D&D 5E Full List of Monsters in Mordenkainen Presents Monsters of the Multiverse

Mordenkainen Presents Monsters of the Multiverse contains revamped stat blocks for 260 monsters previously published in previous Dungeons & Dragons 5E books. The list was compiled by YouTuber Bob Worldbuilder based on some blurry screenshots originally shared by Nerd Immersion (see the video below). I have transcribed it here for convenience...

Mordenkainen Presents Monsters of the Multiverse contains revamped stat blocks for 260 monsters previously published in previous Dungeons & Dragons 5E books. The list was compiled by YouTuber Bob Worldbuilder based on some blurry screenshots originally shared by Nerd Immersion (see the video below). I have transcribed it here for convenience.

  • Abishai (Black, Blue, Green, Red, White)
  • Alhoon
  • Alkilith
  • Allip
  • Amnizu
  • Annis Hag
  • Archdruid
  • Archer
  • Armanite
  • Astral Deadnought
  • Babau
  • Bael
  • Balhannoth
  • Banderhobb
  • Baphomet
  • Bard
  • Barghest
  • Berbalang
  • Bheur Hag
  • Blackguard
  • Bodak
  • Boggle
  • Boneclaw
  • Bulezau
  • Cadaver Collector
  • Canoloth
  • Catoblepas
  • Cattle (Aurochs, Ox, Stench Kow, Deep Rothe)
  • Cave Fisher
  • Champion
  • Chitine
  • Choker
  • Choldrith
  • Clockwork (Bronze Scout, Iron Cobra, Oaken Bolter, Stone Defender)
  • Cloud Giant Smiling One
  • Corpse Flower
  • Cranium Rat, Swarm of Cranium Rat
  • Darkling, Darkling Elder
  • Death Kiss
  • Deathlock, Deathlock Mastermind, Deathlock Wight
  • Deep Scion
  • Demogorgon
  • Derro, Derro Savant
  • Devourer
  • Dhergoloth
  • Dinosaurs (Brontosaurus, Deinonychus, Dimetrodon, Hadrosaurus, Quetzalcoatlus, Stegosaurus, Velociraptor)
  • Dolphin, Dolphin Delighter
  • Draegloth
  • Drow (Arachnomancer, Favored Consort, House Captain, Inquisitor, Matron Mother, Shadowblade)
  • Duergar (Despot, Kavalrachni, Mind Master, Soulblade, Stone Guard, Warlord, Xarrorn, Hammerer, Screamer)
  • Dybbuk
  • Eidolon
  • Eladrin (Autumn, Spring, Summer, Winter)
  • Elder Brain
  • Elder Tempest
  • Elemental Myrmidon (Air, Earth, Fire, Water)
  • Fire Giant Dreadnought
  • Firenewt (Warrior, Warlock of Imix)
  • Flail Snail
  • Flind
  • Fraz-Urb'luu
  • Froghemoth
  • Frost Giant Everlasting One
  • Frost Salamander
  • Gauth
  • Gazer
  • Geryon
  • Giant Strider
  • Giff
  • Girallon
  • Githyanki (Gish, Kith'rak, Supreme Commander, Anarch, Enlightened)
  • Gnoll (Flesh Gnawer, Hunter, Witherling)
  • Gray Render
  • Grazz't
  • Grung (Elite Warrior, Wildling)
  • Guard Drake
  • Hellfire Engine
  • Hobgoblin (Devastator, Iron Shadow)
  • Howler
  • Hutijin
  • Hydroloth
  • Juiblex
  • Ki-Rin
  • Kobold (Dragonshield, Inventor, Scale Sorcerer)
  • Korred
  • Kraken Priest
  • Kruthik (Hive Lord, Adult, Young)
  • Leucrotta
  • Leviathan
  • Martial Arts Adept
  • Marut
  • Master Thief
  • Maurezhi
  • Maw Demon
  • Meazel
  • Meenlock
  • Merregon
  • Merrenoloth
  • Mindwitness
  • Moloch
  • Molydeus
  • Morkoth
  • Mouth of Grolantor
  • Nabassu
  • Nagpa
  • Narzugon
  • Neogi, Neogi Hatchling, Neogi Master
  • Neothelid
  • Nightwalker
  • Nilbog
  • Nupperibo
  • Oblex (Spawn, Adult, Elder)
  • Ogre (Battering Ram, Bolt Launcher, Chain Brute, Howdah)
  • Oinoloth
  • Orcus
  • Orthon
  • Phoenix
  • Quickling
  • Redcap
  • Retriever
  • Rutterkin
  • Sea Spawn
  • Shadar Kai (Gloom Weaver, Shadow Dancer, Soul Monger)
  • Shadow Mastiff, Shadow Mastiff Alpha
  • Shoosuva
  • Sibriex
  • Skulk
  • Skull Lord
  • Slithering Tracker
  • Shadowsworn (The Angry, The Hungry, The Lonely, The Lost, The Wretched)
  • Spawn of Kyuss
  • Star Spawn (Grue, Hulk, Lava Mage, Mangler, Seer)
  • Steeder (Female, Male)
  • Steel Predator
  • Stone Cursed
  • Stone Giant Dreamwalker
  • Storm Giant Quintessent
  • Swarm of Rot Grubs
  • Swachbuckler
  • Sword Wraith (Commander, Warrior)
  • Tanarukk
  • Titivilus
  • Tlincalli
  • Tortle
  • Turtle Druid
  • Trapper
  • Troll (Dire, Rot, Spirit, Venom)
  • Ulitharid
  • Vampiric Mist
  • Vargouille
  • Vegepygmy, Vegepygmy Chief, Vegepygmy Thorny
  • War Priest
  • Warlock (of the Archfey, Fiend, Great Old One)
  • Warlord
  • Wastrilith
  • Wizard (Apprentice, Abjurer, Conjurer, Diviner, Enchanter, Evoker, Illusionist, Necromancer, Transmuter)
  • Wood Woad
  • Xvart, Xvart Warlock of Raxivort
  • Yagnoloth
  • Yeenoghu
  • Yeah Hound
  • Yuan-ti (Anathema, Broodguard, Mind Whisperer, Nightmare Speaker, Pit Master)
  • Zaratan
  • Zariel
  • Zuggtmoy

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Can't say I like the loincloth there. It makes them look less alien. I'd rather they had no genitalia, personally. Well, I'd rather they had something weird and alien there, but I understand why they wouldn't draw that.

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