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Feint Whispers: The Burning Plague


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Four newcomers find themselves at the center of this verbal inferno. Though their backgrounds, motives, and appearances vary widely, Jericho Ibn Al-Sufaed, Whitney DellNoir, Ardoss T’Rok, and Brother Bhartus Tharden smell the same thing in the troubled air of this remote community: opportunity.

The talk revolves around the mysterious outbreak of plague amongst the miners four months ago. This disease, which has turned into a veritable epidemic for Duvik's Pass, has ruined not just the bodies of the miners, but also the fortunes of a town that had once held such great potential. Blame for this state of affairs is evenly distributed; some blame outsides, notably the kobold tribes that have raided into and fought for control of the mines for years, while others hold to a theory, popular in this city where adherents to the Northern Church are dominate, that the gods have punished Duvik's Pass for not being more aggressive in converting neighboring Southern settlements to the true faith.

The tumult comes to a sudden halt when Sir Whiteclove, Sheriff of Duvik's Pass, calls for silence from the center of the crowd. Surrounding him are other town notables, such as the wealthy merchant Stefan Doverspeak and Father Samual, resident priest of the All Father. The sheriff's voice is booming:

"Hear me!! Any who would dare brave the mines to discover the source of this cursed disease, step forward and declare your intentions now!"

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Jericho smirks widely...

"Looks like you are looking for a hero..." he shouts and steps forward.

Jericho glances at the gawkers...

"Looks like you are stuck with what you can get... and I have nothing better to do. You need a sword, I am your man."

This is the best part of the job...
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Ah... why not. Mines... they'd need a dwarf.

Bhartus shoved aside the others and said proudly.

"Bhartus, clegry of Moradin, will take up that challenge! You'll need a dwarf in those mines, that's for sure, else you'd be running into every kind of disaster!"
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Whitney raises her hand, pushing her reading glasses up on her nose as she stands. "I am a student of the Art, and well.. I hate to sound mercanary, but I could surely use the money. I seem to be a bit..tapped as a moment." blushes lightly. "There was this halfling and three cards on the coach.." looks embarrased. "Anyway.. as master would say.. lessons are alway there to be learned.. and I am a good if inexpericned wizard. Better at spells than cards I promise." realizes she's babbling and sits back down.


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Not quite..

The sheriff feigns dissapointment; "Surely this can't be it? There must be atleast one more soul with the will to carry him to this town's aid?"


Ardoss steps forward and raises an eyebrow at the talkative wizard.

“Ardoss T’Rok” he says with a slight bow of respect.

“Sheriff, I offer my skills of stealth and my blade....if you will have it.”

Ardoss removes the cowl of his cloak, adjusts his sword belt and looks defiantly at the townsfolk. Almost daring them to comment on his half orc blood.
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And so it begins....

The sheriff betrays a smile at the mix of arrogance and eccentricty that characterizes the prospective heroes. He then order that the crowd be dispersed...

The new party is provided with accomodations and meals for the night, free of charge. The next morning, amid the fresh air of dawn, a guide leads the heroes out towards the sole entrance to the mines, where he quickly departs to leave the to their own devices...

A cool breeze drifts down from the towering peaks of the Serpentcoil Mountains as each party member beholds the entrance to the caverns. The frost-rimed ground is littered with tools, picks, and shovels. A single darkened shaft leads into the depths of the mine ahead. The dirt path beneath its wooden support structure is covered with stone debris, a few pieces of which occasionally glint with the slightest hint of ore. No light issues forth from the tunnel. Burnt-out torches are strewn across the floor, their brackets torn from the shaft walls. Behind you, the worn road leads back through the crags to the valley below. Aside from the quiet whistling of the wind, complete silence fills the small clearing within the mountains.

Bhartus Tharden: You note that the tunnel's wooden supports appear chipped and torn, as if they were damaged during a battle.


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Jericho sniffs the air, then looks at the half-orc...

"When was the last time you bathed..." he mutters... "not that it matters..."

This looks simple enough...

"Dwarf, you see anything inside," he draws his bastard sword and hoists his shield to the ready.

Jericho steps forward and stands at th edge of the entrance...


Ardoss draws his blade and gives it a practice swing. He nods to Jericho.

“I am not a great swordsman but I wish to learn. You wield your blade with confidence. Perhaps I can learn something from you.”

Ardoss steps to the edge of the mines and peers inside, piercing the blackness with his darkvision.

“My eyes function in the dark and my ears are sharp, I will take the lead.”

Ardoss steps forward a few yards into the mines, waiting for the others to follow.

Mr. Dm... If we get to any doors, bridges, ladders or anything out of the ordinary I will search for traps.
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"The tunnel appears to have seen.. a battle." Bhartus says.

He checks to see if he can learn anything else about the battle, how many fought it and who they were.

"Jericho and Adloss should be in front, with mage and I at the back," Bhartus says. He lifted his mace, ever ready, and used his superior vision to check if he could see anything the poor eyes of humankind would not reveal.

Bhartus watched Ardoss carefully. He would not let one of those stand behind him... no sir!

Voidrunner's Codex

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