Fort Knocks - knight otu judging

Kahuna Burger

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From the red dragon -

Kirin sets a brisk pace, urging Cirus along when he gets bored and wants to sniff at the other mounts. The two horses are not warbeasts, but strong and if you switch off which is riding double, they keep the pace well.

(ooc: running off to work, feel free to socialize and such until I can get the action moving.)
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Nodis, human psion (shaper) 1

Nodis get his backpack and crossbow from under the table and comes out of the inn, blinking under the sun´s light. There, he waits the others while walking around the horses. "The monastery is a day from here, you said?"


First Post
Artax hurriedly transfers items from his bulky backpack to a packsaddle on his new mule (OOC: the one I bought, not Kirin's), muttering about plans not even staying intact until the enemy is met. Once on the way he mentions, "I don't know which is more 'exiting', finally heading off on an adventure, or being very nearly broke after buying this mule. Oh, say hi to Atreyu everyone, if you care to."

(OOC: Kahuna, you know that a mule's move is 30', right? Though now that I think of it, the horses would help if anyone has a move of 20'. If I nitpick too much, just smack me with a trout or something.)


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Brother Eusebius, human monk 1

Eusebius strides out of the Inn. He moves to the nearest horse and mounts. Waiting a moment to see if anyone else needs a ride, he moves out, bringing the horse to a trot as he follows Kirin along the road.


Rurik arrives on a black warpony, having slightly 'mastered' the art of boarding and staying atop since he and Kirin last served together.

"I was meanin' ta 'pologize fer earlier a' tha' monast'ry, Kirin. Healin's a necess'ry thing, an' I shudda held me tongue w'out tryin' ta cheapen it. So, are ye well?"


First Post
"Greetings and well come Rurik, my name is Artax. If we are going to be working together, I believe I will be the scout for the group, as no one else has mentioned any inclinations in that direction."

"Kirin, I am somewhat suprised to hear that there are actual enclaves of Mortalists. The impression I recieved was that we were few and far between. Though now that I think about it, that impression may be partially due to my guardian, he always insisted that I join a 'proper' church."


Rurik - Dwarven Fighter 3

"'Ow d'ye do, Artax? I do a bit o' fightin', an' a bit o' smithin'. I also 'ave tools."

Rurik looks over his shoulder to indicate his backpack. If it were possible, the items seem even more poorly arranged than before at the Inn.

[Updating my sheet to indicate some extra items: the warpony (which Rurik now owns), saddle, bridle and tack; and an extra grappling hook, intended as a gift to another adventurer.]
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Kahuna Burger

First Post
Kirin replies to Nodis, "If we keep up a good pace, and don't take any long lunches, we should be ableto get there a little past nightfall. Hi,Atreyu," she adds to the mule.

Rurik arrives on a black warpony, having slightly 'mastered' the art of boarding and staying atop since he and Kirin last served together.

"I was meanin' ta 'pologize fer earlier a' tha' monast'ry, Kirin. Healin's a necess'ry thing, an' I shudda held me tongue w'out tryin' ta cheapen it. So, are ye well?"

The gnome blushes a little. "I wasn't exactly the picture of tact myself, Rurik. Those twisted souls shook me badly, and I tried too hard to get you all to face them on the terms that would have made me most effective - but then we wouldn't have been able to join forces with the other group. I might make the same sort of suggestions again, but I hope I'll be better at explaining myself." After a while of riding, she says, "I did some research on what sort of magic could make a transformation like that against one's will and what magic exists to reverse such a thing. Most of it is beyond my abilities now, but I know what direction to look in, at least."

artax said:
"Kirin, I am somewhat suprised to hear that there are actual enclaves of Mortalists. The impression I recieved was that we were few and far between. Though now that I think about it, that impression may be partially due to my guardian, he always insisted that I join a 'proper' church."

"We aren't as prevelant as true churches, but the hospices and meeting houses are becoming more widespread. One doesn't have to be a mortalist for their aid to be welcomed there, and when I was a child we would often have guests who were priests or palidans dedicated to gods which were less popular in our area. I came to feel that what a person believes about gods is significantly less important than what they believe about their fellow mortals.... But we'd better pick up the pace if I have the luxury of boring preaching." She smilesa little and tugs on the mule's lead rope.

Voidrunner's Codex

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