Big J Money
I think homogenous is a great word. The fact that 4E is "all about damage" (which is an exaggeration, but based on truth) is, I think, the main reason people accuse 4E of being a video game or, more specifically an MMO.
lol I dont think it's like a video game. I think it was designed this way to PRODUCE a video game on it without needing any adjustments. (which is even worse)I think homogenous is a great word. The fact that 4E is "all about damage" (which is an exaggeration, but based on truth) is, I think, the main reason people accuse 4E of being a video game or, more specifically an MMO.
Any character can retrain one of his powers (or feats, or skill choices, or probably something else as well) when he goes up a level.I thought there was an rule an wizard could swap his daily power he prepared with another one he had??
Anyone can tell me if its in the book? Couldn't find it..
You mean the same way that the only people who still play 3.x are those who enjoy the broken spellcasting classes.I'm with you Karinsdad. 4E magic system is boring. The only people that like the new magic system are those that weren't particularly good at the old one or never bothered to play a caster.
Even priests were far more interesting in 3E.
If you want an answer: It was pretty baller.
It's something like high-rollin'.I don't know what that word means in this context...?
The only people that like the new magic system are those that weren't particularly good at the old one or never bothered to play a caster.