Fiery Dragon's plans for 2005

Treebore said:
Is the battlebox advertised in the newest Dungeon the same battlebox that others have mentioned, or is it a new one for Monte's stuff?

Here's a lame answer: I don't know -- I have seen the newest dungeon magazine.

Does it show a picture of the cover? If so, that's the original and still AWESOME SELLING BattleBox.

The AE BattleBox should be available right around the end of March.

Here's the best part -- the two are completely compatible. You don't have to worry about overlap -- except for the tiny d20s. Both BBoxes contain a tiny d20!


- James

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This should be a Battle Box explictly for AE.

Since the "normal" Battle Box also includes cards for combat maneuvers these might be a bit different (or there may be additional ones, didn't compare the maneuvers yet) in AE.

Also a larger map of the land was promised.

Anything else you can tell us about the contents of the box?

Selganor said:
This should be a Battle Box explictly for AE.

Since the "normal" Battle Box also includes cards for combat maneuvers these might be a bit different (or there may be additional ones, didn't compare the maneuvers yet) in AE.

Also a larger map of the land was promised.

Anything else you can tell us about the contents of the box?

Hi Selganor -- hope all is well with you!

The AE BattleBox will include:

RUNE TOKENS (48 rune images for various purposes -- just use your imagination!)


SPELL EFFECT TEMPLATES (not counters, strictly speaking... for the bigger spells, fold-out paper "counters")



CONDITION CARDS (what does it mean to be blinded... nauseated... panicked... etc)

MAPS - the land of the Diamond Throne and more (basically, the maps from AE, only printed at twice the size)

and a CD-ROM containing:
- Character Sheets PDF
- Siobharek's NPC progressions PDF
- An AE Summoned Energy Creature "brief" monster book PDF (basically, brief stats for the energy creatures that you can print off for combat).

Plus, possibly, a few more things that I'm going to try to finish up before we ship it out.

The NPC progressions are a very cool part of the set, and will save you TONS of time!!

- James

Is it still a plan to put out Counter Collection Digital for sale on the web as a download at some point? I know this was mentioned some time before but I haven't heard much about it. Also, I love that you're putting out counters for the Monster Geographica line. Any time frame for you guys going back and doing counters for the original Underground one?

Wasgo said:
Is it still a plan to put out Counter Collection Digital for sale on the web as a download at some point? I know this was mentioned some time before but I haven't heard much about it. Also, I love that you're putting out counters for the Monster Geographica line. Any time frame for you guys going back and doing counters for the original Underground one?

We're still working out the logistics on digital, along with some other issues. Could be some time still, or some other form that it finally appears in.

We will go back and revisit Underground -- any time there's a break in Claudio's schedule, he's filling in those back images. Of course, there's not much of a break for the next few months.... :)

- JB

Fiery James said:
We're still working out the logistics on digital, along with some other issues. Could be some time still, or some other form that it finally appears in.

We will go back and revisit Underground -- any time there's a break in Claudio's schedule, he's filling in those back images. Of course, there's not much of a break for the next few months.... :)

- JB

Cool, I'll be sure to get the pdfs of the Monster Geographica releases as they come out...either that or wait for the second digital collection. As for digital, I guess I'll just head to my FLGS since it sounds like the form it comes out in may end up losing a bit of the flexibility.

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