D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator


I was using Race 1. Also, if you add Tools, it won't put that in the Start sheet details box, either. Another thing, when you do stat mods, and you select anything in the additional column (without selecting a fixed ability) it puts a comma in front of the list. If you do select a fixed ability and then additional ones, it puts 2 commas between the fixed and additional.

The details I entered are the same as for Half-elf. I was testing the custom race tab to see what needed to go where in what fashion.

Cool, thanks for the feedback - I'll look into for v1.60 (note the Languages stuff is fixed now)

UPDATE: These issues are now fixed in v1.60

The example character Zenith gives some examples for Minotaur and Warforged as well as an example of how to show spells gained at certain levels (Race 3) as you need a formula in this case to show spells correctly in the details (as per Dark Elf, Aasimar, Tiefling etc.)
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Cool, thanks for the feedback - I'll look into for v1.60 (note the Languages stuff is fixed now)

UPDATE: These issues are now fixed in v1.60

The example character Zenith gives some examples for Minotaur and Warforged as well as an example of how to show spells gained at certain levels (Race 3) as you need a formula in this case to show spells correctly in the details (as per Dark Elf, Aasimar, Tiefling etc.)

NP. Glad to help out. The issues are merely cosmetic, to my mind, so it's no rush. This char gen is an amazing piece of work.


Adventurers Log Preview

Here's a first look at the Adventurers Log - initial design concept (to be updated)

Formulas already implemented, only requires data for the first row Starting and Earned values then only Earned values are required - the tool calculates the rest

Feedback welcomed!

Adventurers Logsheet.png
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First Post
Heya ForgedAnvil:

First off my usual "please, please, please come up with a way to add custom classes. :)

Second, is there any way to add a conditional 2nd page to Character sheet II? What I am talking about is something similar to Character sheet III where if you have too many spells for one sheet, it adds a second sheet. When playing multi class characters, one sheet fills up quickly, so it would be nice for it to continue on to a 2nd or even a 3rd sheet if necessary. By the way, I am talking about the information displayed on the right hand side of the page.
In addition, you might consider adding two columns on the left hand side (or even just one), but each column would be a single merged cell. This would allow for the copy/pasting of text data without having to split it on a line to line basis. It would make life much easier for copy/pasting things like magic item descriptions.

Third, concerning the Character Summary page I have two requests:
1) Concerning the spell list, would it be possible to either underline or make bold the spell names in the list. It would make finding spells in the list much easier. If you make the spell names both bold and underlined even better;
2) Like my second request above, you conditionally expand at least a 2nd page? Multi-classing takes up a lot of space. :)


First Post
Hello Forged, me and my friends do a lot of homebrewing and I ended up being the one that maintains our small groups sheets, your character generator has been an amazing tool and very easy to use.

So I'm not that amazing with Excel, but with the Additional Details cell, is there any way to format it so I can do a list easier.


First Post
First, allow me to say what an amazing utility this is for the RPG community! That said, I have four suggestions for future releases that I think could make it even better:

1) While I was able to figure out how to do it manually, it would be extremely helpful for those that might not be quite as proficient in "excel-fu" to have a button that would export the sheet in .pdf for the user. Having to figure out which pages to include on the pdf options page was a little hit and miss, and if that were automated, that would be great.

2) I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE what you have done with including the wild shapes on the spellcasting page. Easily one of the best upgrades that you have done in a while. Being able to reference that sheet rather than having to do all of that work every time is extremely helpful. There is one thing that I would love to see added to this though and that is the ability to add in "plusses" for the stats of the wild shapes, specifically for AC in my situation. I am playing a Druid/Monk, and my DM has ruled that his ability to add his Wisdom carries over to my wild shape. The ability to factor that into the sheet would be helpful.

3) It would be helpful if some basic stat blocks for the wild shapes could be added to the character summary sheet. That would allow me to upload that single sheet to my tablet for use as quick reference during my games. The ideal place, just looking at that sheet, looks to be on the right under all of the race and class special abilities.

4) Lastly, the spells on the character summary sheet would be much easier to read if there were either reading lines added to them, or if some sort of space were added in there to break up what is currently a very large block of text. Even if those spaces were only between the different levels, that would break things up enough to make them more usable than they are currently.

Once again, thanks for doing the work to put this together for the community. I genuinely hope that these small opportunities for improvement will not come off as me being picky or overly critical. I use your sheet exactly the way it is every week when I game, and I am very happy to tell everyone I can about your amazing work!



Version 1.60 Released

Download here - ForgedAnvil 5E Character Generator and take a moment and rate thisif you like it, thank you!

Updates in this release:
- Fixed issues with custom races not show languages and tools correctly in the details section of Start, CSII, Summary
- Added Rogue Archetype > Mastermind
- Added Cantrip > Greenflame Blade (note you will need to type this into your spell list as there is currently no classes assigned to this cantrip)
- Added Background > Urban Bounty Hunter
- NEW FEATURE Added the Adventurers Log sheet. Enter initial XP, Gold, Downtime, Renown, Magic Items and each game enter Earned only and the sheet does the rest!
- Various bug fixes, spelling corrections and tool enhancements

Use the ForgedAnvil Character Transfer Tool to transfer your current Character to the new version
For translations, the translation file has also been updated to include new text fields

Let me know if you find issues, enjoy!


First, allow me to say what an amazing utility this is for the RPG community! That said, I have four suggestions for future releases that I think could make it even better:

1) While I was able to figure out how to do it manually, it would be extremely helpful for those that might not be quite as proficient in "excel-fu" to have a button that would export the sheet in .pdf for the user. Having to figure out which pages to include on the pdf options page was a little hit and miss, and if that were automated, that would be great.

2) I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE what you have done with including the wild shapes on the spellcasting page. Easily one of the best upgrades that you have done in a while. Being able to reference that sheet rather than having to do all of that work every time is extremely helpful. There is one thing that I would love to see added to this though and that is the ability to add in "plusses" for the stats of the wild shapes, specifically for AC in my situation. I am playing a Druid/Monk, and my DM has ruled that his ability to add his Wisdom carries over to my wild shape. The ability to factor that into the sheet would be helpful.

3) It would be helpful if some basic stat blocks for the wild shapes could be added to the character summary sheet. That would allow me to upload that single sheet to my tablet for use as quick reference during my games. The ideal place, just looking at that sheet, looks to be on the right under all of the race and class special abilities.

4) Lastly, the spells on the character summary sheet would be much easier to read if there were either reading lines added to them, or if some sort of space were added in there to break up what is currently a very large block of text. Even if those spaces were only between the different levels, that would break things up enough to make them more usable than they are currently.

Once again, thanks for doing the work to put this together for the community. I genuinely hope that these small opportunities for improvement will not come off as me being picky or overly critical. I use your sheet exactly the way it is every week when I game, and I am very happy to tell everyone I can about your amazing work!


Thanks for the feedback!

1. The easiest way to do this is hold down CTRL and select the sheets you want to print, then to print select your PDF printer and print.
2. There will be overrides on the Spellcasting sheet under Wildshape for AC, HP, STR, DEX, CON SIZE values, I just haven't implemented them :)
3. This is easier than it sounds, recommend to use only the WildShape sheet stats separate to the Character Summary. You could use the Additional Details section in the Start sheet to summarize the details also. You should also note that the Character Generator also works on iOS (iPhone and iPad) and Android, you only need to install the Mobile version of Excel for FREE. Works extremely well with touch
4. I've got some ideas here but will require a bit of work to get this up and running. Maybe in the next version you'll see something
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Hello Forged, me and my friends do a lot of homebrewing and I ended up being the one that maintains our small groups sheets, your character generator has been an amazing tool and very easy to use.

So I'm not that amazing with Excel, but with the Additional Details cell, is there any way to format it so I can do a list easier.

At the moment I just use ALT+Enter to go to the next line when editing a cell. You can use a simple "-" to create bullet points or a fancier one if you like. I could split that section up into several cells where each cell would have a specific bullet point automatically added

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