I like that it has origins outside of and prior to D&D, followed by a layer of actual home games. No Setting generated for commercial purposes can really recreate that artifical vibe. It is free to be generic
I am a bit of a weird FR fan, since I really only started becoming familiar with it through 5E products and then going back into 1E products via the DMsGuild, and have found myself becoming something of an Originalist. I prefer to ignore pretty much the entire metaplot.after the Grey Box, but also to use the 3E FRCS and SCAG along with that 1E era framework, to create my own Frankenstein alternate timeline. I think the Srtring started going sideways once other writers stsrted inserting real world analogs like "Ancient Egypt Land" or "Fantasy China" so I will ignore pretty much anything outside the smaller maps geom the Grey Box as irrelevant. Which Es Greenwood said I can do in like, every single book intro, but it makes discussions of "canon" pretty weird.