WOIN Firearm and grenade damage in NEW

Else, with a mob armed with pistols you could should shoot a tank to death in a few minutes (since each 6 on your damage roll does 1 point of damage, and/or because of low DEFENSE you can exchange a lot of to-hit D6's for additional damage D6's).
Doesn't the SOAK 20 of a tank pretty much nerf this issue already? Or am I missing something?

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Unless you made the SOAK ablative, which I certainly could see doing with some of the SOAK value for a modern tank considering they use reactive/ablative armor over the base steel/composite shell.

Doesn't the SOAK 20 of a tank pretty much nerf this issue already? Or am I missing something?
The rules say that every 6 you roll on the damage dice, inflicts at least 1 point of damage regardless of SOAK (p. 167 of the NEW book). Additionally, if you have a fair MDP (say,7d6) it is relatively easy to get a 5D6 or 6d6+3 damage with a pistol versus a DEFENSE 10 target. Doing the math, you would do an average of 5 points of damage, with each shot, with a pistol to a tank. To add insult to injury, according to the vehicle combat rules, every 6 you roll on damage also inflicts a critical hit effect (Vehicle Combat — What's O.L.D. is N.E.W.).

EDIT: I just saw a tank has a DEFENSE of 2, so you could easily to 7D6 or 8D6+3 with a pistol to a tank twice per round, with the numbers also saying you would do at least 1 critical effect each attack. However, the rules are not concise here, since other rules state a DEFENSE is never below 10 (though I can imagine a tank being difficult to miss, hence the DEFENSE of 2).
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Unless you made the SOAK ablative, which I certainly could see doing with some of the SOAK value for a modern tank considering they use reactive/ablative armor over the base steel/composite shell.
The vehicle and normal tactical rules are clearly not meant to be mixed, but we like putting them together on the battlefield anyway. Hence, we made that distinction between vehicles and AT weapons, and 'normal' weapons. We also had to make some houserule regarding SPEED of vehicles versus characters (using Roll20 we can play on very large maps, so it makes it at least doable to mix vehicle and character combat from a scale perspective - and also make sniper rifles worth while from time to time).

So in our houserules, normal weapons do half damage versus vehicles, do not automatically do a point of damage when rolling a 6 on the damage dice and certainly do not roll for a critical effect when rolling a 6 on the damage dice.

If we wanted to go even further, we would have to make a distinction between unarmored, lightly armored and heavily armored vehicles and what weapons would effect them, but that was going more into simulation than RPG so we will just accept the system is not perfect in that sense - we just tried to have it make a little bit of sense.
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Even more addendum: we ignored the rules update that said you can exchange 1 hit die for 1 damage die and kept the original 2 for 1. However, being able to exchange 1 for 1 became a feature of the auto trait, representing you can either spray an area or focus on one target:

Auto (houserule). These weapons give you below benefits:
  • By spending 2 ACTIONS, you may attack multiple targets. Pick a target and make an attack roll at -1D6. If you succeed, you do normal damage for the weapon. You may then continue attacking targets, each no further than 10’ away from the previous target, with cumulative -1d6 to hit per additional target. You may only attack each target once. Each attack requires at least 10 rounds of ammunition. Support weapons reduce the penalty by 1d6. Or:
  • Grant an extra +1D6 of cover to an ally when using suppressive fire by spending 10 rounds, or:
  • You may trade one die of attack for one die of damage, once per attack, by spending 10 rounds per die exchanged. Normally, you trade -2D6 to attack for +1D6 of damage.

this means the Strafe exploit does normal weapon damage instead of 1d6 though (making it better than just firing auto)

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