First look at James Gunn's Superman

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I saw some speculation that it was something attacking GL Guy Gardner, who's inside a force construct bubble.
Huh. That would make an actual Star Sapphire a pretty reasonable possibility there. He's high on the list of Green Lanterns that might tick off a Sapphire enough to wind up in a fight.

I suppose we can hold out hope that it's actually a pink kryptonite-powered laser and the twist is that they've cast a woman to play Supes for most of the film after getting zapped with it. I might actually go see that. :)

Boots remind me that he is getting ready to go muck some stalls.
They do look like wellies. Would be better if the soles where black rather than red.

The whole suit looks thick and hot to wear. But I guess Superman is immune to heat exhaustion and wants a suit that isn't going to leave him in the buff every time he uses his invincibility.

I am surprised they didn't have him looking cheerier, because it's very clear Gunn wants to go in that direction.

That said, the contrast in images is pretty stark - the Cavill version is busting out of bank-vault looking clean and glamorous to erm... how to put this politely - "eye-shag" us threateningly. The Corenswet version is pulling on his boots to go out and do his duty, in an already messed-up costume and more dishevelled hair, with air of regret, almost.

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