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Farewell, my Friend


Creature Cataloguer
Shade said:
Well said. I'll echo that sentiment, and add...

Thanks, Paizo, for revitalizing both magazines and ushering in a golden age for both. Thanks for keeping the old campaign settings alive.
Thanks for providing an outlet for the past edition monsters that others think are no longer relevant.
Thanks for all the Easter Eggs.
Thanks for the Demonomicon, for bringing back the Creature Catalog, and for Core Classics.
Thanks for quality customer service and for being an absolute pleasure to work with.

Best of luck with all the new ventures!

indeed! also, thanks for being so cool and encouraging people to send in ideas - it's been an awesome opportunity working with paizo. :)

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First Post
Looks like I'm late to the party, but yeah, sad times. Mike and I got hired at the same time (back in... what... 2003? Sheesh) and ever since we've had this weird light and dark, twins thing going. Same job, same say, same seniority (although he'll outright LIE and say he got there first), even the same first WotC book. It's gonna be weird working on different projects now. Hope you all didn't want any leavening agents in your Pathfinder.

In-house work related stuff aside, the things I'm proudest of in the last four years of Dragon: Getting the maggot golem back in the game (#339), netting the office a Lovesac and 8 feet of Master Maze thanks to First Watch, getting that awesome screen shot from the Apple 2E version of the Black Cauldron into Novel Approach (#340), The Ecology of the Spell Weaver (Thanks Tito!; #338), getting to be the Editor-in-Chief on the Dragon Presents Monster Ecologies book and putting together that index of all the ecologies ever, working with and getting to meet China Mieville thanks to issue #352, adding a sidebar on the Serpent and Eli Cromlich to "Core Beliefs: Vecna" (Thanks Sean!; #348), getting Lord Soth on the cover of #351, having the last thing I ever added to an issue of Dragon be the return of stats for Strahd's Skeletal Steed and the last thing I ever edited for it being the history of Strahd Von Zarovich (a great end in my book; #359), and a ton of things I'm sure I'm forgetting and will regret not mentioning later. I'd thank a lot of specific people, but we actually take up a bit of room in #359's editorial to gush.

Thanks for all the good times Dragon, you'll be sorely missed. I hope it's cool being a cyborg.

But—not to be too much of a shill—with the end of the last thing it's on to the next thing and speaking as a member of the completely unbiased editorial staff, Pathfinder vol #1 looks fetching amazing!

Shemeska said:
And as a very humble aside, thank you for letting me grace the pages of them both before the end.

Completely our pleasure man. And by the by, we'll be in touch.

Flexor the Mighty!

18/100 Strength!
Chronepsis said:
Looks like I'm late to the party, but yeah, sad times. Mike and I got hired at the same time (back in... what... 2003? Sheesh) and ever since we've had this weird light and dark, twins thing going. Same job, same say, same seniority (although he'll outright LIE and say he got there first), even the same first WotC book. It's gonna be weird working on different projects now. Hope you all didn't want any leavening agents in your Pathfinder.

In-house work related stuff aside, the things I'm proudest of in the last four years of Dragon: Getting the maggot golem back in the game (#339), netting the office a Lovesac and 8 feet of Master Maze thanks to First Watch, getting that awesome screen shot from the Apple 2E version of the Black Cauldron into Novel Approach (#340), The Ecology of the Spell Weaver (Thanks Tito!; #338), getting to be the Editor-in-Chief on the Dragon Presents Monster Ecologies book and putting together that index of all the ecologies ever, working with and getting to meet China Mieville thanks to issue #352, adding a sidebar on the Serpent and Eli Cromlich to "Core Beliefs: Vecna" (Thanks Sean!; #348), getting Lord Soth on the cover of #351, having the last thing I ever added to an issue of Dragon be the return of stats for Strahd's Skeletal Steed and the last thing I ever edited for it being the history of Strahd Von Zarovich (a great end in my book; #359), and a ton of things I'm sure I'm forgetting and will regret not mentioning later. I'd thank a lot of specific people, but we actually take up a bit of room in #359's editorial to gush.

Thanks for all the good times Dragon, you'll be sorely missed. I hope it's cool being a cyborg.

But—not to be too much of a shill—with the end of the last thing it's on to the next thing and speaking as a member of the completely unbiased editorial staff, Pathfinder vol #1 looks fetching amazing!

Completely our pleasure man. And by the by, we'll be in touch.

I wish I could get on board for Pathfinder but adventure paths are not for me and the price is wacky for my budget. Unlike many my sense of loss isn't for Dungeon, I've never used an adventure from there, but for the venerable Dragon. I like having a RPG magazine to read.


As someone who started reading Dragon back at issue 69, it really bums me out to see her going away (a collection of online content doesn't qualify as a magazine, no matter which way you look at it). Thank you Paizo for the deviously enjoyable adventures you printed in Dungeon and for the exceptional quality of both magazines (and for the supplemental web content you posted to your site... which was a great boon to your readers, DMs & players alike).

May you meet with tremendous success in your future endeavors! I'm hoping for the day that you guys come up with an OGL alternative to D&D (not just Dungeon and Dragon magazines) that rocks WotC's world... because if anyone could do it and do it well, it would be you guys.


Farewell to both DUNGEON and DRAGON. I want to extend special thanks to Mike, Jeremy, Wesley, Jason, James Jacobs, James Sutter, Erik, and everyone else who did such superhuman work in producing these great magazines.

I have been reading and collecting DRAGON since issue #41, and every month it has provided the best value available -- gaming, comics, interesting editorial, enjoyable letters column, awesome articles, and even advertisements that were fun to read. Losing DRAGON is like losing a tradition.

My history with DUNGEON is much more recent. I have a few issues from the past, but I really stood up and took notice of DUNGEON in just the past 3 years. This magazine grew to become one of the best gaming resources produced by any company.

So, thanks to the folks at Paizo for their incredibly long work hours. Thank you for wading through mountains of submissions to produce two of the most important pieces of role-playing tradition and history -- DRAGON and DUNGEON. You guys have been a Class Act (especially Mike!!) from day one.

I look forward to the next phase for Paizo, and a great future of excellent products.

Voidrunner's Codex

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