Fort Knocks - knight otu judging


dpdx said:
"What did ever do to yer what would make ye not say three kind words ta me since we met, then ask me if since I was a dwarf, would I like ta mine?

Lemme turn it round-like on ye: do ye like to work? Prolly not, eh? But it's what we all do, innit?

"Sure" says Nodis. "Are you suggesting I´m wrong?"

ooc: I´d say money rewards are now "official", so I´m adding 3000 gps worth of equipment(minus the cost of a restoration spell) to Nodis´sheet. I´ll start with a mithril chain shirt, and a cloak of resistance +1.

I´ll see you in the Inn thread!
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"Sure" says Nodis. "Are you suggesting I´m wrong?"

Rurik rounds calmly on the psion, eyes ablaze.

"About me, indeed, ye are. An' the last man what could nae' hol' his tongue 'bout the mountain people en't up nae havin' one ter talk with.

Away with ye to the cleric. Ye are in no condition to be havin' this conversation.


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Dismayed, Father Eusebius watches the antagonism between Rurik and Nodis, previously held in check by a mutual goal, now escalate.

"Friends, pax, peace. We have faced foul foes together, and together defeated our enemies. Do not let us part company in rancour."

Aside to Rurik he murmurs, "Don't worry, Rurik. All of us were young once - and most of us were foolish. He will learn - eventually."

Kahuna Burger

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Boddynock said:
As to the mine, what would be the ingame benefits of not selling E's share? I figure that he could go either way - he doesn't really need the possessions, except to aid him in his battle against the undead scourge, but I'm rather taken with the idea of him actually having a share in the mine. Still, need to balance that against the fact that character progression and effectiveness generally includes the acquisition of better equipment.

So, what's the deal if he keeps his share? Are there any mechanical benefits or is it solely a RP decision?

well, in a single DM game, I would award occasional dividends and there would of course be future plot hooks a plenty. in the multiDM system we have here it could get complicated. was the job system ever apporved? because we could give E a specially apporved job of "investor" with a small income and maybe a %discount on certain metal goods due to his stonespike connections....


Boddynock said:
"Friends, pax, peace. We have faced foul foes together, and together defeated our enemies. Do not let us part company in rancour."

"Come on, E." coughs Nodis. "It´s not as bad as you think, this is normal."

"After all, dwarves are grumpy. Everyone knows that."


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Eusebius smiles and claps Nodis (gently) on the shoulder. "Nodis, be careful of what 'everyone knows'. Common knowledge, especially to an adventurer, can be a two-edged sword. Now, let's get you to a temple for that healing which my own simple prayers cannot provide."


Rurik waves a stumpy arm at Eusebius after Nodis has left. "So'n ye will be at Orussus fer a spell, then. I will send a delivery for ye when I have finished yer spiked chain.

Ye have been a boon companion, young cleric. Go ye well...


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dpdx said:
Rurik waves a stumpy arm at Eusebius after Nodis has left. "So'n ye will be at Orussus fer a spell, then. I will send a delivery for ye when I have finished yer spiked chain.

Ye have been a boon companion, young cleric. Go ye well...
"Rurik, my friend, I count it an honour to have travelled with you, and to have fought by your side. You have taught me much - of battle, of honour, of generosity and, though you will not thank me for saying it, of greatness of spirit."

"I will, indeed, be in Orussus for a while. And I thank you for your generous gift. It will be put to good use, I assure you - and all the more treasured since it will be the work of a dwarf I am proud to call friend."

"I hope that we can journey together again some time soon. And now, go in peace - and may the light of the Shining One, as well as the flame of Chennet, warm and enliven you, now and forever!"


"Bye, E. I could make an sculpture or something to remember this adventure, but it´d dissapear in a few hours."

"Unless we take a mould, with plaster or the like."

Voidrunner's Codex

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