D&D 5E Fighter should be called Knight and Monk Should be called Fighter, change my mind

Monk should be Pugilist. Which specifically is about unarmed combat.


Fighter is too generic for that.

I think the problem with this is there really isn't a lot of media sources where boxers are fighting side by side with guys with swords. And I say this as someone who has done boxing. Monks on the other hand come from the kung fu, wuxia and other martial arts genres where there is a long line of media sources (including very established novels) where they are a type of character that can stand toe to toe with swords and bows.

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For the record, I'm very much against the 'you can do that concept without a class' movement. I'd love to see every concept given the detailed, loving, in-depth treatment of a full class rather than just a quick paint job on a fighter.
Classes are part and parcel of the D&D experience and removing them would fundamentally alter the game. It really wouldn't be D&D anymore. I'm not opposed to any and all changes in D&D, I'm not pining for the days of Magic-Users and the Thief's percentage skills, but some things are just part of the core experience. Now if only we could bring back THAC0.... (I kid).

I think the problem with this is there really isn't a lot of media sources where boxers are fighting side by side with guys with swords.
Even in the Iliad, the best boxer wasn't Achilles it was a dude named Epeus. Nestor was setting up a boxing match for Patroclus' funeral offering a prized mule to the winner and double cups to the loser. Epeus stood up saying, "Whoever wants the cups go ahead and step up but that mule is mine. I may not be the best warrior but I'm the best boxer. I may fall short in battle, no man can be good at all things, but I tell you I'll bruis the body and break the bones of anyone who steps up to me." Okay, that might not be an exact quote. We have a long history here in the west of treating boxing as a sport rather than warfare.

Barbarian should be called Berserker but WotC refuses to change that

And the only reason Monks exist in D&D is due to Kung Fu movies being popular at the time and wanting to attract fans

Barbarian should be called Berserker but WotC refuses to change that

And the only reason Monks exist in D&D is due to Kung Fu movies being popular at the time and wanting to attract fans

I think the issue is two fold on the barbarian. One the barbarian is harkening to characters like Conan the Barbarian. The name instantly conjures the exact image in peoples minds. Two berserker is very culturally specific. Barbarians are more generic in D&D. I personally have little to no interest in Norse history, legends or mythology so the berserker looses me as much as a viking class would. I am sure there are there are lots of people without that hangup. But I would be much more likely to pick a barbarian than a berserker.

I think the issue is two fold on the barbarian. One the barbarian is harkening to characters like Conan the Barbarian. The name instantly conjures the exact image in peoples minds. Two berserker is very culturally specific. Barbarians are more generic in D&D. I personally have little to no interest in Norse history, legends or mythology so the berserker looses me as much as a viking class would. I am sure there are there are lots of people without that hangup. But I would be much more likely to pick a barbarian than a berserker.

Thief makes people think of Bilbo yet they chose super generic "Rogue" which is nothing like the X-Man, unfortunately.

But I get it, not all Rogues are Thieves but neither was Bilbo.

If you make Fighter become Knight and Monk become Fighter then how does one play a character that’s strong and fights without magic but isn’t a Knight or Barbarian?

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