D&D 5E Forge of Fury TFTYP?


It's a great dungeon and easily adaptable to many different settings. I ran it back in the 3E days and set in in Greyhawk. Ran it just a few weeks ago with my 5E group and it was in Chult. Everyone had a blast both times around.

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I made a small campaign out of it centered about Phandalin, even posted on DMsGuild if you wanted. The players liked it overall. They had a bit of a hard time getting past the orcs on the first level, but found use of the shaft on the next level to be a good shortcut. They battled the duergar and brought the succubus back to Phandalin even though they all distrusted her. The quote of the night was when the barbarian woke up the next day after resting with her and was was all, "Hey, did anyone else have to make a Wisdom save last night."

The final battle with the dragon was good. I ended up making a map using gridded wrapping paper. I think that I added a couple other monsters to the final battle to add to the action economy.


@Zardnaar: One thing to note – as with several of the officially converted adventures, this one has a few minor but sometimes still important details that got lost in translation, so if you have a copy of the original, I suggest going through it and making a note of those.

Sorry I can’t be more specific. It’s been a few years since I ran it.

Here are my campaign blog posts:

Session 1: https://theyawningportal.wordpress.com/2017/09/19/dark-dealings-in-yartar/

Session 2: https://theyawningportal.wordpress.com/2017/10/03/the-mountain-door/

Session 3: https://theyawningportal.wordpress.com/2017/10/15/exploring-khundrukar/


@Zardnaar: One thing to note – as with several of the officially converted adventures, this one has a few minor but sometimes still important details that got lost in translation, so if you have a copy of the original, I suggest going through it and making a note of those.

Sorry I can’t be more specific. It’s been a few years since I ran it.
I remember the roper almost causing a TPK.


I remember the roper almost causing a TPK.
Yeah, there’s that. I’m talking about things that got left out of the 5e version (either on purpose or by accident – I suspect there are some of both).

Things like how in the 5e conversion of Tammeraut’s Fate (Ghosts of Saltmarsh), the adventure talks about using sovereign glue but never actually provides any. When I looked at the original Dungeon version, I discovered there was originally a bottle of sovereign glue that could be found earlier in the adventure. I suspect it its omission from the 5e version was an oversight.

I recall there being stuff like that in the 5e Forge of Fury. I just can’t remember what or where specifically. I’ll see if I wrote it down anywhere.


Anyone run this adventure in 5E? I'm thinking if using it in a Norse themed game as a starter adventure for lvl 3 PCs.

Khundrakar sounds suitably Nordic. Change a few names here and there, add a plot line snd starting town.

Adventure looks decent wounding how it runs.
I ran it! Start of 2020. It was my first VTT game and I used it to learn the ropes. It's brutal. I knew it was a one shot and we weren't using the characters past the adventure, so I didn't pull any stops and even added a bit of difficulty. Had 5 PC deaths by the end, and after the final encounter only one PC escaped with a handful of treasure.

These are the last two sessions if interested



I ran "part" of it in 5e. The party decided it was too difficult and cowardly backed out to another adventure before finishing the first level. I would, however, like to try it again.
I was a player in it back in 3e. The last encounter was a doozy ... and had definite TPK potential if the DM played it intelligently.
That's what I did; I had the dragon stay underwater as much as possible to pop up, attack and retreat. There was almost no way to counter it. That said, they still got her down to 50 hit points, but nearly all the PCs died.


It’s the archetypal lost dwarven city for me. Multi-leveled, detailed and interesting.

Much better now Ropers aren’t CR10 monsters now too! That was nasty in 3e.

I’m planning on using it as Tethyamar in a future Dalelands campaign.


That's what I did; I had the dragon stay underwater as much as possible to pop up, attack and retreat. There was almost no way to counter it. That said, they still got her down to 50 hit points, but nearly all the PCs died.

I've done something similar with adult blue dragon using sand and a red in the sky flying around an airship.

I'm going to use milestones. Clear 3 areas maybe 2 level up. Another 2 hit 5. Dragons a bonus if they get it early it counts as a milestone/level.

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