Fiery Dragon's plans for 2005

Fiery James

First Post
jaerdaph said:
I'd love to see the following:

Counter Collection Digital 2 -

This is very likely to happen. I'm guessing there will be a "Counter Collection Digital 2005 Update" out around GenCon or slightly later...


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Fiery James

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Ryltar said:
What about a re-release of the original battlebox? Over here, in Germany, those (relatively) few that were shipped were sold out within minutes - I'd dearly love to get my hands on one of those.

We re-stock BattleBox as often as it sells out -- the warehouse has more right now! In theory, as long as it keeps selling, we'll keep making them.

- JB

Fiery James

First Post
Old One said:
FJ -

Your Adventure tiles are excellent...any chance of expanding the offering to include ship deck plans? I have been gaming for over 23 years and would LOVE to have cardstock deck plans for appropriate boats/ships - rowboat, raft, keelboat, knarr, longship, trireme, larger galley, Roman-type trading ship, etc, etc.

I was so frustrated a couple of years ago that I made my own from foamboard + colored paper with 1" squares copied onto them.

Can ya help me out?

~ Old One

PS - I know about Worldworks, but I am too lazy to put their stuff together ;)!

I will pass this on to Ed. With the Tile products, we pretty much leave him to his own devices and just share in his imagination. So... who knows? :)

- James


Fiery James said:
AND - November is the 5th Anniversary of NeMoren's Vault. Something will be done.

If you need any help here.. checking facts or seeing if the new stuff fits with the old... You know where you can find me ;)

Old One

First Post

Fiery James said:
I will pass this on to Ed. With the Tile products, we pretty much leave him to his own devices and just share in his imagination. So... who knows? :)

- James

FJ -

Thanks for passing the word along...tell him there is an 8-pack of Guinness Pub Draft cans in it for him if he comes through for me ;)!

~ Oldie


First Post
I bought the Battlebox when it came out, and I've been very pleased. Make that VERY pleased. And, in that vein, a request for you to consider:

More reference cards!

The fighter player sits down and snags the combat cards at the start of every session. However, we still have to hit the books for things like conditions (sickened, that sort of thing), object hardness/hit points, and the rest of the tables. I would love an expansion that printed that information out on cardstock like the combat maneuver cards.


Monte Cook just announced that you guys will be releasing three adventures for Arcana Evolved (I, King; Windcharger; and A Breaking Promise) as "E-book exclusives". Does that mean only via Drivethru and their DRM mess, or will you do like Monte Cook and sell them DRM-free at either RPGNow or White Wolf's online store?

Because if the only way of getting them is with DRM, there are a lot of people (including me) who'll pass.

Fiery James

First Post
Staffan said:
Monte Cook just announced that you guys will be releasing three adventures for Arcana Evolved (I, King; Windcharger; and A Breaking Promise) as "E-book exclusives". Does that mean only via Drivethru and their DRM mess, or will you do like Monte Cook and sell them DRM-free at either RPGNow or White Wolf's online store?

Because if the only way of getting them is with DRM, there are a lot of people (including me) who'll pass.

Many things will be revealed soon, and I don't want to spill any beans before they're ready to be spilled, but here are my enigmatic answers:

1) These adventures will be released through DrivethruRPG.
2) These adventures will not be plagued by any DRM-mess.

Believe me, people have been listening since the very beginning, and working on alternatives. :)

- James


Fiery James said:
Many things will be revealed soon, and I don't want to spill any beans before they're ready to be spilled, but here are my enigmatic answers:

1) These adventures will be released through DrivethruRPG.
2) These adventures will not be plagued by any DRM-mess.
Ah, OK then. :)

Believe me, people have been listening since the very beginning, and working on alternatives. :)
That's good to hear.

Voidrunner's Codex

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