully lit the fire, starts to heat up some shallow frying pans. While the pans heat he quickly makes some flat cakes from flour, water and salt to shallow fry and act as a bed for the rat "This should see their demeanors improve, nothing like a good feed to fuel the body" he says to himself as he works at the flour mixture. Looking up he sees his companions clustered near the door "I wonder what they're up to now? They're a flighty bunch you've got yourself involved with this time Kyle"


First Post
``Mmhmm. Well, someone is finally paying him some attention.`` Arms cross over her chest, and sighs.. not entirely enthused having to pretend to be Zurd's lackey.


LEW Judge
Sorry about the delay...

In response to Zurd's request, Kongu tells the story of Jartolio the goblin-hunter, interspersing narrative with singing. She stops when, after a few minutes, you see four more orcs coming.
They approach from the right. The one Zurd had been speaking to calls out in orcish as they approach.

[sblock=orcish]They are no scalymen, but an orcblooded chief and his slaves. The chief wishes to speak to Grok.[/sblock]

The biggest of them, clad in half-plate armor, stands forward and addresses Zurd, still in orcish:

[sblock]Greetings, halfbreed. Who are you, and what brings you to these halls[/sblock]

After Zurd gives his spiel, the chief replies,

[sblock]I am Grok, leader of the Hadzanzuna tribe. My people built these halls. Years ago my father, a proud orc of the Begluk tribe, was conquered by a great human chief. He and his people were enslaved, and while in servitude they built these halls for the human chief and his elven whore. Our masters disappeared many years ago, as I was just coming of age. They had gone off to seek more conquests, and taken all their orcs except women and the young. As time passed and we realized they were not going to return, we who had known only slavery for our short lives were free. Those of us who remained formed our own tribe, and continued to live in the home we had ourselves constructed, as orcs should, masters of our domain. I became chief.

We were a small tribe, having lost most of our kinfolk when they did not return from their last journey. But this did not matter until our home was invaded by a band of scalymen. They are not strong creatures. No orc should ever be conquered by such a race. But we were too few to fight, and survived only by ceding to them this whole floor, while we moved downstairs.

We were unable to reconquer our rightful place until recently, when we learned that an unknown force had massacred the scalymen. We saw our chance, and killed off the survivors. Once again, we are free in the orcish halls of Hadzanzuna.

Anyone who speaks orcish and can make a DC 19 Sense Motive check:
[sblock]The chief hesitates at certain points -- admitting that his people had been slaves, or had been cowed by lizardfolk. His manner suggests uncertainty about whether he should openly admit to weaknesses to a stranger.[/sblock]


First Post
Zurd looks pleased at the size of the tribes warparty knowing that they would want to send our their most powerful warriors to a parlay to make an awesome statement of strength.


Grok, brother...it saddens me to hear of your plight, the smallness of your numbers and your past. It gladdens me to know that my quest no makes more sense.

When the dead speak to me the directions while clear do not contain the reasons behind them.

As I said before I am here on a quest to return this place to orcish hands and glory.

We have already killed many scalymen some dozen or more by my count, let me lead us to glory during your time of weakness. While here before I lost a friend of mine - a dog whose bravery saved my life and the lives of a few here. I want her remains and revenge upon her killers as is our way.

Lokin there is my slave boss - he is not a dullard and has grasped the complex language of our people. If you accept my offer I will lead as chief while you two command your bands as you see fit - taking an oath to me.

When I fulfill my quest I will of course return the halls to you as is proper.

Decide while we eat.

Call for your women and younglings and any other warriors to join us with some of your meat stores for my slave Kyle is an excellent cook as you can surely smell.

I do hope you have women and younglings to continue your line? I think any guard posts could go unseen for an hour while we get to know each others tribes.


Then speaking to the group using innuendo and idioms in case one orc may speak common but not get the subtlety.

Well, cross your fingers...but keep a sharp eye. We might make our party into a melting pot or this kitchen into a meat market. Lokin do you have the gift of gab here?


LEW Judge
Grok answers, [sblock]"I believe we have finished your quest already. If there are any scalymen left they have hidden well from us. But it was your aid that made it possible. I declare you a friend to the Hadzanzuna tribe, and we will join you for a feast to celebrate the friendship of our peoples. Come with us to the pool room, where the scalymen made their lair. We are still dining on the bodies there, and you are welcome to have your dwarf cook as many of them as all present can eat."[/sblock]


First Post

Grok you speak well for your people....

We will do so, let me talk with my chattel in their own primitive tongue to make preparations.


Zurd looks at the group with an upturned brow and a half evil grin on his face anticipating their responses.

Well, is seems that he wants us to follow him to a feast they are already enjoying in their clan area. He says we have driven out the remaining lizardmen and we are to enjoy a somewhat celebrity status with them.

I will explain to him that Kyle needs to finish up what he is preparing here then we will go with them. Kyle, I doubt this will distress you much but you may be called upon to help prepare the meal in their lair as well....

Zurd makes a looong pause and snickers...

Do you know any good recipes for lizardman flesh?

Lokin why don't you take charge of getting us ready to move - yell a little and look intimidating but not overly so we are supposed to have these slaves <big ole smile> under control.

Turning to Grok,


I need to let my cook finish what he has already started here then we will gladly follow you.



LEW Judge
Grok replies, [sblock=orcish]"Good. I offer you as many scalyman bodies as you and your dwarf wish. Better food for orcs than rat meat. Like human-flesh, it makes orcs strong as orcs should be!"[/sblock]

He then turns to his orcs and says, [sblock=orcish]"Brect, Thugoch, round up the tribe. We all meet in the pool room for a feast."[/sblock]


First Post
Looking at the others -

He just mentioned a passion for human flesh so lets try to stay off the menu ok. At least pick at the food and make a show of it to decline food in a society that struggles for each mouthful is a grave insult.

They are our hosts and we need to be on our best behavior. There may be contests of strength like wrestling and such. Feel free to join in as you'd like. I wouldn't unless you are sure you can win unless we want a problem. Right now we appear stronger to them than they are.

I told them Kol was my champion so they should only challenge him as is customary, however, Lokin as my second should be ready also.

They know I am shaman class so they should not challenge me directly unless they have a shaman of their own who might.

These are non-lethal usually but if your opponent gets overly pissed off he might go for death.

You should know when that change takes place and not be afraid at that point to kill him outright. Anything less is an insult to his honor - you will not suffer reprisals unless they have a different culture of course.

Kyle finish that up and lets go have some fun orc style....

You are all in for a real treat to classic orc society!

Zurd motions for Payne....

Dear, I would speak with you privately if you would permit me....

and leads her over to the farthest corner of the room....

[sblock=Whispers ever so quietly into Paynes ear]

Look, I know this sucks for you <sighing in longing that she wouldn't> just go along with me for a second....put your arms around me and let me whisper into your ear....smile look like you enjoy it and go along for a second...

Listen, this is business you have played a scam before I know so this is a role I need you to play....

I need you to play up the mate roll...you have my word I wont press it to an uncomfortable level....just sit with me and hold my hand, hold onto me, laugh at my jokes and go along - in the end we may get richer out of it with little or no fighting.

Also, I think none of them will mess with you because you are my mate or they perceive it as such. Don't go killing any of them if they make inappropriate comments - you will get your revenge I promise. Just smile and ignore them - I'll make a protest to their chief.

Later, I may need you personally for something the others may not want to do. I know Kyle and Lokin won't like it....Kol may do it I don't know tell me what you think after I explain it. If so we can include him - honestly my gut is that he won't like it either.

Depending on how big the clan is say we just like them off...we want the complex for us, they wont give it up if its been in their clan...

I will pump them for information of course about the complex first then tonight while they sleep off the feast and drink you and I will take care of the warriors then the females and children if any.

I suspect they may have accumulated a good deal of the wealth of the complex over their time here I need you to search around the area while we feast and try and find it. I will cast my detect magic spell to help see if there is anything nearby.

Once we have what we need together we need to dispatch the main body of warriors in their sleep. I have the color spray thing that may knock the majority out cold and you can sneak round and help e do the deeds. We'll arrange for he middle watch 0300-0500...

Is this something you can do?

We can explain it away later somehow...



Kyle finishes making his tortilla's, fries off the rat, puts the stuffed rat in a tortilla and then hands one to everyone, including the group of orcs "Not bad, if I must say so myself" he says between mouthfuls as he packs his gear back into his backpack and straps the cleaver to his side "OK. I'm ready to move out"

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