D&D (2024) Feats still optional in 1D&D: and other notes from the survey results

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The High Aldwin
Shouldn't the threads about One D&D be in that forum and not the Dungeons and Dragons forum? I thought that was the point of having a second forum for it...

Yes as optional as AL DM dealing with feats. Yea optional. Market speak for you will take the feat at first level or be behind the power curve. I wonder if they are going back to the old AL modules and paying the authors to update them to the new power creep.
The power creep of a first level (its a nerfed feat) feat in your background?

I don’t think any update is needed for that. I mean have you played 5e? That makes next to no difference. Less than choosing the “right” class at least
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The bigger question might be whether the designers are going to start assuming feats-yes as 5.1's default when balancing the game's math. If yes, the game will become somewhat more challenging for no-feat parties/players. (original 5e math assumed no feats)
In the video the specifically mention trying to rebalance the feats so that they are not required. An ASI should be just as good. That was the goal with O5e as well, they just didn’t quite get there.


B/X Known World
It's not optional if everyone gets a feat at 1st level. Optional means you can use it or not use it, your choice. If there's no choice, it's not optional. Must be from whoever thought adding power creep, changing the mechanics, tweaking level progressions, reworking how classes work, and how subclasses work is still somehow magically "backwards compatible."

I mean, so am I. I think feats shouldn't be optional at all, that players should be free to choose them at any ASI level (and, indeed, that they should get more opportunities to do so.) Feats are one of the few parts of 5e design I'm generally cool with, despite some of the balance wrinkles. The usual suspects are already known, though Elven Accuracy takes the cake for being stupidly broken, on top of also being a "half feat" when it absolutely should not have been one.

It's just really confusing to see the claim that "no guys they're totally still optional!" when...they aren't. All first-level characters will have a feat now. This is a clear change. I think it's, overall, a good change. Trying to pretend it isn't a change is really, really weird, and makes me ponder questions I really would rather not ponder.
It's not optional if everyone gets a feat at 1st level. Optional means you can use it or not use it, your choice. If there's no choice, it's not optional. Must be from whoever thought adding power creep, changing the mechanics, tweaking level progressions, reworking how classes work, and how subclasses work is still somehow magically "backwards compatible."
Question: if they didn’t call the 1st level feat a “Feat” and called it a background trait, would that qualify as feats being optional?


Mod Squad
Staff member
That's why I posted it. I figured eventually they will read it and make that decision.

Mod Note:
We do not read every post on the boards. So, what you did was unlikely to catch our notice.

Indeed, the only reason I know about it is that someone else reported your post.

Edit to add: Morrus owns the place. He gets to put threads wherever he wants. If you have a problem with that, you can take it up with him.
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