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For More Than Glory


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Interested in the ideas of magic

"We elves don't use magic - we are magic" Aros laughs "Right Valdir!"......

"but more seriously - I think magic is everywhere - and in all of us..... and the "talent" as Fleck put's it, and my specialty," he says as the pitcher of ale on the table rises and fills up Meier's glass - apparently of it's own volition, "is just drawing on the power with your heart and mind".

Aros pauses in deeper thought than usuual for a moment - his eyebrow arched in a new realization. "Isn't it interesting though Fleck how the "skill" magic users as you put it, seem to lose sight or ability with the "talent"....... and the "talent" users - never take the time to learn the skill............ I wonder what would happen if someday - someone - learned how to truly draw on both.........." he trails off, an almost worried expression passing across his face for a moment as he realizes just what kind of awsome - and possibly dangerous, power that might actually unleash.
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"Wield the Skill and the Talent? Both take practice, and either one can take a lifetime to master. Anyone trying to learn both would never refine either one enough to weave the most powerful and intricate spells." He shakes his head, dismissively. "It's not unheard-of for one to combine the Gift with either one, but again, any power takes a lifetime to master. Trying to learn more than one only robs you of the depths of both."
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Enoch mutters, "I've heard many a tale of priests that wield this "Skill" as well as they do the powers bestowed by their gods. I doubt they would agree with you."


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Valdir shrugs as Aros refers to him as an example of an elf.

"My 'skill', such as it is, is likely a combination of many things. I chose the way of the bow many years ago and any 'skill' I have in it is mostly due to dilligence in its use and practice. I have to admit, though, that certain abilities I have in this area are not due to purely martial practice. Whether they come from Alyhndro directly, or the Great Archer allows me to tap into something within myself, who can tell? I care not where the ability comes from, only in how I can use it to the best effect."

After this oration, Valdir turns back to sipping his tea and quietly listening to the conversation. A few sips and he turns to Rolf.

"I've been thinking. Many villages in Lorlynia have giant eagles as guardians and mounts. I have also heard of giant owls being involved in similar symbiotic relationships. Would you have any knowledge of where I might find a Giant Owl that might be willing to be a mount? I hate to ask more, but you may likely be better at persuading it to be a mount and training it than I, so I would like to request your aid in this area. What do you think?"


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Meier grins. "I think it'd be hard to hide a giant owl - you'd either have to leave it outside town or find a giant barn!" He raises his mug amiably.


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"Giant OwlZ! laughs "who needs to hide it - just have it carry away and drop anyone that bothers you about it"

"But hey - while we're on the topics of giant owls and magic....."
Maybe Fleck could cook up something for you - he's the most skilled with magic...... I think .........

"there is a spelll for a phantom mount that lasts for several hours and then disappears - it's not even that tough of itself. If you paid him well .... and I mean really well as it would certianly cost to create ..... perhaps he could make an owl talisman that becomes a giant owl mount for a few hours whenever invoked?

What say you Fleck?


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"Erm. Well, the spells for conjuring phantoms, or calling planar creatures to one's bidding, are outside my realm of study, I'm afraid. As for the talisman, to turn into an owl..." Fleck ponders a bit, then shakes his head. "I'm afraid that the energy it'd take to compact an owl, large enough to ride on, into anything prtable is not something I've found a way to bind. Yet. Much easier just to make existing things fly." He takes a sip of his drink. "I've been trying to extend the time granted by my flight charm, at the expense of speed and maneuverability. Perhaps after I do that, I'll be able to bind it to my cart permanently."

He smirks. "I've heard of illusionists binding shadowstuff to mimic the effects of the conjuries you want. Problem is, once you know it's a spell, it can't affect you anymore. You'd sooner be picked up by a painting on the wall."


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ahh well

Aros - finally growing weary from the day underground - decides to check himself into a room and have a good sleep.

He wakes from a fitfull sleep half way through the night - nightmares of giant crows and demons troubling his dreams! In the center of all the carnage he sees himself, standing against them - eyes glowing, hands glowing and a whirlwind of great power spinning around him stronger and faster as he concentrates on it's power. With that he wakes with a start seeing many many objects in his room are floating around in a small whirlwind of their own - a bright gloaing light at their center.

"What the" and with that comment and his staring at them in wonder - instead of falling to the ground the begin to whirl faster and faster. He tries to concentrate on stopping them "I could never do this before" he mutters, and instead of stopping they just go faster - and the ligth get's blinding - then they fly out of control and then smash against the walls in all directions.

There is a bang at the door "open up in there!"
He grabs his things and weapons out of reflex "how am I ever going to pay for all this damage" he whispers to himself. There is a larger thud at the door - someone is trying to break in. He moves closer to the window - his only escape if he should need it - but on the second floor.

Crash - the door flies open - and three large uniformed guards burst into the room (just his luck - they must have been on a sentry walk near the inn) Their swords are drawn and as they advance, angry looking.

They grab him and start beating - still a little sleepy his mind was slow to react and protect himself and he takes a fair good number of hits. One strikes his head hard and blinding pain and light shoot through his head and neck. The pain grows - but shifts from pain to power and suddenly a great flash of light throws all three guards hurtling accross the room and throws Aros out the window - bouncing once on the first floor roof - and then the ground.

Several guards are now at both ends of the street - having heard the commotion on patrol - he's a gonner.

Flecks cart is nearby - so he throws the key under it (hopefully they'll get the message that he had to leave - and leave in a hurry), and then bolts off out of town and into the woods before more guards can form and barr his way.

with that aros disappears and when you all awake he's gone - and probably for a while you surmise, as you hear tales of an evil wizard bustin up the place and killing three guards the night before (and know it's Aros' room). The key he left as a note - and as a thankyou for letting him be with your party - as if to say - I may be back for this someday - back to join you!

((why all the fan fair - who knows - but maybe if I ever play him again and he hits seventh he's gonna add a level of sorcerer lol obviously with power - and no control yet whatsoever. Sorry guys I'm leaving FMTG - so you get a better split of the loot LOL - and an easier play - 8 characters has got to be tough on the DM ;-) - I have another campaign I've been accepted into - but if down the road you need another - perhaps Aros could return someday. Best of gaming to you all - and thanks for letting me be a part of it for a while))
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Enoch glances at Fleck, "Is this a common occurance amongst you?" he asks, shaking his head in disbelief, "Honestly."

He grunts and ponders on what kind of idiot mage (or demented, as the case might be) would practice his casting in an inn. The smallish elf was a bit on the queer side of things, and Enoch feels there is nothing left but to pray for him.


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Hearing no responses interesting, Valdir shrugs and lets it drop for now.

Aros retires to his room soon after. Later, a commotion is heard and several guards sprint upstairs. Valdir follows them covertly and by the time he gets there, the thing has ended. Slowly he creaps up to the door and looks in.

Valdir looks at the wreckage in the room and then hears loud whispers from passers-by of the rumor of what went on. Turning to the rest of the party who followed him up he speaks in a low voice "We should get out of town for a bit. Many saw that he was with us and we may be held accountable next. Not that I would mind testing my aim on a few anti-sylvanic guards, but it might not be good for our reputation and access to this city."

Shrugging and turning, Valdir tries to find tracks of Aros' departure outside the window. Locating the spot he hit the ground is easy and it looks as if Aros was in too much of a hurry to hide his tracks at night. Following them he deems Aros left the city. Shrugging, Valdir finds a tree outside the gate where he can sit and watch for a posse or somesuch.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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