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For the Greater Good

Lyssia takes the form of a slender woman scout and seems confortable with it as she rides down the trail. Her thoughts seem a bit serious as they leave the city, as she rides for hours wihtout speaking thinking of her 'kin' and how they might be involved at all. (Unlikely in her final opinion as they have little use for humans :) )

Upon arrival at Day's Crossings, she takes to Golden Chalice for her nights rest. Seeing to her mount (borrowed from the temple most likely) first, she checks in and has an early meal. Afterwards she leaves for her rooms and takes to the window to stretch her wings and do a bit of flying in the dark before retiring to bed.

(All of the 2nd paragraph is assuming there is no trouble/events before then of course. :) )

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First Post
Darren leads the way, looking like nothing more than a humble traveller on an ordinary mount. He is silent, battling within his own mind. He is sure that this will be IT, the mission that finally will free him from his past and allow him to seek his love openly, but he constantly remionds himself that he does not pursue this task for himself, but for the poor innocents suffering in their undead servitude. To bring peace and justice in pursuit of his selfish goals would simply move him further towards his past and Darren has sacrificed much that he once valued to reach his current place.

As the group reaches the waypoint, Darren keeps a sharp eye for those who don't belong, people who watch travellers a little too keenly. His eye catches Lyssia going to the fine inn. He shakes his head ruefully, glad yet saddened that he will be staying in the Pauper's Purse. If I were ten years younger...But then I would be as I was then and would not be worthy of one who has worked so hard to reform themselves.

If Darren can find several travellers at the Pauper's Purse who are staying there out of need rather than asceticism, and they seem deserving, he will use his sleight of hand to slip a handful of gold into their belongings while they sleep.


"I will stay at one of the traveler's taverns. I can pass best as a merchant or scholar, so it seems the wisest choice." *Nessa states.*

"Where should we meet when we are to depart? And we should arrange a place to meet, should we attract any hostile attention, or need to leave quickly."

Isida Kep'Tukari

*For those desiring to stay outside, one can buy a spot in a fenced in field to camp for only a couple copper. Many of the poorer travelers look to be doing just that. Or you could take your chances outside the city walls, if that is your wish.*

*The Pauper's Purse is made of rough wood that's been lovingly polished by years of use. The common room in a simple huge room supported by large timbers. Trestle tables are lined up in rows with benches, and a mug of stew and one of ale only costs three copper (water can be had for free). A space either on this floor or the one above is another three. The place is dimly lit, and there is no kitchen, just a large fireplace and a bunch of cupboards. It's painfully clean, swept out twice a day, and has obviously seen a great deal of use. Prayers to Pelor, Alnaria, and other deities of healing, peace, and charity are said at every meal.*

*It is usually fairly full, mostly with priests and laymen of the poorer orders as well as wandering hermits and those on pilgramage. Today is no exception, and while anyone going there can find a seat, they will be sharing their bench.*

*There are many clad in the practical leather garments of Fharlanghn, as well as several plainly-clad clergy of Pelor. Two white-robed priestesses of Alnaria stand out in the relative gloom of the room, and a contingent of earth-touched dwarven priests of Grumbar sit closest to the door.*

*The Golden Chalice is brightly lit as a scriptorium, with elegant tables carved into pleasing shapes and comfortable chairs and booths. It has its own kitchen, from which savory smells eminate. The menu tonight is roast venison, fresh new vegetables, and eggs, along with wine or ale, fresh cider, or sweet spring water. Rooms generally hold no more than six, or solitary cells can be had, though they are miniscule. A typical dinner and a semi-private room costs four gold.*

*As in the Pauper's Purse, prayers are said before each meal, though usually to Heironeous, Siamorphe, or other deities. The people here are typically priests of wealthy orders, or noble laymen. One somewhat curious thing of note is that there's a contingent of priestesses of Wee Jas around a large table in the back. All wear the traveling black and red robes of their order, and their holy symbols are prominatly exposed. The elaborate headdress that one wears, her hair piled around a complex arrangement of red rods, marks her as a high ranking priestess. All of the six women are engaged in some quiet conversation.*

*Also in the room are clergy of Heironeous, Siamorphe, Boccob, Corelleon Latharian, and one pox-scared priestess of Talona.*


First Post
Sebastian considers his options. Though the Pauper's Purse is more aesthetically appealling, he is uncomfortable with its religious affiliation. He certainly isn't interested in paying lip-service prayer to Hieroneous (after all, if you're going to say it, believe it, or don't say it at all) over dinner.

Having thought it over, he makes his way to the Golden Chalice. He silently plunks down four gold, and eats his dinner in a lonely corner, if he can find it. Afterwards he will spend the evening observing the common room. If he sees nothing requiring action, he retires at a reasonable hour and wakes with the dawn.
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Nessa Caoilfhionn, Female Aasimar Arcane Disciple

*Nessa enters The Golden Chalice, looking around herself with interest. She rarely travels away from the city (at least rarely while remaining on the Prime...), and studies the others in the tavern. She makes her way over to the bar, and follow's Sebastian's lead, handing over four gold to buy herself a meal and a room for the night.*

*Nessa takes a table towards the back of the inn, as close to the priest of Wee Jas as she can manage. Boccob and Wee Jas' clergy have a relatively untroubled relationship with each other, and she is interested to catch any snippets of their conversation she might overhear.*


Imperial Mountain Dew Taster
Sylinda human Druidessish

*Sylinda stops just before the gates of the city: "I will stay outside of the city, to get a little feel for the open country if that is fine with everyone. Norin will you be joining me or will you stay in the fenced in area surrounding the city?"


Norin smiles at Sylinda, "I can do both if you wish. I should like to see this place and what Heironeus is doing here. But when it is time to rest, a peaceful night in nature would be a blessing."

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Nessa, as you listen to the priestess of Wee Jas, their conversation takes an interesting turn. Though you can't hear everything, a few words catch your ears and you strain to make out the rest of the conversation. "Undead" was one word.*

"Rediculous that the Ruby Sorceress herself should have to pull all us up from Albon to make our cases. We've successfully animated undead for centuries, why should we have to stop? The laws are in place for a reason, and I see no need to go back to the fear and persecution that marked our faith in centuries past. There should be no need for these debates. Heaven itself knows that we are right," the senior priestess says. From the sounds of it, this seems to be a familiar complaint, well worn but much beloved by the others at the table.

*Daren, there are a couple people that seem to be ragged priests of Pelor, and by the states of their robes, they've fallen on hard times. Your gift of coins passes unnoticed, though you're confident it will bring some joy into their lives.*

*Lyssia, your room at the Golden Chalice is well-appointed, with a comfortable bed and handmade quilt, washstand with bowl and picture of painted pottery, a vase of flowers, and a small wardrobe to hang things in. Your window is generously large, overlooking the gardens below, with good shutters. Your flight is pleasent, and you can see the farmlands and trade roads below. All seems peaceful this evening.*

*Sylinda and Norin, after a few minutes of walking, you can find a reasonably nice place to spend the night. Most do not care to sleep outside the protection of walls, or at least fences, though you do notice a few people around that have the look of druids or other hermits that prefer to be outdoors. Your own sleep is not troubled, though you do awake wet with dew.*

*Sebastian, your own room is pleasent, with a soft bed, clean sheets, and fresh flowers, in addition to the waredrobe and washstand. Your dinner is quite tasty, fresh with fine spices and new greens, and you can find no fault in it. As for watching those people during dinner, you also notice the priestesses of Wee Jas, and Nessa's apparent interest in them. The priestess of Talona sits alone, while two priests of Boccob speak to three elven clerics of Corelleon Latharian. The priest of Siamorph and Heironeous keep to their own kind. There seems to be nothing amiss, though you know that priestesses of Wee Jas rarely travel any distance.*

*Staeven, your appearance at the Pauper's Purse draws a bit of attention from your finer garb, though when you demand no special favors people will seems to settle down. You notice Daren here, but as per your suggestions, you pay him no mind. The closest seat is one next to the dwarven priests of Grumbar, and you hear them speaking in burred dwarven accents. After some inconsequential comments about the quality of the food, one of them turns to you, his highly polished rock holy symbol marking him as senior. He is earth-touched, and his skin seems to be made of granite, and his eyes of quartz pebbles.*

"You're not the usual kind here," he opens with. Priests of Grumbar are known for their dislike of change and their adhererance to tradition and routine. Anything new or different arouses their suspicions. While they are stanch opponents of change, they are as reliable as the mountains and have historical records going back centuries.


First Post
Sebastian Andovar, human paladin of Hoar

[OOC: Do I detect evil from the priestesses of Wee Jas?]

Sebastian considers the priestesses of Wee Jas, and Nessa's interest in them. She is closer than I, thinks Sebastian, could she be hearing information pertinent to our task? Sebastian thinks of his possible avenues of action. I can wait and see what Nessa does, perhaps.

And so Sebastian waits. If Nessa does not approach the priestesses before either she or they leave, then he will.

Voidrunner's Codex

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