• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

For More Than Glory


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Brennan tugs on one ear, looking around speculatively, "Vampires, eh? Never one to please, they be.. And yeah, I be quite accustomed ta both th' dark an' the light, so unless theys gone and changed th' rules, I ain't no vampire, last I checked anyway." He stops to scratch at his beard, and looks back over his shoulder into the wood, "Dun worry about any rudeness this way er that, the only rude thing I found las' night was tha sentry ya had ta greet me."

Brennan leans back against a tree and begins to file his nails on a silvered dagger that suddenly appears in his right hand. "I tol' the las' guy tha' I just been wandering here and there, doin' what needs doin'. I like a good fight now an' again to boil out some of the stress of me day, and I can't very well be makin' money outta wood and stone. I managed ta come upon some veins of certain precious metals, but they ran dry and now I be on the move again. Frost giants took me place a while back an' I haven' had the funds ta make me a place ta call home. I don't like them what can't stay quite dead enough though, so iff'n ya be needin' a hand, Springear, ya got one here. As I said before," He grimaces, "them things give me goosebumps, and that always makes me mad. So I make a point a relievin' meself of what be causing the upset, iff'n ya take my meaning." He flexes both arms at his last statement and looks at Fleck.

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"A miner, huh? You move awfully fast for one. That's good. I hope you're good with that bow, too, because our antagonist is better. Until we can get as many blades as close to him as possible, he has the upper hand. Supposedly, we have allies that will help us trap him into getting that close, but I do not trust them."

He sighs, and scratches at his beard. "And after that, well, we need an expert burglar. Don't suppose you're that as well?"


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"There be a couple a good solutions ta that there problem. Give me one good whack at him and I'll keep 'im from goin more than a handful of paces at any one time. Then there's this here net I carry around for some of me more flighty prey. I ain't no wonder with it, but I can usually throw it good 'nuff ta get tha job done." Brennan jumps up from his squatting position, "And aye, I may well be one o' tha fastest 'miners' ya ever did see this side tha world." He doesn't strike one as the bragging sort, but more that of a matter-of-fact individual.


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"Yes, but can your net hold a bat? What about cloud? It'll have to. Unless we can ... prevent ..." He trails off as his eye defocus and he stares at nothing for a few seconds. "Interesting. I wonder who could do that." He blinks and looks back at Brennan. "Sorry. You were saying?"


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((Zerash, if you check this, I'm RPing Zerash as he tells the party he has to leave them for an uncertain amount of time to check on rumors of his sister. It seems the party may have not stopped the lich-making ceremony in time...))


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The party has gathered again, now in the caves that housed the three juvenile green dragons that had attacked them earlier.... Fahlias has gotten Fleck raised by a priest of Os, and led Fleck along the group's trail to find them in the dragons' lair.

It's the morning after the fight with the two kobolds that had been hiding out in the lair. One kobold is dead, the other teleported or plane shifted away to escape.

Treasure has been gathered into your various extradimensional storage spaces, and Argus has asked how the group will be getting to Mittendien now....


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Being permanently banished from Mittendien's capital only serves to reinforce Valdir's resolve to not trust humans with power (and his new favored enemy focus). Once outside of the guards' meager bowshot ranges, Valdir promptly turns around, gives them the Archer's two-finger "Pluck Yew" insulting salute and vows to go to Naeron before he'll help the Kaiser save himself from himself ever again.

Once this bit of business is done he leads the party to the woods outside, using his ranger skills to cover their tracks in case one of the city guards decided to reply to his salute.

Once in a secure area, he gathers them together and poses the question on all their minds: "What wonderful adventure should we embark on now?"

"For my part, I have been itching lately to take matters into my own hands and endeavor to make the orc nation pay for what they did to my family. The Lorlynian leadership won't do anything and our past endeavors were unsatisfactory to me. We are of a level of skill now that I think we can do something more fitting to the attrocities they have imposed on my family and Lorlyinia in general."

"As for other options, I know Fleck has been itching for some time to effect a similar sort of justice and solution to the Ulruzian Slave Trade either from the supply end or others. Fahlias here has also mentioned some wrong from his past that may require righting."

All that being said, Valdir sits patiently whittling out a new arrow shaft while waiting for the next of the party to chime in.


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Fahlias chuckles a little at Valdir's "salute" to the guards. He is happy to be reunited with his canine companion, Sventcharir, and the wolf walks easily at Fahlias' side.

“Lorlynia or Ulruz sound like good choices. Frankly, I think some time in the forests would do me good. Thank you for thinking of me, Valdir, but my business can wait for some time. While we may be strong, and defeated Sarashnethiros, my quarry is far stronger and I do not wish to risk failure after coming so far. Orc hunting would be a good way to pass the time, I think. And it would help us sharpen our respective crafts.”

Fahlias leans back and sits against a tree, scratching Svent behind his ears.


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"Eh, you know I don't care where we go, long as it involves some skull-smashing. Orcs, hobgoblins, dragons, giants, it don't make no difference to me." Argus says from his spot sitting on the grass. "Though I don't particularly want to stay 'round the middle-lands. Got some folks to avoid out here, so I'd rather head well north or well south of here. Maybe go back to the islands for awhile."


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After the fight is over and Valdir tires of tormenting the 3-armed ugly, he helps participate in the gathering of the goodies from the dark elves and their buddies. Once everything is gathered and piled in the middle of the village, Valdir proposes a plan: "After we pick and choose what we want for ourselves, I suggest we set aside some of what is left over to give to the town to rebuild and pay Sarynlee enough to get her employer to leave her alone."

"Another item of business we should decide on is what we need to do to ensure the dark elves don't come back."

Voidrunner's Codex

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