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For the emperor ! (IC thread - always recruiting )


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as much as i would love to kill him now interigation is the best option......however....
*sheath sword/ Wind up and punch*
THAT.....just feels too good....

OOC: Quick sheath, half action aim, unarmed attack (d5=2+4-3=3 damage)
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Kincaid headbutts the pillgrim in the face, follows up with a knee to the solar plexus and, as the pilgrim doubles over, an elbow to the neck. He drops like a sack of potatoes.

For a moment the only sound you can hear is the voice of the servitor singing a hymn to the emperor. Then the situation hits you. The carriage is covered in gore, blood dripping from the sealing, from the seats, from the windows, from your compatriots, from you. Dismembered corpses pile in the hallways, muscle and fat are stuck on your clothes, on your weapons. The pervasive stech of blood mixed with the stink of entrails, overdone meat and burned hair assault your nostrils. You stand there, panting, exhausted, adrenaline searing through your veins. All around you there is naught but slaughter and carnage

[sblock=OOC] Shortened the gang-bang on the single pilgrim a bit :). Everyone 'cept for Brutis roll a willpower check vs insanity. Fail = 1d5 insanity points [/sblock]

The bodyguard cleans his sword with a piece of cloth, mumbling benedictions and prayers to the emperor, then shoves it in his scabbard. He looks at all of you with his dead eyes, mulling over something in his mind.


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Kestrel lifts her rifle back to her shoulder and surveys the carnage through the scope briefly. As the adrenalin ebbs from her system, the scent of blood and excrement and the sight of mangled human bodies tightens her stomach into a slick knot. This wasn't a clean, elegant assassination. It was butchery.

She lowers the rifle again and salutes the bodyguard. Depending on the secrecy of the Inquisitor's mission, she knew, the man might well be obliged to kill all of them as well.

(OOC - Is it a straight stat check, or with a bonus, or...?)
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Harrigan Zhent, Imperial Psyker

Harrigan stood in the aftermath, staff still held, and surveyed the gore. He knew it should bother him. It should be ... unsettling. But the truth was that the warp assaulted his dreaming mind (and on his bad days, his waking mind) with far more alien and monstrous landscapes. This one was at least entirely human, even if the pieces weren't all connected to one another any more. He glanced to Kestrel, noticed her salute, then tried to mimic it, hoping to avoid any punishment from the bodyguard for his own inefficiency in the fray.
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The relative silence is broken when a voice calls out from onderneath one of the benches. A cleric, soaked with blood crawls out from underneath.
"They, they're all dead?"
Relief and hope flash across his face, and he crawls towards the bodyguard on hands and knes , grabs his ankles and kisses his feet.
"Emperor praise you, my lord. The ecclesiarch of Zonorra will reward you richly, and.."

The bodyguard looks down, disdainfully.

"Cowards never live, Martyrs never die. You are judged by the left hand of the Emperor, and are found wanting. In the name of the Holy Ordos of the Inquisition, I send you to the Emperor. May he find mercy upon your soul."

"But, sir, I, I"

With as much emotion as when crushing a bug, the bodyguard grabs the cleric by the head and twists. A loud whet snap resounds, and the cleric drops to the floor.

"Come" the bodyguard says to the group, and calmly walks over to where the noble he was accompanying still lays in a puddle of blood on the floor. The noble is pale but seems unharmed. They exchange a few words that seem nonsensical to you. Hesitantly, the noble nods.

The bodyguard looks at you, still eyes piercing your soul.

"I offer you an oportunity. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You have shown resolve in the face of the Enemy. I can use that. Are you willing to live and die for the God-Emperor, deny His enemies in every turn, even if it cost you your life?"


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Kestrel's mind raced. A 'request' like that from an Inquisitor would be greeted with death. Of course, it might conflict with her already accepted duty to guard the psyker, Zhent...but an Inquisitor was a higher order that would overrule previous ones. Besides, if Zhent agreed, she could still watch over him. If he didn't...then the matter would be moot. Either way, she would be free to accept the charge placed on her, terrifying and exhilarating as it might be.

"I have already dedicated my life to do so," she said, a little breathlessly. "I would not, could not, refuse such an offer."


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Rat knew that this moment was coming. Was it not what he wanted to do? To escape the life he lives now, in order to help out the God Emperor himself?

Rat gathered up his package, and says to the bodyguard "Of course. Anythings... Anything for the Emperor." He had to correct himself half way, remembering who he was talking to...


First Post
Harrigan Zhent, Imperial Psyker

Even the whispers in Zhent's mind quieted in the face of the Bodyguard's commanding presence, and his 'offer.' But not for long. They were giggling. Much as he dreaded their fiery hatred for him and the physical world he represented, Harrigan wasn't sure he liked it any better when they were amused.

Still, Kestrel had agreed, and she was sane. Well, saner than himself, he was sure.

Zhent bowed his head to the bodyguard, saying "There can be only one answer, surely: I give myself to serve the God-Emperor."

Harrigan managed not to grimace as the giggling in his head grew just a touch louder.

Voidrunner's Codex

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