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Freeport- Part 1: the Problem with Crematoriums

Karl Green

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Father Finnegan Reel nods his head and wanders off toward the last pier, muttering to himself “Dear or dear, just terrible… how will we get a replacement for that lad… oh dearest goddess Wes Jas, why do you test your faithful servant in such a matter?

The Sergeant nods as Torren Blackquill comes up and raises an eyebrow toward Kitsch. Looking back at Torren he says “Oi now iffin ye known poor Warty Pete then I be sorry ye ya. Anyway I’m sure the priest would be letting whomever wants to go along… cour’sen I bet ye a crown that he don’t go…” to Black Jack he says “Well I have the boat set over to the last dock iffin you wants to meet it over there

[OCC JimAde - sure you can assume that, I don’t mind AT all if you guys take “little” liberties to the story at all]

[*no one is really looking at the body that much Kitsch, as they seem to be talking. You see that a couple of the Watch are just coming this way with a stretcher to remove the body but you have a few seconds where no one is looking around, you do a quick search but he does not seem to be carrying anything. No one seems to notice what you are doing at all though (including other players). You do notice that Warty Pete does have a lot of warts, but some of them around his hands and feet are really big and have a slightly black coloring to them. You might have seen him before and don’t quit remember the warts being this bad*]

[OCC Ferrix - Ah like the idea of using ~ for handsign, good touch]

[OCC rangerjohn – again sorry about the Black Tom… not sure what I was thinking there; I changed my reply above]

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Villard human ranger/rogue

Karl Green said:
[*no one is really looking at the body that much Kitsch, as they seem to be talking. You see that a couple of the Watch are just coming this way with a stretcher to remove the body but you have a few seconds where no one is looking around, you do a quick search but he does not seem to be carrying anything. No one seems to notice what you are doing at all though (including other players). You do notice that Warty Pete does have a lot of warts, but some of them around his hands and feet are really big and have a slightly black coloring to them. You might have seen him before and don’t quit remember the warts being this bad*]
Villard is getting out of the boat, his girlfriend body in his arm. As he walks towards the crematorium, he notices the small crowd and approaches it.

[OOC Is it ok if I introduce myself like this?]
[OOC Villard has 10 in spot did he noticed Kitsch fooling around the body]

Karl Green

First Post
[OCC no problem their DarkMaster, but the Crematorium is actually out on an island about 2 miles away. The "black dock" as it were is on the docks of Freeport and that is where you character would be heading...]

Mournfully walking down the docks, Villard is gently carrying the shroud-covered body of his dear Enrama when he notices the commotion on the pier. Members of the watch are packing up a body that looks to have drowned or something. There is a rather odd assortment of people gathered around the body… four stick out in particular, a human in fine clothing (this is one of the worst parts of town, lots of beggars and poor sailors, so money tends to stick out), a large monkey like creature that Villard believes is called a filcher, an elf dressed in black, and another human who looks to be a priest of kind carrying a very fine bastard sword [OCC –sorry there hammerhead but I just assume that anything made out of Adamantine is going to be VERY nice indeed :)]. they are talking to a Sergeant of the Watch as another priest brushes by you muttering about the problems of the world and why always him (this is Father Finnegan Reel). *Looking around Villard notices that the flinch seems very interested in the body of the dead man, not so much touching it but that he is very close looking it over really well* Villard also hears the Sergeant talking about the possible troubles out at the Crematorium. Most of the crowd has broken up but there is still muttering about what might be happening out at the the ‘tomb and burn’ and anyone crazy enough to handle the dead would be crazy enough to go a swimmin’ in their cloths, etc.

Zoraster Surefoot is wondering around down in Scurvytown, looking for a cheap yet respectable place to say to stretch his meager wealth as long as he possible can when he also notices the actives of going on. He catches the tail end of the conversation but he is pretty sure he heard something about trouble off somewhere out of town, and that there was the possibility of money or reward involved…

[OCC assume that you both can post now]

[OCC dang, mixed up rangerjohn and hammerhead... sign... must drink more coffee before posting in the morning]
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Fetrith Fade

Fifty gold coins, eh? I could certainly use some cash...was it only last week I found that pirate treasure. Where did it all go? Oh, yeah. Heh, that was pretty fun, and I only remember half of it!

A smile on his face, Fentrith Fade readjusts his holy symbol, displaying it more prominently on his chest. He extends his hand to Torren in greeting, while observing Villard from the corner of his eye.

"Well, my name be Fentrith, Fentrith Fade. And it seems to me that checkin' out some little tomb is more than worth a pocketful of coins. Plus, I don't know about the rest of you, but Reel's story stinks worse than ol' Pete will in a few days."

Fentrith chuckles at his joke, then continues. "It would seem to be a pretty simple sail to check out the tomb and burn, and in case there's some kind of trouble there, well, safety in numbers."


First Post
Zoraster Surefoot, Swashbuckler

Upon noticing the group and overhearing a bit of their conversation, Zoraster will immediately approach them.

"Excuse, did someone mention trouble and money? Because those happen to be two things I'm paticularly good with. Zoraster Surefoot at your service. Pleased to meet you, Fentrith. What seems to be the problem?"

Zoraster looks at the group expectantly, and makes sure he's standing in a position where everyone can see his shining armor.


First Post
Villard human ranger/rogue

Hammerhead said:
Fifty gold coins, eh? I could certainly use some cash...was it only last week I found that pirate treasure. Where did it all go? Oh, yeah. Heh, that was pretty fun, and I only remember half of it!

A smile on his face, Fentrith Fade readjusts his holy symbol, displaying it more prominently on his chest. He extends his hand to Torren in greeting, while observing Villard from the corner of his eye.

"Well, my name be Fentrith, Fentrith Fade. And it seems to me that checkin' out some little tomb is more than worth a pocketful of coins. Plus, I don't know about the rest of you, but Reel's story stinks worse than ol' Pete will in a few days."

Fentrith chuckles at his joke, then continues. "It would seem to be a pretty simple sail to check out the tomb and burn, and in case there's some kind of trouble there, well, safety in numbers."
Villard, not caring at all about the money but wanting to put her beloved one in a proper resting place more than anything, steps forward showing absolutely no emotions.

50 gp nowadays you go nowhere with that, why are they getting so excited about it, most of them will probably spend it quicker than they earn it. I don't know if I should mingle with those people, but I really need to find her a decent resting place.

Villard then start looking at the sky trying to predict the weather for the coming days.

[OOC Villard has survival 8 +2 with knowledge nature above ground, so survival 10]


First Post
Torren shakes each proferred hand once, firmly.

"Pleased to meet you all. Well this is turning into quite a mob." He looks around at the assembled men (and Kitsch) and says, "If we're going to do this, let's get started. Oh, before I forget," he says gesturing at the filcher, "This is Kitsch. His people are unable to speak, but he can understand our language just fine." A rueful smirk crosses Torren's face. "He's much smarter than he looks. Play cards with him at your own risk."

"I'd like to run back to my shop and pick up a few things. I can meet you all at the black pier in fifteen minutes. Agreed?"
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Karl Green

First Post
DarkMaster said:
[OOC Villard has survival 8 +2 with knowledge nature above ground, so survival 10]

*Looking at the sky and felling the wind on his face, Villard can tell that it is going to rain tonight, probably pretty hard. Not the kind of night you would want to be out in a small boat; roll 13 +10 =23*

The Sergeant of the watch says to the group (that Villard is standing a bit away from but can still hear what is being said) "Well I got me some Orc troubles to be a dealing with, iffin any a whos is going, you should head on over to the 'Black Pier', that be where Father Finnegan Reel wandered off to... and iffin you ask me all them death cult followers have more secrets than fish in the sea. Sure hope the 'tomb and burn' is ok, causen we an't got many other places to put the dead, septin' maybe the sea. Good luck to ya all"

The Sergeant and two of his men move all while the other two start walking down the dock with the body of poor Warty Pete on a strecher... heading towards the last dock, that is of course painted black (about 5 docks down, and the very last one on this side of Freeport)


First Post
Villard human ranger/rogue

My word usually do not have a strong impact but there is no way I go in this boat tonight with this storm coming. These people are crazy.

"I am willing to go with you, but not tonight, the weather is too bad and we all risk dying before we even get there. I also suggest we get a bit more information about this place tonight and prepare ourself accordingly. Also it would be nice if we could figure out how the poor man died, if we don't want to die the same way. I think monkey man [OOC no social skill] already started the investigation"

Then I look around to see how the people will react to this suggestion.

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