Fiery Dragon's plans for 2005


Fiery James said:
Many things will be revealed soon, and I don't want to spill any beans before they're ready to be spilled, but here are my enigmatic answers:

1) These adventures will be released through DrivethruRPG.
2) These adventures will not be plagued by any DRM-mess.

Believe me, people have been listening since the very beginning, and working on alternatives. :)

- James

I so want to see non-drm stuff at dtrpg. I haven't even downloaded any of the free drm ones, and there were a bunch of products I really wanted to get.

I was disappointed when Fiery Dragon switched from rpgnow before I bought the pdfs of your counters, and consoled myself with only the physical ones and later with counter collection digital. Glad to hear I may get a chance again to buy DRM free pdfs from you in the future.

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Fiery James

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Staffan said:
A second thing: does this mean you'll be dropping the DRM on the stuff you already have at DTRPG?

We haven't fully figured that out yet, but I wouldn't mind being a test case for some of the new tech. So, possibly... ;)

- James


First Post
Woo Hoo

Fiery James said:
2) These adventures will not be plagued by any DRM-mess.

Believe me, people have been listening since the very beginning, and working on alternatives. :)

You freakin' rock man. AU/E + No DRM = three sales to me.

Fiery James

First Post
I'm saving these!

I'm saving all of these sales pledges! :)

I'll check back with everyone in March on these (although, we may finally see Plague of Dreams on PDF first, just to test everything out...)

- James

Fiery James

First Post

And, with the announcement on the front page, it looks like the beans have been spilled.

FDP will definately be switching over to the non-DRM watermarking PDF feature on Drivethru, and all of the AE products we release will feature this technology as opposed to the sometimes-cumbersome DRM :))) that was used.

We have asked to have the back-catalogue switched over as well.

- JB


Fiery James said:
FDP will definately be switching over to the non-DRM watermarking PDF feature on Drivethru, and all of the AE products we release will feature this technology as opposed to the sometimes-cumbersome DRM :))) that was used.



First Post
I was hoping that Plague of Dreams was going to come out in pdf form. Do we still have a chance of seeing that happening?

I posted this here because it seems you never read your own messageboards.

Peace and smiles :)


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