D&D 5E Forge of Fury TFTYP?


I absolutely love Forge of Fury.
The chasm bridge, the ogre, the old forge, the roper, the black dragon. It’s got almost every classic trope of “dwarven ruins” and in style!
I’ve run it three times, most recently for my wife and two grandkids, who adored it.
My only regret is that I’ve never had the chance to see it from a player viewpoint.

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I absolutely love Forge of Fury.
The chasm bridge, the ogre, the old forge, the roper, the black dragon. It’s got almost every classic trope of “dwarven ruins” and in style!
I’ve run it three times, most recently for my wife and two grandkids, who adored it.
My only regret is that I’ve never had the chance to see it from a player viewpoint.

Well there's 2 Dwarven ruins and a human one buried under glacial ice relatively nearby.

It's an outpost of those Fallen Realms.

I'll add an ebon triad subplot with 3 evil Deities and refluff some encounters to tie it togather. Sone wandering mobsters will also be o theme/plot advancement.


I absolutely love Forge of Fury.
The chasm bridge, the ogre, the old forge, the roper, the black dragon. It’s got almost every classic trope of “dwarven ruins” and in style!
I’ve run it three times, most recently for my wife and two grandkids, who adored it.
My only regret is that I’ve never had the chance to see it from a player viewpoint.
I love it too. That damn bridge at the beginning. My guys had a hell of a time getting across. At one point they had to retreat, rest, and come back later.


The roper killed two members of the party when I ran the game and the final fight was extremely close to a TPK. Wow, that was a year ago. Time flies.


The roper killed two members of the party when I ran the game and the final fight was extremely close to a TPK. Wow, that was a year ago. Time flies.
They survived the roper, but the orcs killed someone and the duergar curb stomped someone and the dragon killed some someones.


The first time I ran it the female rogue failed the save against the ghost and ended up 60 years old. As they were coming out, some orcs that had fled teamed up with some archers that had been sent to kill the PCs and ambushed them at range. They manage to take out the rogue, and the barbarian responded by running down the mountainside yelling "You shot my grandma!"


The only time I ran Forge of Fury, the orcs beheaded one of them at the bridge (crit with a Greataxe), and the Gricks ate their gnome wizard and forced the rest of the group to flee. They decided to head somewhere easier.

Ah, good times :)

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