D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

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Hello. Love the sheet but coming from the UK I have a couple of problems. The sheets are designed to print out on US Letter size paper which is a bit bigger than our A4 (the closest equivalent) Shrinking the page to fit does work but leaves some of the text difficult to see. Printing it at 100% size on smaller paper means some important info falls off the edge.

While I am sure it would be quite a bit of work would it be possible to have different print layouts for letter size and a4? The spell sheet is the worst for reading.

Even if not still a wonderful piece of work and has made my life much, much easier.

Thank you.


First Post
While I am sure it would be quite a bit of work would it be possible to have different print layouts for letter size and a4?
The print size is really small even with US standard letter printouts. My group loves this sheet and it works great on the screen but none of them can actually read the print at the game table. I can read it OK but I have the best eyes in the group. :) I think it would be wonderful if ForgedAnvil added a few pages to the spreadsheet that duplicated the information from the first two pages spread out over three or four pages. Even if these extra pages were just plain vanilla looking black and white it would be an awesome addition. I definitely love the layout he has used down to the item slots and attuneable notables but dang it is extremely small print.


Character "Stat Block" Design

Thanks for the feedback, something I plan to add in a future version

Feedback required on design, this is a draft of the "stat block" sheet. If there is anything missing or other cool ideas to improve it let me know.

Note that the Background info has been removed as I felt it wasn't needed for a stat block, if you think it is needed then let me know and why.

Keep in mind the limited design space. This sheet will be placed after the last Character Sheet

Last edited:


Hello. Love the sheet but coming from the UK I have a couple of problems. The sheets are designed to print out on US Letter size paper which is a bit bigger than our A4 (the closest equivalent) Shrinking the page to fit does work but leaves some of the text difficult to see. Printing it at 100% size on smaller paper means some important info falls off the edge.

While I am sure it would be quite a bit of work would it be possible to have different print layouts for letter size and a4? The spell sheet is the worst for reading.

Even if not still a wonderful piece of work and has made my life much, much easier.

Thank you.

Thanks for the feedback!

Changing printing format from Letter > A4 can be done in the printing options in Excel (see below image). The width should automatically scale to an A4 page though there will be a space at the bottom of the page (due to the format differences between A4 and Letter).

This method can be used to print in larger formats such as A3 (effective 2xA4 pages) for an easier to see version on paper (recommended for Character Sheet III - Spells). Not sure if many printers these days support A3?

On a separate note, I use a Surface Pro 3 and it's awesome. An iPad or Android device should work just as well with Excel installed (free). I understand that it's not for everyone! With Windows 10 launching around the end of July (free upgrade for Windows 7, 8 ,8.1) with a free version of Excel (and all Office apps) along with many hybrid devices launching around that time it might present a opportunity to move to a cool tablet.

Letter to A4.png


First Post
The Stat block sheet looks interesting. I use your sheet to write up all NPC companion characters that join the party temporarily and hand them out to different players to run for that session. I could see myself just printing this out for minor companions. :) I would prefer the background information there because I always give NPCs a background. I love the new background mechanic to give flavor to both PCs and NPCs. I consider it more important than subclass on some of my NPCs. Being a "Sailor" or "Outlander" can say a lot about a dude. Anyway, it looks cool.


Text Error: Otto's Irresistible Dance's details is "disadv dex saves & attacks , can't movee, action wis save". Should be "disadv dex saves & attacks, can't move, action wis save".


This is my favorite character sheet maker. I wish the spell sheets could be printed in two sheets because the font comes out so small.

I have one other request. I like to use *only* the first sheet. That means I can't use sheet 4 for the character picture. Since I have only 2 weapons, I'd like to paste a jpg on top of weapons 3-6. When I do so, it tells me the page is protected, and when I try to unprotect, it asks me for a password. Is it possible to unprotect the sheet, or just not password protect the next version?


The Stat block sheet looks interesting. I use your sheet to write up all NPC companion characters that join the party temporarily and hand them out to different players to run for that session. I could see myself just printing this out for minor companions. :) I would prefer the background information there because I always give NPCs a background. I love the new background mechanic to give flavor to both PCs and NPCs. I consider it more important than subclass on some of my NPCs. Being a "Sailor" or "Outlander" can say a lot about a dude. Anyway, it looks cool.

Ok cool, I've kept the character background and "merged" Race and Subrace into one section throughout the tool.

Voidrunner's Codex

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