D&D 4E Forked Thread: Some Thoughts on 4e

I think homogenous is a great word. The fact that 4E is "all about damage" (which is an exaggeration, but based on truth) is, I think, the main reason people accuse 4E of being a video game or, more specifically an MMO.

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I think homogenous is a great word. The fact that 4E is "all about damage" (which is an exaggeration, but based on truth) is, I think, the main reason people accuse 4E of being a video game or, more specifically an MMO.
lol I dont think it's like a video game. I think it was designed this way to PRODUCE a video game on it without needing any adjustments. (which is even worse)

Just wait till an few books come out, with new powers to chose from the options shall become larger and wider..

I thought there was an rule an wizard could swap his daily power he prepared with another one he had??

Anyone can tell me if its in the book? Couldn't find it..

I thought there was an rule an wizard could swap his daily power he prepared with another one he had??

Anyone can tell me if its in the book? Couldn't find it..
Any character can retrain one of his powers (or feats, or skill choices, or probably something else as well) when he goes up a level.

A wizard also has a spellbook which means that when he learns a new daily or utility power, he chooses two powers instead. After each extended rest, he chooses one of these two powers to be able to use that day.

I'm with you Karinsdad. 4E magic system is boring. The only people that like the new magic system are those that weren't particularly good at the old one or never bothered to play a caster.

Even priests were far more interesting in 3E.
You mean the same way that the only people who still play 3.x are those who enjoy the broken spellcasting classes.

Get real.

Given that, in the spectrum of rpgs, being 'All about the damage' as a scale sets D&D in -every edition- almost at the same point as RIFTS, I don't really see where the problem with 4e simply taking the route that D&D has had since the beginning, and finally just admitting it and putting it out there.

It's at least -honest- about what it is, which previous editions might not have been. If you want to play an RPG that's about stuff other than combat, then D&D is probably not the right place to go.

I think there are two things going on:

(1) The homogenization is real, and done on purpose in order to raise general ease of play.

(2) The scale has been spread out.

As for #1: This is better for some people and not so great for others. Generally speaking it is far easier to add in funkiness as a DM than the opposite-- just purposefully choose funky magic items and rituals which have high power creep quotients.

As for #2: I see that 10th level in 4e is like 5th level in 1e. A 1e DM might be setting up the grand finale with the 13th level party against Lolth. In 4e that kind of action happens after 25th level.

In this context, 4e PCs should not really taste world bending powers until Paragon levels, and world breaking abilities come only at Epic levels.

IMHO long duration Invisibility is a world breaking ability, as the DM has to rewrite the world to take this one spell into account. It could have easily been a 4th or 5th level spell in 1e, and not be consider too weak.

I don't know what that word means in this context...?

It's something like high-rollin'. ;)

I have yet to play a 4e wizard. For 3.x, I only played a sorc at lower levels. My impression is that a wizard's awesomeness factor comes from creative use of cantrips and rituals. I scan over them and see possibility... akin to how LostSoul's player acted in that situation.

As far as 4e's design goes... yeah... it's about combat and damage. Same as 3.x. But, I think skill challenges and (IMO) much more free-wheeling use of not by the book stuff is doable in 4e without breaking the game. I have not played enough 4e to say this for certain, so it is less of an opinion and more of a hypothesis that needs some dice-rolling tests.

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