The Green Adam
First Post
Forked from: "Looks like we're going to win this battle . . . in about 90 minutes from now."
Minor, possibly grognardish rant/observation. Take a gander at this description of a 4E encounter...
One of the elements of 4E that puts me off the most is the act of identifying the classes as controller, striker, leader, etc. For example, in the above paragraph, the player characters are a wizard (I assume), a, guys with arrow or guns and a couple of fighters. Or were they warlords? Are those the leaders?
I'm not a big fan of 'class/level' systems but it seems liked if your going to have them one benefit is an easy means of designation. With previous editions, players might say, "That's when my Wizard cast lightning bolt at the orc guard". Now its 'my controller'. Totally ruins the mood and atmosphere for me.
Anyone else feeling this or have you found it pretty easy to get into the spirit of the game with brutes, lurkers, leaders, etc.?
Minor, possibly grognardish rant/observation. Take a gander at this description of a 4E encounter...
Forrester said:For instance, I was in a battle where the characters were going up against a controller, a few artillery, and two or three brutes, and due to some early luck and good tactics (the team put down a Wall of Fire *here* and hit the baddies with an Ice Storm *there*), we managed to clearly gain the upper hand and take down one of the brutes and severely wound another. We also found that while the bad guys have wads and wads of hit points, the average attack most of the remaining baddies did was only doing 7-10 points of damage, and they only hit half the time.
One of the elements of 4E that puts me off the most is the act of identifying the classes as controller, striker, leader, etc. For example, in the above paragraph, the player characters are a wizard (I assume), a, guys with arrow or guns and a couple of fighters. Or were they warlords? Are those the leaders?
I'm not a big fan of 'class/level' systems but it seems liked if your going to have them one benefit is an easy means of designation. With previous editions, players might say, "That's when my Wizard cast lightning bolt at the orc guard". Now its 'my controller'. Totally ruins the mood and atmosphere for me.
Anyone else feeling this or have you found it pretty easy to get into the spirit of the game with brutes, lurkers, leaders, etc.?