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Fiddling with Pregens, and a Halfling Rogue


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So, I was statting up a halfling rogue pregen as an option for a playtest game I'm going to run, and decided that one of the Big Problems with the pregen characters is they didn't have actual roleplaying information... which I think set the tone pretty poorly, even if it's something people could just make up.

So I put RP info in for the halfling rogue, and I figure I'll expand it to the other characters. Anyhow, I haven't prettied it up yet so turn back if you care, but I figured I'd get some feedback on how the halfling rogue looks and if it would be worthwhile to continue to make RP sections for the pregens.

Fidder 'Lucky' Rivers
Male Halfling Rogue
'I'd rather rely on luck than looks. Especially with my luck and your looks'

Str 8 (-1)
Con 14 (+2)
Dex 18 (+4)
Int 10 (+0)
Wis 12 (+1)
Cha 18 (+4)

AC 17
Fortitude 13
Reflex 17
Will 15

Initiative +4
Speed 5

Hit Points 26
Bloodied 13

Healing Surge HP Healed 6
Healing Surges/Day 8

Lost in the Crowd (+2 AC when adjacent to two larger enemies)

Race and Class Features
Small Size (already factored in; also note feat)
Bold (+5 to saving throws vs fear)
Nimble Reaction (+2 AC against opportunity attacks)
Second Chance (encounter power)
First Strike (At start of encounter, combat advantage against creatures who have not acted yet)
Artful Dodger (+4 AC against opportunity attacks)
Rogue Weapon Talent (already factored in)
Sneak Attack (1/round, +2d6 damage with combat advantage, rogue weapons only)
Languages: Common and Elven
Normal Vision

Passive Insight 11
Passive Perception 16
Acrobatics* +9
Athletics -1
Bluff* +9
Insight +1
Perception* +6
Stealth* +9
Streetwise* +9
Thievery* +9
* Trained Skill

8 daggers, leather armor, thieves toolkit, backpack, bedroll, flint and steel, belt pouch, 2 sunrods, 5 days' trail rations, 50 ft. of silk rope, waterskin

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Basic Attack
Dagger +4 vs. AC (+9 thrown) 1d4-1 damage Range: 5 squares normal / 10 squares max

Deft Strike
'Just a step to the left and... there, all lined up. Odds are looking worse for you, my friend.'
At-Will * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee or Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Special: You can move 2 squares before the attack.
Attack: +9 vs. AC
Hit: 1d4+4 damage

Piercing Strike
'I don't wear an inch thick of steel, it's kinda cheating for you to... well, I can cheat too.'
At-Will * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: +9 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d4+4 damage

Action Point [ ]
Second Wind [ ]

Positioning Strike
'Come on, hit me. You can do it... Eww... guess I was wrong'
Encounter * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: +9 vs. Will
Hit: 1d4+4 damage, and you slide the target up to 4 squares

Second Chance
Immediate Interrupt Personal
Effect: When an attack hits you, force an enemy to roll the attack again. The enemy uses the second roll, even if it's lower.

Dazzling Strike
'There comes a time in every halfling's life when we must take our fate in our good left hand and seize the day. Did I say left? Sorry, turns out I'm right handed.'
Daily * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: +9 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d4+4 damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed until the end of its turn.

Dazed: A dazed creature grants combat advantage to all attackers, cannot flank enemies, and can act only on its own turn. It cannot make opportunity attacks or use immediate actions.

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Feel free to change things, but if you do let the rest of the party know so they can change how they think of you.

Fidder is a charming rogue in it for the thrills, more than the reward. His amazing ability to get out of trouble is only matched by his ability to get into it in the first place. A minute or so into a careful planning session around a situation that looks dangerous, it's not uncommon for him to suddenly utter 'Bored now' or 'Time to roll the dice' and spring into action. When not adventuring, Fidder is more oft than not found sitting on a pretty girl's lap playing cards or dice.

Other Party Members:
Corrin Reedson: The Reedsons are a good enough family, I suppose. They stole a contract out from under Great Grandpa hundred years back, so Dad's never really trusted them, but that's in the past. After all, I'm technically seventh... or maybe eighth... cousins with Corrin, so I can't treat him too badly. Of course, this one is just a bit much of a goody two shoes. I mean, at first I'm thinking 'He worships Tymora, this will be great - you can help me really roll some dough in' but he's all 'Taking other people's money would be bad. Tymora hands each of us a deck to work with, and we should make our own luck by doing good deeds'. Bla bla. He's okay, though. At least he's a halfling.

Erais the Sunlord: This guy is going places - he's even already got a classy name: "The Sunlord". He's good for healing and makes a good tag team buddy for when enemies get past the front line. Best part? He prays while I'm still sleeping so that doesn't get in the way.

Kathra Ironforge: Kathra is the iron core of the group. I met her a long time ago at a bar and really hit it off. When she started an adventuring group, I knew I could trust her. When presented with a problem, she rarely hesitates for an answer (even if it's not the most subtle). She is absolutely reliable and I find myself working with her constantly in battle. She gets the enemy's attention so I can get in and do my work. Once an enemy wants to get me, she stops them from following. Out of combat, supply her enough drink and she's tremendous fun.

Riardon Brightvale: If you could vote someone out of the group, it would be this shmuck. He wants to take way too long to plan out any attack. 'Here, let me track and scout the area out'. Like you're the only one who can sneak around, buddy. I don't need to step in troll poop to know what to do. This glory hound is constantly stealing my kills and showing off his elven pecs with his damn bow that's taller than me. I don't care if he's the prettiest - it's skill that counts, and that's all me. Teleporting across a pit to catch Tira? Damn cheater.

Skamos Redmoon: A know it all who doesn't get how the dice actually fall. I don't stand too close to him - in battle, enemies are going to head straight for him, and in the bar, his lack of cool will make me look bad. Erais seems to be able to talk to him, so if I need to drum something through that horned skull, I know who to turn to.

Tira Duskmeadow: This lass is beautiful and exotic. I mean, let me get this straight - she made a pact with nymphs or something for power? Mreow. Sadly, far too interested in Riardon instead of me. She must be won. So far, she has been impervious to my charms. Clearly, I must be more impressive. She's likely to get in trouble in combat, and I'll be there to save her.
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First Post
Gold, pure gold. I love it. You're right, this would have set the tone really nicely, and you can even slip in some basic tactics and how the PCs might interact in combat into the chatter about each party member.


First Post
Okay, poking at making more for each since I think I'll be running tomorrow. So here's Corrin:

Feel free to change things, but if you do let the rest of the party know so they can change how they think of you.

Corrin Reedson is an eternal optimist - sometimes Tymora's will is unclear, but there's little that courage and trust in your own luck won't carry you through. Sometimes, people need a helping hand or intervening shield, and that's where he comes in. His trusting nature, slightly thick skull, and pervasive optimism make him come across as gullible, but his insight into people lets him understand when they're up to something and he plays the straight man while ensuring that good triumphs, anyways.

Other Party Members:
Erais the Sunlord: A stalwart ally against any foe, particularly undead. I must always remember to protect him. Though he is tougher than many of my other comrades, his ability to heal and protect can keep everyone else going.

Fidder Rivers: A brave ally and fellow follower of Tymora. I might wish he had more interests in helping others outside adventure, but none can question his bravery and enthusiasm on the road.

Kathra Ironforge: With Kathra at my shoulder, there are few enemies that can hope to get past us. I find it best to seek out the most powerful foes to challenge, while she takes care of the rest.

Riardon Brightvale: Riardon is a serious individual, very focused on righting the wrongs of the world. I hope to some day help him to free the Feywild from the taint of the Fomorians and reclaim the great cities of the Eladrin. He seems content to fight evil whereever it may be found, though.

Skamos Redmoon: Skamos is a careful and intelligent man, with many fine spells. He has a love of plans and if I'm ever unsure how to deal with a problem I need simply present the challenge to him and he'll think up a reasonable solution.

Tira Duskmeadow: Tira is an amusing and mercurial companion, often running into danger then slipping out of it. She seems reluctant to talk about her past, but I think that eventually she'll trust us enough to open up.


I've got a question: How did you get +9 attack?

Oh wait, size bonus, right.

So +4 Dex, +3 accurate weapon proficiency, +1 Size, +1 Rogue Weapon Talent Dagger... I got it.

As you were...

Oh, BTW... I really, really like it.


Lord Ernie

First Post
For those that would like to use this character in their test sessions, I've fooled around with Adobe and modified dotreptile's Elven Rogue character sheet to this one. I took WotC's own Halfling Rogue picture from their Ampersand Article for portrait purposes.

This pdf follows WotC's approach, so I left out Fidder's commentaries on his powers, instead opting for the more general ones. I also changed his speed to 6 squares, since the Halfling Paladin is packing heavy armour and his speed is still 5 squares.

Enjoy :).


  • Fidder Rivers - Male Halfling Rogue.rar
    233.5 KB · Views: 107


First Post
In the pdf, you've left Tortuous Strike in as a name for Positioning Strike (but fixed the text). Anyhow, you saved me a bunch of time today - thanks again :)

Lord Ernie

First Post
You're welcome... I'm going to use him myself in my upcoming playtest, and wanted to give the player a nice sheet like everyone else, so I went to work. As for the error: good catch! Will fix it once I get home today.

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