FRP RPG sucks

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If i tell you everything you will not have enought will to read it. Final plans:
1 point can give you a skill or a passive or 16 hp or 2 dmg or 0,5 hpr (0-1). I will give players development plans and they will spend orbs to buy this packets than they will be stronger. If i give freedom; people always use same tactics and builds than it becomes not fun; so i iwill choose how they can develop their characters.

So how many skills passives and power you have based on your decisions. You can play without skills and passives and win the game because having a skill costs 1 point its not free thing you get by level. There will be no levels; only your point value so start with 16 point than gain points by purchasing upgrades by using orbs. Characters, classes will be premade.

Each turn refresh 1 cooldown of 1 skill and also roll a crit dice to make a cooldown 0 so if you have too many skills and all in cooldown you need to refresh them 1 by 1 unlike all other games. So as you get many skills you can use better things to fit to situation but you will have many cooldowns and have low points because getting skills cost points. By the way skills can have different elements so you can hit undead with holy light and tree with fire.

Goal of the game is making everything possible like Superman is fighting against Master Yi or Ichigo. However in FRP characters cant be balanced no matter how hard you try. By the way nobody tries to be strong and win the game but this is a pvp pve game so power is also important. There is also funny mathmatics side of the game.

Your damage must not be higher than targets HP otherwise your damage get wasted. If you have high offensive and speed you can kill or debuff enemy before it acts. If you go full armor, dodge, hpr; you can be immortal. High HP is best way to make a damage dealer tanky because HP is very cheap and there is no lifesteal based on damage in this game; even it is lifesteal will be very weak so it can be balanced. There is also range and movespeed you can kite things and be annoying infinitely. If your dodge and hpr is very high, you will heal before you die so you will always win. Armor and Hpr also does the same thing but most things go full damage rather than full accuracy because accuracy doesnt kill things. Also you can make wrestling in this game and wrestlers have high wrestling skill but they suck at combat. If you make your Atk and Hit equal, you will have highest dps. So thats why i dont let people to build their own hero because they will ruin the fun. Also BattleTech is very good and i wanted to build a BattleTech clone but can you summon units or do fighter skills or Ichigo stuff in a system like Battletech or Xcom; this is the thing. Use machines but use cleric skills with them; how can i combine DnD with BattleTech; thinking about that.

Wrestling will be mostly based on luck. Total base points your character have + hit rate (hit rate is used 2 times) + 3x wrestling( multiply by you current hp/ your max HP) than multiply by dice roll. So wrestling mostly based on dice. ıf you losing the combat you use wrestling for being a toxic player. For starting wrestling; you need to land a melee hit than instead of dealing damage, start the wrestling. For dealing damage by wrestling you need to win it many turns in a row if noone can win wrestling than noone will take damage and it takes very much time to kill something by wrestling. If winner decides to finish wrestling; wrestling stops ETC ETC..

Asking how to do something “illegally” is a sure way to get moderator attention, and potentially banned. Don’t repeat that mistake.I really liked detailed mecha board games. Like overheating enemies by missiles or hitting the leg for slowing the enemy; than suprise attacks, running attacks for increasing dodge. Also in this systems mostly moving person gaining buffs and it is very good because campers are losers.

Factories, industry; economy is consuming the Earth. We need to stop rich people and there is too much humans and too much freedom. Humans cant have thousands of babies and cant burn fire whenever they want. We need to be dictator.

There is realy 14 16 20 sided dices; its look like all even numbers have dice.
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You are a demon from Earths core; Earth is eating us. Everything was a lie. Earth want to make us sad. Earth is created this fake universe and humans around us are all fake.


You didnt send me email. They said you cant see stars in space because sun makes all stars invisible. I am sure this universe is fake and you are vampires that trying to make me sad.


Where to begin?
Wierdness galore? Even in epic amounts- such as here- that’s OK.

But the politics, cursing, and rape advocacy? None of that flies here. You’re done.
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