Sounds like a lot going on. You want to show the world and the races and the psionics- I get it. The initial 'wake up in jail' vibe for the first exposure to the world followed by running away instead of getting to use your cool class and racial abilities in a fight you can win does set up the world, but maybe not in the way you want. Players may feel less than enthused by the world and the rules for it.
I had a good set-up before by having some NPCs get wiped out by the BBEG in a sequence. This showed off some of the baddness and evil going on and allowed the players to use NPCs to have a TPC and not their real PCs.
I had a good set-up before by having some NPCs get wiped out by the BBEG in a sequence. This showed off some of the baddness and evil going on and allowed the players to use NPCs to have a TPC and not their real PCs.